Graphing Functions with Limits on WolframAlpha

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Taryn1
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In summary, the conversation is about trying to graph a piecewise-defined function in WolframAlpha. The function is difficult to enter and the user is seeking help on how to do so. The conversation also includes a clarification on the meaning of symbols used in the function and a tip on how to enter it correctly in WolframAlpha.
  • #1
Hi again I'm trying to graph a function in WolframlAlpha, but I can't figure out how to set limits on the x-value's domain. Is that an option for that site? I'm trying to do this function set:

_____ 4-x^2, x < -2
h(x) = 3 + x, -2 \le x < 0
_____x^2 + 1, x \ge 0

It's hard enough to figure out how to enter that in here, even more so to figure out to enter it into WolframlAlpha!

And that's like a set of a function, you know, it would usually be written with one large { to the left of the three equations and to the right of the h(x).

Editing again! the \le means 'equal to or less than' and the \ge means 'equal to or greater than'. I can't get the fancy math symbols to work...

Help! (Sweating)
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  • #2
Welcome to MHB, Taryn!

Ah, I see you are attempting a piecewise-defined function:

$$h(x)=\begin{cases}4-x^2,\quad x<-2 \\ 3+x,\quad -2\le x<0 \\ x^2+1,\quad x\ge 0 \end{cases}.$$

(Right-click this nice mathy stuff, and you can see the $\LaTeX$ code that makes it tick.)

Is that correct? Yeah, that's a bit tricky in WolframAlpha (aka W|A). You might try this convoluted thing:

plot(piecewise(((4-x^2,x<-2),(3+x,-2 <= x < 0),(x^2+1,x>=0)))) {x,-5,5}

It seemed to work. I got this tip off of this video, and added the $-5\le x\le 5$ domain as an afterthought, which W|A interpreted correctly.
  • #3
Cool. Thanks so much for the help!

FAQ: Graphing Functions with Limits on WolframAlpha

1. How do I graph a function with limits on WolframAlpha?

To graph a function with limits on WolframAlpha, you can simply type in the function with the desired limits in the search bar. For example, "graph x^2 from x=0 to x=5" will graph the function x^2 with limits from x=0 to x=5.

2. Can I graph multiple functions with limits on WolframAlpha?

Yes, you can graph multiple functions with limits on WolframAlpha by separating each function with a comma. For example, "graph x^2 from x=0 to x=5, x+2 from x=0 to x=5" will graph both functions with the same limits.

3. How do I change the limits on an existing graph on WolframAlpha?

To change the limits on an existing graph on WolframAlpha, you can click on the "Edit" button on the top right corner of the graph and then enter the new limits in the corresponding fields.

4. Can I customize the appearance of the graph on WolframAlpha?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of the graph on WolframAlpha by clicking on the "Options" button on the top right corner of the graph. This will allow you to change the color, style, and other properties of the graph.

5. Is there a way to save or export the graph on WolframAlpha?

Yes, you can save or export the graph on WolframAlpha by clicking on the "Save" button on the top right corner of the graph and choosing the desired format (PNG, PDF, etc.). You can also copy the graph as an image or share it through social media platforms.

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