Graduate School (Masters in Math) Question

In summary, the person is currently in their 3rd year of university and did well in their first term, with grades ranging from A+ to B+. However, their current term is not going well and they received a failing grade on a test for a math course. They are concerned about how graduate schools will view their transcript, but it is mentioned that schools look at more than just grades. It is suggested to put in a good effort to avoid a downward trend in grades and to try to figure out why the person did not do as well as they wanted. It is also mentioned that relevant grades and trends are important for graduate school applications.
  • #1
Here is my situation;

I am currently in my 3rd year.

My first term, I had an A+ A A- and B+ in all my math courses (real analysis, advanced diff, stocastic, and modelling)

Those are okay grades, not bad.

This term, I have all math courses again (4th year real analysis, complex analysis, problem solving and 2nd numerical linear algebra)

This term isn't going so well :confused:

I got a my numerical linear algebra test back and --- FAIL .

What to grad schools look at? I mean, how do they look at your grades?

Do they look at it individually or cumulative GPA or what?

Im expecting my marks to go down the drain this year (probably a B- avg.)

I would like info on how exactly grad schools read you transcript please :smile:
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  • #2
by the way, i never like linear algebra...i allways hated it..its awefull.

I only took it because it was an Applied Mathematics Specialization requirement.
  • #3
Almost no matter what your grades are (within reason!), there will likely be a school somewhere that would accept you. One semester at a B- average isn't bad. Just put in a good effort so that the downward trend doesn't continue and you should be fine. Schools look at more than just grades. TRENDS in grades, research, extra curriculars and recommendation letters are some that come to mind.

Try to find out why you didn't do as well as you liked. If you can figure that out, not only would it improve your grades, but it would be something you can talk about in your essay if you have to write one for the schools you apply for.

Good luck
  • #4
At least in my case, the general trend was the important thing. I had pretty bad grades the first year but by the last year I had top marks only, this made it very easy to get into a top graduate school (in Sweden). Also, grades in relevant subjects seems more important than average grade, at least over here.

FAQ: Graduate School (Masters in Math) Question

What is a Masters in Math program?

A Masters in Math program is a graduate-level program that focuses on advanced mathematical concepts and theories. It typically takes 1-2 years to complete and prepares students for careers in academia, research, or industry.

What are the admission requirements for a Masters in Math program?

The specific admission requirements may vary depending on the university, but generally, applicants are expected to have a strong background in mathematics, including courses such as calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. They may also need to submit letters of recommendation, transcripts, and a statement of purpose.

What can I do with a Masters in Math degree?

A Masters in Math degree can lead to various career opportunities, including roles in academia, research, data analysis, finance, and more. It can also serve as a stepping stone to a PhD program for those interested in pursuing a career in research or teaching.

Do I need to have a Bachelor's degree in Math to apply for a Masters in Math program?

While most Masters in Math programs do require a strong background in mathematics, it is not always necessary to have a Bachelor's degree specifically in math. Some programs may accept applicants with a degree in a related field, such as physics, engineering, or computer science, as long as they have taken the necessary math courses.

What is the difference between a Masters in Math and a PhD in Math?

A Masters in Math program typically focuses on coursework and may require students to complete a research project or thesis. On the other hand, a PhD in Math is a research-based program that requires students to complete a dissertation and make a significant contribution to the field of mathematics. A Masters degree is usually a prerequisite for a PhD program.

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