Gravitational field strength equals zero?

In summary: There is a lot of math behind it, but it boils down to finding a way to make things that look complicated, into something that is actually simple.
  • #1
There is a point between Earth and moon where the gravitational field strength is zero.
What about the same thing with three or more objects?

With three of more objects, is there always at least one point where the gravitational field strength due to the objects is zero?
Why / Why not?
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  • #2
For the Moon/Earth part of your question, simply set the gravitational forces of the Earth and Moon equal to each other and solve for r.
[itex]\vec{F} = [/itex][itex]\frac{GMm}{r^{2}}[/itex][itex]\hat{r}[/itex]

[itex]\frac{GM_{E}m}{(R_{E}+d)^{2}}[/itex][itex] = [/itex][itex]\frac{GM_{M}m}{(D_{M}-R_{E}-d)^{2}}[/itex]

[itex]R_{E} =[/itex] the radius of the Earth
[itex]D_{M} =[/itex] the distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Moon
[itex]d =[/itex] the distance above the surface of the Earth
[itex]M_{E} =[/itex] the mass of the Earth
[itex]M_{M} =[/itex] the mass of the Moon
  • #3
Welcome to PF.
You can test this yourself ... in general you will be able to find a place where the gravitational fields balance out for any number of bodies. Usually several. These places will generally wander around as the bodies move ... if you sit in one it moves away, leaving you behind.

More interesting are the points where an object can be set to orbit the Earth at the same rate as the Moon (or the Sun at the same Rate as the Earth etc).
  • #4
Simon Bridge said:
Welcome to PF.
You can test this yourself ... in general you will be able to find a place where the gravitational fields balance out for any number of bodies. Usually several. These places will generally wander around as the bodies move ... if you sit in one it moves away, leaving you behind.

More interesting are the points where an object can be set to orbit the Earth at the same rate as the Moon (or the Sun at the same Rate as the Earth etc).
Thank you for your answer.
I know about Lagrangian points and I understand that in real world planets (or other objects) move unlike in my problem.
So I'm interested in only a math problem where the radiuses of the objects are zero and the objects don't move.
And I've tested this with my graphing calculator by drawing a 3D-plot where z(x,y)=magnitude of gravitational force (or accerlation) in point (x,y), and there seems to be always at least one zero-gravity-point.
So I've ended up in the same conclusion that there is always such point(s). But why?
I want some mathematical proof about it.
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  • #5
The field is zero where the slope of the potential is zero. Since the potential everywhere else is always higher than the potential close to a point, there must be some place where it "turns around".

To construct a mathematical proof, you'd have to start from the potentials. Most people are happy with just the logic - there is no way the potential can go from low to high to low again without going through a level spot. It's like proving that hills go down as well as up.
  • #6
Simon Bridge said:
The field is zero where the slope of the potential is zero. Since the potential everywhere else is always higher than the potential close to a point, there must be some place where it "turns around".

To construct a mathematical proof, you'd have to start from the potentials. Most people are happy with just the logic - there is no way the potential can go from low to high to low again without going through a level spot. It's like proving that hills go down as well as up.

So the zero-gravity-point is the point where both the partial derivatives (in 2D space, in 3D space all three partial derivatives) are zero. In one dimension I understand that there is a point where df/dx=0 but why should there be a point in a xy-plane where both ∂f/∂x=0 and ∂f/∂y=0 in the SAME point (f(x,y)=potential). I understand that somewhere ∂f/∂x must be zero and somewhere ∂f/∂y=0 but why they should be both zero in the same point. I don't understand that. (OK, I'm only in high school and I haven't studied vector calculus. Is it obvious that ∇f is zero at some point like it's obvious in one dimension that df/dx=0 at some point.)
  • #7
Yeah - you should be able to see it from the rubber sheet analogy :)
That gives you two dimensions, which will let you see what a mathematical proof will involve. The point masses would be like pinning points on the sheet to the floor. The shape of the sheet between these pinned points will be complicated... but you'll find places to balance a ball. The sheet has to go down as well as up.

This must happen because all the potentials are negative and the field has to be continuous everywhere.

In the case of an electric filed, where potentials can be positive, it's a different kettle of piranhas.

The subject that deals with this sort of problem is called "topology" and it is a senior and grad-school course at college.
  • #8
An argument, not a proof:
In 2D: If you take all points with ∂f/∂x=0, you get a line (or multiple lines). ∂f/∂y=0 gives another line. Now you just have to show that the lines have to intersect.
In 3D, you just get two-dimensional objects for all partial derivatives, and 3 of them will intersect in single points.

Related to Gravitational field strength equals zero?

1. What does it mean for the gravitational field strength to equal zero?

When the gravitational field strength is zero, it means that there is no force of gravity acting on an object at a particular point in space. This can occur when an object is far enough away from any massive bodies, or when the gravitational forces from multiple bodies cancel each other out.

2. How is the gravitational field strength measured?

The gravitational field strength is typically measured in units of newtons per kilogram (N/kg). This is done by determining the force of gravity acting on an object and dividing it by the mass of the object. This value can also be calculated using the equation F = GmM/r², where G is the gravitational constant, m and M are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them.

3. Can the gravitational field strength ever be negative?

No, the gravitational field strength is always a positive value. This is because gravity is always an attractive force, pulling objects towards each other. Negative values would indicate a repulsive force, which is not observed in gravitational interactions.

4. How does the gravitational field strength vary with distance?

The gravitational field strength decreases as the distance between two objects increases. This is known as the inverse-square law, meaning that the strength of the gravitational force decreases by the square of the distance between the objects. For example, if the distance between two objects is doubled, the gravitational force between them will decrease by a factor of four.

5. How does the location of an object affect the gravitational field strength?

The location of an object does not affect the gravitational field strength at a particular point. The gravitational field strength is only dependent on the mass and distance of the objects involved. However, the location of an object can affect the overall gravitational field in a particular region, as the combined effects of multiple objects can create varying levels of gravitational force.

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