Gravitational intraction of quantum level and consequences thereof

In summary: Your name]In summary, the conversation discusses the anomalies observed in weak interactions and short-duration strong-current pulse discharges, and proposes the idea of treating these anomalies as manifestations of fundamental properties of gravitational emission. The suggestion is to test this hypothesis through experiments with beta decay and z-pinch-type pulse discharges, while also acknowledging the need to approach the idea with caution and collaborate with other scientists in the field. The existence of electron's stationary states in its own gravitational field is mentioned, but the idea of gravitational emission being on the same level as electromagnetic emission is still a topic of debate.
  • #1

Parity no conservation in the  decay processes is considered as fundamental property of weak interactions. Nevertheless, this property can be treated as anomaly, because in fundamental interactions of the rest types parity is conserved. Analogously, anomaly in the short-duration strong-current pulse discharges is well known. The essence of this phenomenon consists in generation of local high-temperature plasma formations with the typical values of its thermo dynamical parameters exceeding those related to the central section of a discharge. In this paper, an attempt is undertaken to treat these anomalies as manifestation of fundamental properties of gravitational emission. Some consequences of this assumption can be tested in the  decay experiments as well as in the experiments with short-duration z-pinch-type pulse discharges.
The notion of gravitational emission as an emission of the same level with electromagnetic emission is based on the proven fact of existence of electron’s stationary states in its own gravitational field, characterized by gravitational constant K=1042G (G – Newton’s gravitational constant).
PACS 1999 – 04.90.+e, 52.55.Ez, 23.40.-s.
Keywords: gravity, electron, spectrum, discharge, fusion

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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your interesting research on the anomalies observed in weak interactions and short-duration strong-current pulse discharges. Your suggestion of treating these anomalies as manifestations of fundamental properties of gravitational emission is thought-provoking.

I am always interested in exploring new ideas and theories, and I appreciate your efforts in proposing a potential explanation for these anomalies. However, I also believe that it is important to approach any new hypothesis with caution and thoroughly test it through experiments and observations.

In regards to your suggestion of testing these ideas in experiments with beta decay and z-pinch-type pulse discharges, I would like to suggest that careful design and control of these experiments is crucial in order to accurately measure any potential effects of gravitational emission. Additionally, it would also be beneficial to collaborate with other scientists in the field to ensure the validity of the results.

Furthermore, I would also like to mention that while the existence of electron's stationary states in its own gravitational field has been proven, the idea of gravitational emission being on the same level as electromagnetic emission is still a topic of debate within the scientific community. Therefore, it would be important to consider all possible explanations for these anomalies and continue to gather evidence and data to support any claims.

Overall, your research brings up interesting possibilities and I look forward to seeing further developments in this field. Thank you for sharing your work and contributing to the scientific community.
  • #3

I find this abstract to be very intriguing and thought-provoking. The idea of treating anomalies in weak interactions and short-duration pulse discharges as manifestations of fundamental properties of gravitational emission is a unique and interesting approach. It is important to note that this is a theoretical concept and would require further experimentation and testing to fully support its claims.

The notion of gravitational emission being on the same level as electromagnetic emission is a bold statement, as traditionally gravity is considered to be a much weaker force than electromagnetism. However, the idea of electron's stationary states in its own gravitational field with a high value of the gravitational constant is a fascinating concept that could potentially have significant implications.

The proposed experiments using beta decay and short-duration pulse discharges to test the consequences of this assumption are a crucial step in further exploring this concept. If the results of these experiments align with the theory, it could open up new possibilities for understanding the fundamental interactions of the universe.

Overall, I believe this abstract presents a unique and intriguing perspective on the relationship between gravity and other fundamental forces. It will be interesting to see how this theory develops and if it can be supported by further experimentation and evidence.

FAQ: Gravitational intraction of quantum level and consequences thereof

1. What is the gravitational interaction at the quantum level?

The gravitational interaction at the quantum level is the force that governs the behavior of subatomic particles due to their mass. It is described by the theory of quantum gravity, which seeks to unify the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics.

2. How does quantum gravity affect the behavior of particles?

Quantum gravity predicts that particles at the quantum level can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior, and can also exist in multiple states simultaneously. It also suggests that particles can interact with each other through the exchange of particles called gravitons.

3. What are the consequences of the gravitational interaction at the quantum level?

One consequence is the prediction of black holes at the quantum level, which are thought to emit radiation known as Hawking radiation. Another consequence is the possibility of a quantized spacetime, where space and time are no longer continuous but are made up of discrete units.

4. How does the gravitational interaction at the quantum level relate to the search for a theory of everything?

The gravitational interaction at the quantum level plays a crucial role in the search for a theory of everything, as it seeks to unite the four fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear) into one comprehensive theory.

5. Are there any experiments currently being conducted to study the gravitational interaction at the quantum level?

Yes, there are several ongoing experiments, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which aims to detect gravitational waves at the quantum level. There are also experiments looking at the behavior of particles in extreme conditions, such as in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.

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