Gravitational Potential Energy of astronaut

In summary, the mass of the asteroid is 3.4*10^12kg. At the maximum height, all of the kinetic energy of 15J becomes potential gravitational energy. Using the equation EK = Epg, we can calculate the mass of the asteroid, which is approximately half of the correct answer. However, the calculation may be incorrect as it does not take into account the potential energy at the surface.
  • #1
Erwin Schrodinger
A 120kg astronaut stands on the surface of an asteroid of radius 600m. The astrunaut leaves the surface with 15J of kinetic energy and reaches a maximum height of 300m above the surface. What is the mass of the asteroid? (Answer: 3.4*1012kg)

At the maximum height, all of the kinetic energy becomes potential gravitational energy.

EK = Epg
15 = Gmm'/r
15 = 6.67*10-11*120*m'/(300+600)
1.7*1012kg = m'

I think there's an error in the calculation somewhere because my answer is exactly half the correct answer but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Physics news on
  • #2
I don't know but at first sight, you don't take into account the pot. energy at the surface-...does this make sense, like : Kinetic+potenial=converved=15-Gmm'/600=0-Gmm'/900 ??
  • #3
Remember, you want the change in potential energy, not the potential energy itself.

FAQ: Gravitational Potential Energy of astronaut

What is the definition of gravitational potential energy of an astronaut?

The gravitational potential energy of an astronaut is the energy that an astronaut possesses due to their position in a gravitational field, relative to a reference point. It is a form of potential energy that can be converted into other forms, such as kinetic energy, when the astronaut moves.

How is the gravitational potential energy of an astronaut calculated?

The gravitational potential energy of an astronaut can be calculated using the formula: PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the astronaut, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the astronaut above the reference point. This formula assumes a constant gravitational field and neglects any effects of air resistance.

What factors affect the gravitational potential energy of an astronaut?

The gravitational potential energy of an astronaut is affected by their mass, the strength of the gravitational field, and their position relative to the reference point. It is also affected by any external forces acting on the astronaut, such as air resistance or other gravitational bodies.

How does the gravitational potential energy of an astronaut change during a spacewalk?

During a spacewalk, the gravitational potential energy of an astronaut changes as they move away or closer to the reference point, which is typically the spacecraft they are attached to. As they move further away, their gravitational potential energy increases, and as they move closer, it decreases. This change in potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the astronaut moves.

Can the gravitational potential energy of an astronaut be negative?

Yes, the gravitational potential energy of an astronaut can be negative. This occurs when the astronaut is located below the reference point, such as when they are in a deep space station or on a planet with a strong gravitational field. Negative potential energy indicates that the astronaut would need to do work to move away from the reference point, and can be converted into kinetic energy as they move closer to the reference point.
