Gravimetric analysis of a carbonate

  • Thread starter g07l0989
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In summary, during a gravimetric analysis of a carbonate sample, a 0.100g sample was titrated with excess acid and the resulting carbon dioxide was collected in 40.0cm3 of 0.05 mol/dm3 Ba(OH)3 solution. Ba(OH)2 was then used to titrate 22 cm3 of a 0.091 mol/dm3 HCl. To calculate the percentage of carbonate in the sample, the number of moles of HCl was compared to the number of moles of Ba(OH)2 and the resulting number of moles of carbon dioxide was subtracted from the initial amount of Ba(OH)2. The next step would be to determine whether
  • #1
during a gravimetric anaalysis of a carbonate sample ,0.100g sample was titrated with excess acid the resultant carbon dioxide was collected in 40.0cm3 of 0.05 mol/dm3
Ba(OH)3 solution:
MCO3 + 2H=M+CO2
CO2+ Ba(OH)2=BaCO3 +H2O

Ba(OH)2 uses 22 cm3 of a 0.091 mol/dm3 HCl calculate the % of the carbonate is sample??"

well i found the number of moles of the HCl which i compared to the number of moles of BA(OH)2 by ratio the i got the number of moles of the Ba(OH)2 that was initially ther ,i then substrated that answer to from that that was titrated therefore getting the number of moles of caorbin dioxide but i don't know whether i relate the number of moles of CO2 to the M(see equation)or to MCO3.and wat i do after that to get the mass of the carbonate in the sample...please help if you can!thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
You have analyzed for CO2 which exists in a 1:1 ratio to carbonate ([tex]CO_3^{-2}[/tex]). Will you report the amount of carbonate as [tex]CO_3^{-2}[/tex] or as [tex]M^{+2}CO_3^{-2}[/tex]. The former is straightforward but you haven't given enough information here to answer the latter.
  • #3

Based on the information provided, it seems that the gravimetric analysis of the carbonate sample involved titrating it with excess acid and collecting the resulting carbon dioxide in a solution of Ba(OH)3. The volume of the Ba(OH)3 solution used and the concentration of the acid were also given.

To calculate the percentage of carbonate in the sample, you will need to use the equations provided in the question. First, you need to calculate the number of moles of Ba(OH)2 used in the titration. This can be done by using the volume and concentration of the acid, as well as the equation MCO3 + 2HCl = M + CO2. Once you have the number of moles of Ba(OH)2, you can subtract it from the initial amount to determine the number of moles of CO2 produced.

Next, you will need to determine the number of moles of carbonate in the sample. This can be done by using the equation CO2 + Ba(OH)2 = BaCO3 + H2O and the number of moles of CO2 calculated in the previous step. From there, you can calculate the mass of carbonate in the sample by using the molar mass of the carbonate compound.

To determine the percentage of carbonate in the sample, you will need to divide the mass of carbonate by the initial mass of the sample (0.100g) and multiply by 100.

It is important to note that this is a simplified explanation and there may be additional steps or considerations depending on the specific experimental setup and conditions. It is always best to consult with your lab supervisor or refer to the lab manual for specific instructions and guidance.

Related to Gravimetric analysis of a carbonate

What is gravimetric analysis of a carbonate?

Gravimetric analysis of a carbonate is a technique used in chemistry to determine the amount of a carbonate compound present in a sample. This is done by measuring the mass of the carbonate after it has been converted to an insoluble compound, such as a metal oxide.

What is the principle behind gravimetric analysis of a carbonate?

The principle behind gravimetric analysis of a carbonate is based on the fact that when a carbonate is reacted with an acid, it produces carbon dioxide gas. This gas can be driven off and the remaining solid can be weighed, allowing for the calculation of the amount of carbonate present.

What are the steps involved in gravimetric analysis of a carbonate?

The steps involved in gravimetric analysis of a carbonate typically include: 1) weighing the sample, 2) adding an excess of acid to react with the carbonate, 3) evaporating off any excess acid and water, 4) heating the sample to drive off carbon dioxide gas, and 5) weighing the remaining solid to determine the amount of carbonate present.

What are some potential sources of error in gravimetric analysis of a carbonate?

Potential sources of error in gravimetric analysis of a carbonate include: 1) incomplete drying of the sample, leading to an inaccurate measurement of the remaining solid, 2) incomplete reaction of the carbonate with the acid, resulting in a lower than expected mass of the solid, and 3) contamination of the sample during handling, which can affect the accuracy of the results.

What are some applications of gravimetric analysis of a carbonate?

Gravimetric analysis of a carbonate has many practical applications, including: 1) determining the amount of carbonate in water, which can impact the quality of drinking water, 2) analyzing the composition of rocks and minerals, as many minerals contain carbonate compounds, and 3) determining the amount of carbonate in industrial processes, such as in the production of cement.

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