Graph Theory - bipartite related proof

In summary, the maximum number of edges in a simple bipartite graph with n vertices is at most n^2/4. This can be proven through induction by considering the possible number of edges when n vertices are partitioned into two subsets. Alternatively, one can also use the concept of symmetry to show that the maximum number of edges occurs when there is an equal number of vertices in each subset. This results in a maximum of n^2/4 edges for an odd number of vertices.
  • #1
How to prove that the number of edges in a simple bipartite graph with n vertices is at most n^2/4?

Definition of bipartite graph: a graph whose vertex-set can be partitioned into two subsets such that every edge has one endpoint in one part and one endpoint in the other part.

I try to use induction to prove this problem.

Let n: represents the total # of vertices in a simple bipartite graph (n in positive integer)
Let P(n) = [n^2/4]: represents the max # of edges a simple bipartite graph can have in positive integer


n = 0, P(n) = [0^2/4] = 0 (null vertex is trivial)
n = 1, P(n) = [1^2/4] = 0 (I don’t think 1 vertex can have a simple bipartite graph)
n = 2, P(n) = [2^2/4] = 1 ok
n = 3, P(n) = [3^2/4] = 2 ok
n = 4, P(n) = [4^2/4] = 4 ok

So let n>=4
Assume that P(n-1) = [(n-1)^2/4] is true for all n >=4
Prove that P(n) = [n^2/4] is true

How to prove P(n) = [n^2/4] is true?
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  • #2
Induction seems like it would run into the problem of depending on how you have partitioned the nodes of the previous graph (with n-1 nodes) into two halves. Here is possibly an alternate approach. Suppose your graph has n vertices total; if it is bipartite, there is a way to partition the vertices into two sets, V1 with x vertices and V2 with n-x vertices. See if you can find how many possible edges can result as a function of x.
  • #3
Okay, so by looking at my original assumption P(n-1)=[(n-1)^2/4]=[(n^2-2n+1)/4]=[n^2/4+(1-2n)/4]

So now I need to prove that by adding additional one vertex in result of adding additional (2n-1)/4 edges for all n>5.

So P(n)=P(n-1)+(2n-1)/4= [n^2/4+(1-2n)/4+(2n-1)/4]=[n^2/4]

But how to prove by adding additional one vertex would result in additional (2n-1)/4 edges added though?
  • #4
From your definition if follows that if the number of vertices in one part is m, then the number in the other part is ?

Then the maximal number of edges is ??

It is very simple algebra that this [tex] \leq n^2/4 [/tex].

Simple if I am not mistaken - I don't say the most insightful.
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  • #5
Maybe more insightful is to ask what happens to the maximum number of edges if you move a vertex from the minority set to the majority set?

Then think conjecture - you don't need to prove it by itself - that, as usual, the extremal - here maximal - situation is the most symmetric situation. If you have an equal number of vertices in each set, n/2 in each, that is a maximum of n2/4 edges in your bipartite graph for that arrangement. Apply the above argument. Work it out for an odd number of vertices.
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FAQ: Graph Theory - bipartite related proof

1. What is a bipartite graph?

A bipartite graph is a type of graph where the vertices can be divided into two distinct sets such that no two vertices within the same set are connected by an edge. In other words, all edges in a bipartite graph connect vertices from one set to vertices in the other set.

2. How is a bipartite graph represented?

A bipartite graph is typically represented using two different colors to indicate the two sets of vertices. Sometimes, the sets are also labeled as "left" and "right" or "top" and "bottom" for easier visualization.

3. What is a bipartite related proof?

A bipartite related proof is a mathematical proof that involves the use of bipartite graphs and their properties. It is often used to show the existence or non-existence of certain patterns or structures in a problem.

4. How can bipartite graphs be used in real-world applications?

Bipartite graphs have many real-world applications, such as modeling relationships between two different entities, such as students and classes, or employees and projects. They are also used in matchmaking algorithms, recommendation systems, and network flow problems.

5. What is the significance of the concept of "bipartiteness" in graph theory?

The concept of bipartiteness is significant in graph theory because it allows for the classification of graphs into two distinct categories, which can make certain problems easier to solve. It also has applications in various fields, such as computer science, biology, and social sciences.
