Graphing Calculator for Physics Major - Need Hi-Tech or Not?

In summary, a graphing calculator is almost a necessity for a physics major, but there are many different types and levels of calculators available. Get one that is affordable and fits your needs.
  • #1
I'm going to be a new physics major in the fall. I think a graphing calculator is almost a necessity, but how "hi-tech" do I need? The graphing calculators from TI range anywheres from $100-$150. Do I need to get top-of-the-line? I don't want to spend an extra $50 if I don't need to, but I don't want to spend $100 on a calculator and not have it be good enough either.

Thanks! :approve:
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  • #2
I really don't think you need to. I never bought one. Surely your university/college has a Mathematica/Maple license. You can also do a lot of graphing with Excel.

Do your research on calculators. Also find out about other graphing resources like the ones mentioned above. Then wait...if you find, at some point that you really need a hotshot graphing calculator, buy one.
  • #3
I recommend getting a TI-83 Plus. I got mine for ~$100 CAD. Also, I'm sure you can get one used on EBay for much much cheaper. I find it is able to do everything I need it too.
  • #4
TI-92 Rules!

I don't know what is it that you wish to do with the calculator (I know that you want it for physics...) but, if you want to solve integrals, 2nd order differential equations, system of equations (don't need to be linear), handle matrix or just do a 2+2 account (this sound's an announcement) you should buy the TI-92 or higher (I have a voyager and I couldn't be happier with it). But, nevertheless, know how to solve you're problems by hand, it's the best way because one day you will literaly be doing 2+2 on the calculator (I notice that on myself and I only use it now on exams or when my brain stops...)
  • #5
At the university I attend, you are required to have a TI-89 for all mathematics courses. The physics courses merely recommend a TI-89, but do not require it.

My advice for you is to talk to the department head or secretary for each department (math & physics). Simply ask them if a calculator is required for any classes, and if so, which classes. They will help you a lot better than any of us can.
  • #6
Get a laptop and slap Mathematica or Maple on it. Either will blow any graphing calculator out of the water. And both software products cost about the same as a graphing calculator anyway.
  • #7
Think about MathCAD and MatLab also if the university has a site license... Mathematica is powerful, but has a very steep learnig curve intially. Many friends of mine programmed everything they needed for their PhD's in MatLab and many of my friends working in industry prefer it.
  • #8
TI-89 Rules!

I'm sorry, I'm so into my calculator that i forgot that my first two calculatores were the TI-89. I used it from my first to my fourth year in university (my course is a 5 years one). I only bought the voyager, that is an upgrade for TI-92 because my TI-89 were both stollen.

The point is that 89 and 92 (there are no 92's now, it only exist voyager that is the same thing) have the same algorithm to solve everything and the difference is the user interface. In the 92 family - voyager! - you have a nicer keyboard.
  • #9
Matlab is great for numerical work, but Mathematica/Maple/MathCAD are better for algebraic work. And I found all three of the latter to be much easier to learn than Matlab. (Also, there is a lot more third-party support for the latter programs.)

You don't need a site license at your univerisity. Mathematica and Maple can be purchased by students for the price of a graphing calculator no matter where they attend. (Not so sure about MathCAD.)
  • #10
TI-83 Plus is only like $30 now. Dude your in college physics without one?? Man I couldn't live without one my freshman year of high school.
  • #11
I'm dating myself, we didn't have graphing calculators or for that matter pc's when I went to college. The calculator of choice in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering was the trusty old TI-15C, still use it today for many calculations and.
  • #12
Real engineers and scientists used Hewlett-Packards with reverse Polish.
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  • #13
JohnDubYa said:
Real engineers and scientists used Hewlett-Packards with reverse Polish.

Only those that work for Hewlett-Packard!
  • #14
Hi! I'm in third year high school. I got a voyager just so that my classmates would think I'm insane. I'ts quite a good calculator, symbol handling, has lots of memory, very programable, 3D graphing, diffeq. solver, eq. systems solver, usb cable and not to forget: it's got a built in watch and a qwerty keyboard! I bought it mainly because it's so bloody cool, haven't had any practical use for it yet though, at least not in class... the simpler TI 83 is way easier to handle and easier to learn. I got one of those too and I use it mosty for every-day calculations like chemistry and the physics I'm in. It's just simple, reliable and powerful. The voyager is cool though.

  • #15
hey there's this wicked calulator that every new entrant gets upon entry, way more powerful than any of yours,

its called a brain and its free! but wait there's more ... common sense yeeeeeeeehaw!
  • #16
Personally I think the graphing calculator is used by too many students nowadays. There is no reason why you need a calculator with a CAS (TI-89 or HP49G+). I'm taking introductory Calculus-based physics courses next semester with my trusty HP 32SII (RPN :) ). If you do need a CAS, buy a copy of Maple or Mathematica (expensive but it will pay off). If you want to get through the course with an A or B, then buy the CAS and ignore everything I have stated. If you wish to learn something (and still have the possibility of making a satisfactory grade), ignore the CAS on a handheld calculator and be sensible. A scientific calculator is all you need. Most of my instructors (math and physics), frown upon the advent of the graphing calculator.

And if you are going to buy a scientific, buy an HP33S (Algebraic or RPN input). If you really want quality, you can look around on Ebay for a discontinued HP32SII (RPN entry), which will run about $150. If you still plan on buying a graphing calculator /w a CAS, buy an HP49G+. Over the years I've come to hate TI products (83 and 89). HP products are superior.
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  • #17
HallsofIvy said:
Only those that work for Hewlett-Packard!

Rubbish :wink:. I'm not an employee of HP, and I use one.
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  • #18
The software on the TI-89 is equivalent to that on the TI-92/Voyage 200. There's nothing you can do on the TI-92/Voyage 200 that you can't do on a TI-89. That being said, I would never buy a TI-92/Voyage 200 for school use because the large QWERTY keyboard scares a lot of professors and proctors, whereas the TI-89 looks like a regular graphing calculator.
  • #19
Personally, I prefer RPN (built-in equation library could be useful, too) but the HP I own (48G+) never seemed to me as being fast at graphing. Still, it is a friend when crunching numbers, and the Stack is great for viewing what you have entered prior to applying operations (which is excellent for forgetful minds such as my own).

Good luck with your studies!
  • #20
BoulderHead said:
Personally, I prefer RPN (built-in equation library could be useful, too) but the HP I own (48G+) never seemed to me as being fast at graphing. Still, it is a friend when crunching numbers, and the Stack is great for viewing what you have entered prior to applying operations (which is excellent for forgetful minds such as my own).

Good luck with your studies!

Have you ever tried dropping the resolution from the default of .00001 (I believe), to something more reasonable (say 1.0000). I usually keep my resolution about .5 or so on my 48GX and it graphs rather fast. However, the last time I used my 48GX for graphing, was quite sometime ago. Nowadays, I just use it as a good number cruncher. You can build up some calculations very fast compared to that of a TI-83 (in comparison, of course).
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  • #21
Don't get a calculator, it dulls the mind and is counterproductive in the long run.

I actually don't even bring mine to tests anymore.. often I'll leave the answer looking like

5252.2345*3452.22 ln (3) exp (11.3) as the answer...

In fact, I often can do the calculations in my head now (the first two digits) at least, and leave answers like say 5.2e-13

At high lvls in physics, its actually even rare to output a number at all..
  • #22
Since learning RPN all those years ago on my HP, I can't use a normal calculator...Installed a RPN calculator on all of my computers, both M* and LINUX...
  • #23
Sorry but HPs are the worst computers on Earth. I bought one and it broke the day I got it. We sent it back for another and that one had a broken CD-rom, sent it back for another. The third one had yet another major problem and broke after three days. I had enough, so we got are money back and bought a gateway that lasted for four years until it got struck by lightning.
  • #24
HP computers have little to do with HP calculators. HP calculators are top-notch, and I would wager that most professionals outside of education prefer HP's to TI's.
  • #25
graphic7 said:
Have you ever tried dropping the resolution from the default of .00001 (I believe), to something more reasonable (say 1.0000). I usually keep my resolution about .5 or so on my 48GX and it graphs rather fast. However, the last time I used my 48GX for graphing, was quite sometime ago. Nowadays, I just use it as a good number cruncher. You can build up some calculations very fast compared to that of a TI-83 (in comparison, of course).
You know, I have to admit complete ignorance that such a function was possible so a big Thank You for tipping me off. :smile:
Modern calculators have so many functions I only scratch the surface of what they're capable of.
  • #26
BoulderHead said:
You know, I have to admit complete ignorance that such a function was possible so a big Thank You for tipping me off. :smile:
Modern calculators have so many functions I only scratch the surface of what they're capable of.

No problem :). Over the years of using my 48GX, I've picked up a few tips.

Entropy said:
Sorry but HPs are the worst computers on Earth. I bought one and it broke the day I got it. We sent it back for another and that one had a broken CD-rom, sent it back for another. The third one had yet another major problem and broke after three days. I had enough, so we got are money back and bought a gateway that lasted for four years until it got struck by lightning.

As previously stated by another user, HP computer systems have nothing to do with HP calculators. They are two strictly different departments. Over the years (last two years to be exact), the quality of HP calculators has declined slightly (because of Carly). Some might argue, as I will that the new 49G+ and 33S are not as high quality as the discontinued gems such as the 48GX and 32SII. Although, the quality of the current line of HP calculators might be slightly down from the past lines of HP calculators, this current line still surpasses any other line from TI, Casio, Sharp, etc.

It seems over the last two to three years, HP has been ignoring the professional market and attempting to conquer the student market. This has resulted in various changes from this line of calculators to the previous line. The classic "Enter or Input" buttons are now located in the lower right-hand corner of the calculators. I personally do not like this. I'm used to operating my 48GX and 32SII with both hands. I'll enter data with one hand, and then input with another. Another quality (some might find it appealing), is the added Algebraic mode in addition to RPN. The newer 49G+ (49g, and 49GII) and 33S now offer the option of Algebraic mode in case you do not fancy the RPN data entry mode.

HP calculators (the higher-end models such as the 49g and 49g+) typically offer more advanced mathematical features than those of a TI-89 or TI-92. The 49g and 49g+ offer various integration algorithms such as Risch, Monte Carlo (?). Each time the HP integrates, it actually "does" the integration. To my knowledge, the TI-89 and 92 actually look it up in a table stored in the ROM. Some might find this trivial, but it says something about the quality of the 89 and 92. When it comes to advanced or elementary matrix operations, the HP 49G+ will clearly surpass the 89. I've seen a few generate random 50x50 or random 200x200 matrices in a fraction of a fraction of time compared to the 89 or 92. The 49g and 49g+ also offer an equation writer. This equation writer gives the user of selecting (or highlighting) an equatino with the arrow keys and manipulating the selected part of the equation. Along with the integration algorithms the 49g (discontinued) and 49g+ have Laplace Transform functions, FFT, inverse FFT, Fourier series, Taylor series (standard with any CAS), etc.

This is a site that contains a comparison between the 49G+ and TI-89. I think you might it interesting. When looking over it pay close attention to the hardware present in both calculators. The 49G+ offers a 75mhz ARM processor, while the TI-89 offers a 10-14mhz (depending on the hardware version) M68K processor. The new TI-89 Titanium edition contains the same amount of RAM as the TI Voyager. You might notice, however, that the 49G+ only contains 800k. After reading the comparision you will also notice the 49G+ contains a Smartmedia expansion memory slot, allowing the user to add 64mb or 128mb very cheaply. To note, the TI-89 (Titanium, also) and the Voyager do not contain the expandibility feature.
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  • #27
Dr Transport said:
Since learning RPN all those years ago on my HP, I can't use a normal calculator...Installed a RPN calculator on all of my computers, both M* and LINUX...

Ever tryed "dc" ?
  • #28
HAELFIX if what you say is true then you are the DON my friend,
viva le brain

Related to Graphing Calculator for Physics Major - Need Hi-Tech or Not?

1. Do I really need a hi-tech graphing calculator for my physics major?

It depends on your individual needs and preferences. A hi-tech graphing calculator can offer more advanced features and capabilities, such as 3D graphing, that may be useful for certain physics courses or research projects. However, a basic graphing calculator can also be sufficient for most physics courses.

2. What are the advantages of using a hi-tech graphing calculator for physics?

A hi-tech graphing calculator can offer advanced functions and features that can make graphing and solving complex equations easier and more efficient. It can also have a larger screen and faster processing speed, which can be beneficial for time-sensitive exams or projects.

3. Can I use a regular scientific calculator for my physics courses?

Yes, a regular scientific calculator can be used for most physics courses. However, it may not have the same advanced features and capabilities as a hi-tech graphing calculator. It's important to check with your professor or course syllabus to see if a specific calculator is required.

4. Are there any specific brands or models of hi-tech graphing calculators that are recommended for physics majors?

Some popular brands and models of hi-tech graphing calculators for physics majors include the TI-84 Plus, Casio fx-9750GII, and HP Prime. However, it ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific features and capabilities that you need for your courses.

5. Can I use a calculator app on my phone or tablet for my physics courses?

It's best to check with your professor or course syllabus to see if a calculator app is allowed for exams or assignments. In some cases, a physical calculator may be required. However, using a calculator app can be convenient for practice and homework outside of class.

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