Gravitational Forces on the Edge of a Disk

In summary, we discussed the concept of a large and massive object shaped like a disc and the effects of walking on its edge or flat part. We also explored the potential impact of gravity on this type of object and the equations that can be used to estimate the forces experienced when standing on the surface. However, the analysis is only approximate and more details would be needed to determine the exact outcome.
  • #1
What if we had a large and massive object shaped like a disc (look at the attachment) and we would walk on its edge. If we would step on the flat part what would happen?

P.S. I am going on holidays for a fe days so i won't be abel to check out your answers very soon.


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  • #2
Just how big is your disk? Are you considering the G field OF the disc? If it's big enough to create a G field sticking you together, it'll probably fall apart.

If the disk is small enough to be on earth, and you're talking about the Earth's G, you can simply try this on a merry-go-round!
  • #3
I don't understand you diagram, could you elaborate.
  • #4
LENIN said:
What if we had a large and massive object shaped like a disc (look at the attachment) and we would walk on its edge. If we would step on the flat part what would happen?
You would probably be drawn toward the center of the disk, i.e. there might be a component of the gravitational force parallel to the surface of the disk and directed towards the center. But to really determine this you'd have to calculate it. This is just an educated guess.

  • #5
LENIN said:
What if we had a large and massive object shaped like a disc (look at the attachment) and we would walk on its edge. If we would step on the flat part what would happen?

P.S. I am going on holidays for a fe days so i won't be abel to check out your answers very soon.

I'm not sure what your diagram means either, but it sounds like you may be describing an Alderson disk?

If we put the disk in the x-y plane, gravity will point roughly in the z direction if one is not too close to the edge of the disk.

The Newtonian surface gravity at the center of an infinite thin disk, with a density [tex] \rho [/tex] kg/m^2 will be [tex]2*Pi*G*\rho[/tex]. For an infinite disk, the gravity will not change with height, for a finite disk the gravity will start to drop off eventually.
  • #6
I will try to explain more precisaly. The basic idea is that you are standing on the edg of a large disk. Something the saize of a planet. Than at some moment you jump from the edg to the surfec. The question I am asking is will you fall towerds the canter, or will you be abel to stand on the sufec of the disk close to the edg.

P.S I hope this diagrem will be easyer to understand.


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  • #7
Common sense would say that you would fall to the center since there is no "edge" to stop you.

Is this a simplified model of what you think gravity is? A 2D "Earth" vs. 3D "gravity" is what I imagine here.
  • #8
LENIN said:
I will try to explain more precisaly. The basic idea is that you are standing on the edg of a large disk. Something the saize of a planet. Than at some moment you jump from the edg to the surfec. The question I am asking is will you fall towerds the canter, or will you be abel to stand on the sufec of the disk close to the edg.

At the center of the disk, there will be some local acceleration pulling you straight down. Call this value 'g'.

At the edge of the disk, this force will be less, but will rapidly increase as you move towards the center. Modelling the situation as being some height h above an infinitely dense disk, the downwards force will be approximated by (and greater than)

g \left( 1-{\frac {1}{\sqrt {1+{\frac {{d}^{2}}{{h}^{2}}}}}} \right)

where you've moved a distance d towards the center of the disk

The force pulling you towards the center of the disk will be approximated by (and less than)

\frac {g}{\pi}\ln \left( {\frac {D}{d}} \right)

where d is as before your distance from the edge, and D is the total diameter of the disk.

So this means you'll fall some distance, then stop, I'd need some more details to tell you exactly how far you'd fall.
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  • #9
The last equation should be
\frac {g}{\pi}\ln \left( {\frac {D}{d}} \right)

I can't seem to get the latex to edit. (If a moderator fixes this problem, this post can be deleted).
  • #10
Thanks pervect
  • #11
how do you guys know what equations to us? it's like the concept and math changes according to the shape of an object.
  • #12
zynko said:
how do you guys know what equations to us? it's like the concept and math changes according to the shape of an object.

Here's what I did - note the analysis is only approximate.

First off, I modeled the disk as being infinitely thin and infinitely dense, to get rid of the third dimension.

For the first part of the problem, I assumed that the person was a height h above the infinitely dense disk, this would represent half the thickness of a more realistic disk of finite thickness. To get an estimate of the downwards force for a person standing on the disk, I integrated the force for a radius 'd=kh' around the person. This component will provide a pure downward force. It sets a lower bound on the downward force.

\int_{r=0}^{r=kh} 2\,{\frac {G\rho\,\pi \,r{\it dr}\,h}{ \left({h}^{2}+{r}^{2} \right) ^{3/2}}}

Motivation: the mass of a circle element of radius r is [tex] 2 \pi \rho r dr [/tex]. The distance of the person from this circular mass element is [tex] \sqrt{r^2+h^2}[/tex]. F = G*m / r^2. The downward component gets multiplied by a factor of [tex]\frac{h}{\sqrt{r^2+h^2}}[/tex], this factor is 1 when r = 0, and goes towards zero as r increases, it is the sine of the angle if you draw the diagram (opposite side over hypotenuse). The lateral component cancels out.

The value of the integral is

2\,{\frac {G\rho\,\pi \, \left( -1+\sqrt {1+{k}^{2}}
\right) }{\sqrt {1+{k}^{2}}}}

The rapidity with which this force approaches a constant value [tex] 2 \pi G \rho [/tex] argues that the ignored components are probably not too significant.

The above is a "good force" from the point of view of someone wanting to stand up and not slide along the disk.

To evaluate the force pulling a person sideways, towards the center of the disk, I ignored the height above the disk and evaluated the integrall

\int_{r=d}^{r=D}\int_{\theta=-\frac{pi}{2}}^{\frac{pi}{2}} {\frac {G\rho\,{\it dr}\,{\it d \theta}\,\cos \left( \theta \right) }{r}

This is a rather crude approximation, but it sets an upper bounds on the sidewards force. It could probably be improved. It is an integral around a half-circe of radius r>d, r<D. The result is

2\,G\rho\,\ln \left( {\it \frac{D}{d}} \right)

The integrals were all done via computer, which makes it both fairly easy to do, and less error-prone - except for setting them up, of course.

Related to Gravitational Forces on the Edge of a Disk

1. What is a gravitational field?

A gravitational field is a region of space in which an object with mass experiences a force due to the presence of another object with mass. This force is known as gravity.

2. How is the gravitational field of a disc calculated?

The gravitational field of a disc is calculated by using the formula G*M/R^2, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the disc, and R is the distance from the center of the disc to the point where the field is being measured.

3. What factors affect the strength of the gravitational field of a disc?

The strength of the gravitational field of a disc is affected by the mass of the disc, the distance from the center of the disc, and the gravitational constant.

4. How does the gravitational field of a disc differ from that of a point mass?

The gravitational field of a disc is different from that of a point mass because it is not uniform and varies depending on the distance from the center of the disc. Additionally, the gravitational field of a disc is weaker at points farther away from the center, unlike the gravitational field of a point mass which is equal in all directions.

5. Can the gravitational field of a disc be negative?

No, the gravitational field of a disc cannot be negative. The direction of the field is always towards the center of the disc, and therefore it is always positive.

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