Graph States for Quantum Secret Sharing

In summary: So, in summary, the encoded graph state in equation (3.9) is defined as the tensor product of Pauli Z operators on each qubit, and the graph state in equation (3.13) is an example of a three-qubit labeled graph state. However, there may be a typo in the definition of [itex]\left|G\right>[\itex] as it cannot have imaginary amplitudes due to the nature of controlled phase operations.
  • #1
In Graph States for Quantum Secret Sharing on page 3 :

‘…The “encoded graph state” is $$\left| {{G_{{{\vec l}_{*2}}}}} \right\rangle = \mathop \otimes \limits_i Z_i^{{l_{i2}}}\left| G \right\rangle $$ . (3.9) …

Example 1. The three-qubit labeled graph state presented
in Fig. 1 is the encoded graph state

$$\left| {{G_{{{\vec l}_{*2}}}}} \right\rangle = Z_1^{{l_{12}}} \otimes Z_2^{{l_{22}}} \otimes Z_3^{{l_{32}}}\left( {\frac{{\left| {0 + + } \right\rangle + i\left| {1 - - } \right\rangle }}{{\sqrt 2 }}} \right)$$ , (3.13) …’

I understand that $$\mathop \otimes \limits_i Z_i^{{l_{i2}}} = Z_1^{{l_{12}}} \otimes Z_2^{{l_{22}}} \otimes Z_3^{{l_{32}}}$$

But I don’t understand why $$\left| G \right\rangle = \left( {\frac{{\left| {0 + + } \right\rangle + i\left| {1 - - } \right\rangle }}{{\sqrt 2 }}} \right)$$

I ask explain to me – why it is so


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  • #2
It might just be a typo. From definition 3, [itex]\left( \left|0++\right>+i\left|1--\right> \right)/\sqrt{2} [\itex] is supposed to be the graph state [itex]\left| G \right>[\itex]. If I am correct in that assumption then [itex] \left|G\right> [\itex] cannot have any imaginary amplitudes. This is because you can create the graph by doing a series of controlled phases, one for each edge of the graph, to the state [itex]\left|+\right>^{\otimes 3}[\itex]. Controlled phases can only change the phase of a computational basis state by [itex]-1[\itex].

FAQ: Graph States for Quantum Secret Sharing

1. What are graph states for quantum secret sharing?

Graph states for quantum secret sharing are a type of quantum state that can be used for secret sharing protocols. These states are created by entangling multiple qubits, or quantum bits, in a specific pattern dictated by a graph. The entanglement between the qubits allows for the sharing of secret information between multiple parties.

2. How do graph states differ from other types of quantum states?

Graph states differ from other types of quantum states in that they are specifically designed for secret sharing protocols. They are created by entangling qubits in a specific pattern, instead of random entanglement like in other quantum states. This pattern is determined by a graph, which can be customized for different secret sharing schemes.

3. What are the advantages of using graph states for quantum secret sharing?

There are several advantages to using graph states for quantum secret sharing. Firstly, they are highly efficient in terms of qubit usage, meaning that fewer qubits are needed compared to other quantum states. Additionally, the entanglement structure of graph states allows for more flexibility in designing secret sharing protocols. They also have a high level of security, as any attempt to eavesdrop on the shared secret would disrupt the entanglement and be detectable by the other parties.

4. How are graph states created and manipulated?

Graph states can be created by performing quantum operations, such as controlled-not (CNOT) gates, on a set of qubits according to the entanglement pattern specified by the graph. These operations can also be used to manipulate the graph state and perform operations such as measurement and encryption of the shared secret. However, the specific operations needed will depend on the chosen graph and secret sharing protocol.

5. What are the potential applications of graph states for quantum secret sharing?

Graph states for quantum secret sharing have potential applications in fields such as secure communication, cryptography, and distributed computing. They can also be used in conjunction with other quantum technologies, such as quantum key distribution, to enhance the security of shared information. Additionally, ongoing research is exploring the use of graph states for quantum secret sharing in quantum networks and multi-party scenarios.
