Graphing an oblique circular cone.

In summary, the conversation discusses the challenges of rendering radial gradients and the search for an elegant solution. The speaker suggests representing the gradient as an inverted cone and using a quadric surface equation to find the ratio with which to interpolate colors. However, this only works for right circular or elliptical cones, and the speaker is looking for an equation that can graph an oblique cone. They are unable to find information on this and are seeking assistance.
  • #1
I have recently experimented with algorithms for rendering colour gradients. Linear gradients are no problem, but radial gradients have proved to be somewhat more difficult. A radial gradient focused at the centre is simply a matter of measuring the distance of a pixel from the centre and comparing it to the radius of the gradient. I found that the most elegant solution was to represent the gradient as an inverted cone of height 1.0. This way, with a single equation I can discover the ratio with which to interpolate colours. I used the following quadric surface equation:

[itex]\frac{x^{2}}{a^{2}} + \frac{y^{2}}{b^{2}} - \frac{z^{2}}{c^{2}} = 0[/itex]

Solving for z, I get the ratio.

The problem is that this works only for right circular or elliptical cones. If the apex is not above the centre, as with an oblique cone, this equation will not help me. I need this because a radial gradient's focus need not be at its centre. I can discover the ratio via a line-circle intersection, but I feel that representing the gradient as an oblique cone would be more elegant and probably more efficient. Unfortunately, I cannot find any information on how one might graph such a cone and my math education is limited to introductory single-variable calculus -- and that was over a decade ago. As such, deriving the correct equation myself is beyond me.

Can anyone help me find such an equation, assuming one exists?

I have attached an example of the kind of radial gradient I would like to reproduce.


  • radial.png
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  • #2
I've come to the conclusion that an oblique circular cone is merely a right elliptical cone. The bottom of the oblique cone is a conic section that is inclined such that the ellipse is now a circle. Unfortunately, this doesn't help me much, as I'm sure that rotating a quadric surface involves some very complex math.

FAQ: Graphing an oblique circular cone.

What is a graph of an oblique circular cone?

A graph of an oblique circular cone is a visual representation of a three-dimensional cone that is slanted or tilted at an angle. This type of cone has a circular base and a curved surface that narrows as it goes up.

How is the graph of an oblique circular cone different from a regular circular cone?

The main difference between the two is the angle at which the cone is positioned. A regular circular cone is positioned vertically, while an oblique circular cone is positioned at an angle. This results in a skewed or elongated shape for the oblique cone compared to the symmetrical shape of a regular cone.

What are the key elements of a graph of an oblique circular cone?

The key elements of a graph of an oblique circular cone include the center of the base, the radius of the base, the height of the cone, and the angle of tilt. These elements are used to plot the curved surface and create a visual representation of the cone.

What are some real-life applications of an oblique circular cone?

Oblique circular cones are commonly used in engineering and architecture for designing structures such as chimneys, cooling towers, and silos. They are also used in mathematics and physics to represent various concepts and equations.

What are some tips for graphing an oblique circular cone accurately?

To accurately graph an oblique circular cone, it is important to carefully measure and plot the center of the base, the radius, and the height. It is also helpful to use a protractor to accurately measure the angle of tilt. Additionally, using graph paper or a computer program can help create a more precise and visually appealing graph.

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