Gravitational effects on photons

In summary: I think he is probably confusing the rate of change of force (which is the rate of change of momentum) with the rate of change of energy. The two are related, but not the same thing.In any case, the factor of two for a photon is not correct, and his use of "relativistic mass" is misleading. He also uses the word "force" in a way that I think is best avoided.The main problem I have with the concept of "relativistic mass" is that it is not needed; it does not add anything to the understanding; it can be confusing; and it is not useful in any practical way that I am aware of. It is just a concept
  • #1
I was just re-reading some of Hawking's writings, and apparently he is fairly stong supporter of a quantum theory of gravity, as opposed to GR, and writes extensively about gravitons. this brought up a question for me which perhaps one of you can help clarify.

classical gravity indicates that only mass and distance control gravitational attraction, and treats it as a spooky force but does not describe any mechanism. GR indicates that gravity is not a force, but a reflection of the curvature of spacetime created by the presence of mass. quantum gravitational theory would indicate that gravity results from the interaction of two masses via particle exchange (gravitons), and is supported by the search for GUTs (i think).

however, the question that popped into my head is with regard to gravitational effects on photons. experiment has shown clearly that light is effected by gravity, as in lensing of light around massive stars. in GR this is accepted as light follows the geodesics created by the curved spacetime - no particle interaction required.

so, in a quantum theory of gravity, where the interaction is the result of graviton exchange between the two bodies/particles - how would gravitons interact with individual photons, which as i understand, have no specific location between the time they are emitted and absorbed? and photons, being massless, would not be emitters of gravitons themselves, and would not generate gravitational effects - which is not consistent with experiments which have demonstrated that beams of light do indeed affect each other via gravitational attraction (correct?).

i know i am a dunce here, so i hope my question is not too confused...
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  • #2
General relativity shows that gravity results from not only mass but energy and pressure. Since photons carry energy, they exhibit gravitational far as is known, everything is affected by gravity...all particles, regardless of characteristics, even time and space.

how would gravitons interact with individual photons, which as i understand, have no specific location between the time they are emitted and absorbed?

don't know what that means...the speed of light is finite "c"...
  • #3
jnorman said:
... and photons, being massless, would not be emitters of gravitons themselves, and would not generate gravitational effects - which is not consistent with experiments which have demonstrated that beams of light do indeed affect each other via gravitational attraction (correct?).

This is a quote by Chris Hillman from an old thread. ".. it is possible to construct models showing that two parallel light beams will not attract each other, but two anti-parallel beams will attract one another." See

I have read similar statements on several occasions, so maybe there is something in it.

It is also frequently mentioned in cosmology that radiation has a gravitational effect which is greater (for a given energy density) than that of matter.

There is no generally accepted theory for gravity mediated by gravitons, so if you are having problems with how gravitons work, you are in good company as most physicists have problems with them too.

Another thing to consider is what would happen if anti matter was added to a black hole so that all the matter inside the black hole turned into pure radiation. I am pretty sure it would violate some rule of GR if the black hole was destroyed.
  • #4
General relativity shows that gravity results from not only mass but energy and pressure.
surely you mean energy and momentum?
  • #6
if nothing else, the light will be bent by the gravitational time dilation.
  • #7
It's also interesting that gravity's effect on a photon moving tangential to an object of mass (as in the case of gravitational lensing) is twice as much as that of a photon moving radially towards the mass. For gravitational lensing, the angle of deflection is [itex]\theta=4Gm/rc^2[/itex] while the dilation on a radial path is half as much- [itex]dt'=dt\ 2Gm/rc^2[/itex].

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  • #8
stevebd1 said:
It's also interesting that gravity's effect on a photon moving tangential to an object of mass (as in the case of gravitational lensing) is twice as much as that of a photon moving radially towards the mass. For gravitational lensing, the angle of deflection is [itex]\theta=4Gm/rc^2[/itex] while the dilation on a radial path is half as much- [itex]dt'=dt\ 2Gm/rc^2[/itex].


This does not sound like a meaningful comparison. The URL does not work for me, so I can't check the source.

In an isotropic metric around a static source in the weak field case, the simplest way to look at gravity is in terms of the effect it is has on the momentum of a test particle (massive or massless), Ev/c2, or, dividing by the total energy (which is constant for free fall in a static field), on v/c2. The field is represented as a Newtonian acceleration g:

\frac{d\mathbf{p}}{dt} = \frac{E}{c^2} \, \mathbf{g} \left ( 1 + \frac{v^2}{c^2} \right )

This expression holds regardless of the direction of the velocity. It says that the rate of change of momentum is in the direction of the Newtonian acceleration and that its magnitude depends on the speed, but not on the direction. For a photon, the rate of change of momentum is exactly twice that for an object at rest, regardless of its direction.
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  • #9
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  • #10
stevebd1 said:
It's the first reference at the bottom of the wiki page for"- 'The Concept of Mass' (1989) by Lev B. Okun, diagram on the last page.

Hmmm. I was able to access that one by overriding a security warning for a site name.

Lev Okun is normally better than that. He seems to have had a very odd way of thinking about mass.

I think that in this case, his description is inconsistent, or at least confusing; he talks about "force" (which is the rate of change of momentum, Ev/c2) but then about the deflection of light, which is related to velocity. As the coordinate value of c varies relative to any flat background metric, he needs to be more careful in distinguishing between quantities which differ in units by factors of c.

For the horizontal case at a tangential point, the potential is constant so c is constant, so the momentum is proportional to the velocity as in Newtonian theory and the only part of the momentum Ev/c2 which varies is the direction of v, which turns twice as fast as in the Newtonian case.

For the vertical fall case, the total energy is constant and the velocity is the coordinate value of c, so the momentum is simply E/c in the vertical direction, and varies with the coordinate value of 1/c. As the fractional variation of c is twice the Newtonian potential (because clock rates and ruler sizes both vary with potential), we again get the same result that the downwards momentum increases twice as fast as in Newtonian theory.

(Perhaps I should really use primes or something like that to denote coordinate values of c, because that's normally assumed to denote the standard local value, but since one doesn't usually use primes for the coordinate system, I think it's more consistent to use c for the coordinate value and some other notation for the standard local value).

I should point out that the concept of a "coordinate value of c" only applies in an isotropic coordinate system, and similarly the idea of a coordinate value of the mass also only applies in that case, in that it is given by the rest energy divided by c2. If the metric is not isotropic, the coordinate value of c has different values in different directions and is in general a tensor rather than a scalar.
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  • #11
If the metric is not isotropic, the coordinate value of c has different values in different directions and is in general a tensor rather than a scalar

Does this mean that in GR, where I assume that the metric is not isotropic that c would have different values radiating outward than inward, relative to the center of gravity?
  • #12
Austin0 said:
Does this mean that in GR, where I assume that the metric is not isotropic that c would have different values radiating outward than inward, relative to the center of gravity?

If the metric is at least static, then the coordinate c is the same both ways along any particular line.

FAQ: Gravitational effects on photons

What is the theory behind gravitational effects on photons?

The theory of general relativity explains how gravity affects the path of photons. According to this theory, gravity is not a force but rather a curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass or energy. Photons, which have no mass, follow this curvature and appear to be affected by gravity.

How does gravity affect the path of photons?

Gravity bends the path of photons, causing them to follow a curved trajectory. This can be observed in phenomena such as gravitational lensing, where light from a distant object is bent by the gravity of a massive object in between, creating distorted or multiple images.

Can gravity slow down or speed up photons?

No, photons always travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, regardless of the presence of gravity. However, gravity can change the wavelength of a photon through the process of redshift or blueshift, which can make it appear to have slowed down or sped up.

Do all objects with mass have a gravitational effect on photons?

Yes, according to the theory of general relativity, all objects with mass have a gravitational effect on photons. However, the strength of this effect depends on the mass and distance of the object. The larger and closer the object, the stronger its gravitational pull on photons.

What are some practical applications of understanding gravitational effects on photons?

Understanding how gravity affects photons is crucial in many fields, including astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. It allows scientists to study and observe distant objects and phenomena, such as black holes and gravitational waves, which would not be possible without accounting for the effects of gravity on photons.

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