Gravitational Fields Created by EM Waves: Reference Frame?

In summary: PhysicsForums have discussed.In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between electromagnetic (EM) waves and gravitational fields. The question is raised about which reference frame should be used when describing an EM field as a source of gravity. It is explained that in general relativity, the stress-energy tensor is used to describe sources of gravity, and the same equation is used in any frame to determine the gravity produced by an EM field. The conversation also touches on the idea that the gravity field of an EM wave may be different from that of an object with rest mass, and that the kinetic energy of objects may contribute to their overall gravity. Finally, it is noted that parallel propagating EM waves do not attract each other
  • #1
If EM waves create gravitational field "around" them (as I understand is the case) which reference frame we should use?

We could imagine several observers, some moving in the same direction with EM wave with different speeds, others moving in the opposite direction. The different observers could measure very different energy levels for the EM wave, so maybe we could expect very different gravity fields depending on the observer. Are all fields equally correct or should we pick one?

Sorry if this is old question, but I didn't find anything exactly matching. Thanks.
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  • #2
All are correct. Gravitational fields for different observers look different. This shouldn't be surprising, as electromagnetic fields have the same effect.
  • #3
Ookke said:
If EM waves create gravitational field "around" them (as I understand is the case)

Yes, it is.

Ookke said:
which reference frame we should use?

The question you should ask before even asking that one is, how should we describe an EM field as a source of gravity? In GR, we describe sources of gravity with a stress-energy tensor; and the SET for an EM field is well known:

T_{\mu \nu} = F_{\mu \alpha} F_{\nu}{}^{\alpha} - \frac{1}{4} g_{\mu \nu} F_{\alpha \beta} F^{\alpha \beta}

where ##F_{\mu \nu}## is the EM field tensor.

The reason we use the SET is that it tells us how the EM field acts as a source of gravity in any frame we like; just compute the components of the SET in that frame. The particular components will change, because the components of the EM field tensor (which are related to the ordinary electric and magnetic field 3-vectors) change when you change frames; but the same equation (the Einstein Field Equation) will still determine what kind of gravity the EM field produces, given its SET.
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  • #4
Ok, thanks. But I guess that gravity field of EM wave is somewhat different than field created by object with rest mass.

We can imagine two EM waves traveling to same direction, side by side and very close each other. Observer "at rest" would see just two waves with nothing special, but another observer moving very fast to opposite direction would measure the wave energy much higher. In principle, this energy could be large enough to cause gravitational pull, making the two waves collide i.e. merge together.

I don't think this would really happen, just interesting to imagine this kind of experiment. The same with objects that have kinetic energy, maybe that somehow contributes the gravity field as well.
  • #5
Ookke said:
I guess that gravity field of EM wave is somewhat different than field created by object with rest mass.

The stress-energy tensors are somewhat different, yes.

Ookke said:
We can imagine two EM waves traveling to same direction, side by side and very close each other. Observer "at rest" would see just two waves with nothing special, but another observer moving very fast to opposite direction would measure the wave energy much higher.

They would, but that wouldn't change the mutual gravity between the waves themselves. How could it? Observers moving at different speeds past the waves doesn't change the waves; it just changes the observers.

(Similar remarks apply to objects with rest mass; see below.)

Ookke said:
In principle, this energy could be large enough to cause gravitational pull, making the two waves collide i.e. merge together.

Actually, it turns out that two EM waves moving in the same direction do not attract each other gravitationally; but they do if they are moving in opposite directions. This is one way in which EM waves are different from objects with rest mass.

Ookke said:
The same with objects that have kinetic energy, maybe that somehow contributes the gravity field as well.

It does, but perhaps not in the way you were thinking.

As I noted above, different observers moving at different speeds relative to a pair of gravitating objects will measure the objects to have different kinetic energies, but that won't change the mutual gravity between the objects, because it doesn't change the objects themselves; it just changes the observers.

However, suppose I have a gravitating object composed of bodies all at rest relative to each other, and another gravitating object composed of similar bodies, with the same rest mass, but moving relative to each other in a bound system (for example, a bunch of particles flying around in a box, compared to the same particles sitting at rest in the same box). The kinetic energies of the objects in the second case will contribute to the overall gravity of the object; it will be larger than it would be if the bodies inside the object were all at rest.

(Also, the motion of a body passing by a gravitating object does depend on its velocity relative to the object; bodies flying by a gravitating object at relativistic speeds, for example, "fall" faster than bodies flying by at slow speeds. This is because, in Newtonian terms, the "force" of gravity in General Relativity has a velocity-dependent component.)
  • #6
Ookke said:
Ok, thanks. But I guess that gravity field of EM wave is somewhat different than field created by object with rest mass.

We can imagine two EM waves traveling to same direction, side by side and very close each other. Observer "at rest" would see just two waves with nothing special, but another observer moving very fast to opposite direction would measure the wave energy much higher. In principle, this energy could be large enough to cause gravitational pull, making the two waves collide i.e. merge together.

I don't think this would really happen, just interesting to imagine this kind of experiment. The same with objects that have kinetic energy, maybe that somehow contributes the gravity field as well.

It turns out that parallel propagating EM waves wind up not attracting each other at all. Anti-parallel propagating EM waves do, however attract each other.

See for instance:

and the references therin. You can probably find other threads too, this issue has been discussed a number of times.

This behavior will undoubtedly be puzzling, until one drops the Newtonian idea that "mass" causes gravity and realizes that in GR it's the stress-energy tensor that causes gravity, as a few other posters have mentioned. The components of the stress energy tensor include energy density, momentum density, and pressure. If one ignores the pressure for the time being (it is present in the light beam, however), one can say that the energy and the momentum of the light beam both "cause gravity".

Analogies between electromagnatism and gravity may be helpful as well, and are drawn in a few of the papers via the formalism of gravitoelectromagnetism, GEM, a weak-field solution to GR.

One final point - there isn't any huge difference between rapidly moving matter approaching the sped of light and light itself. Ignoring the issue of pressure (which is a tiny effect), the limit of taking rapidly moving matter of fixed energy in the limit as the rest mass goes to zero gives the same limit as light. This is often called a "null dust" solution.
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  • #7
pervect said:
I was going to develop thought experiment just like that. No need to :)
PeterDonis said:
It does, but perhaps not in the way you were thinking.
pervect said:
This behavior will undoubtedly be puzzling, until one drops the Newtonian idea that "mass" causes gravity and realizes that in GR it's the stress-energy tensor that causes gravity, as a few other posters have mentioned.
This is indeed a subject that creates confusion in many readers I'm sure, but it's more clear now. Your answers have been most helpful.

FAQ: Gravitational Fields Created by EM Waves: Reference Frame?

1. What is a gravitational field created by EM waves?

A gravitational field created by EM waves refers to the distortion of the fabric of space caused by the presence of electromagnetic waves. This distortion creates a force that attracts objects towards the source of the waves, similar to how gravity works.

2. How are gravitational fields created by EM waves different from traditional gravity?

Traditional gravity is a fundamental force of nature that exists between all objects with mass, while gravitational fields created by EM waves are a result of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and the fabric of space. They are much weaker than traditional gravity and only exist in the presence of EM waves.

3. What is the reference frame for a gravitational field created by EM waves?

The reference frame for a gravitational field created by EM waves is the frame of reference in which the waves are propagating. This is because the waves themselves create the distortion in space that results in the gravitational field.

4. Can gravitational fields created by EM waves be observed or measured?

Yes, gravitational fields created by EM waves can be observed and measured. Scientists use various instruments such as interferometers and antennas to detect the effects of these fields on objects or particles within their range.

5. How do gravitational fields created by EM waves impact our daily lives?

Gravitational fields created by EM waves have a very small impact on our daily lives, as they are much weaker compared to traditional gravity. However, they are essential for technologies such as GPS and satellite communications, which rely on the precise measurement and manipulation of these fields.

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