Gravitational Potential Enery and Tidal Power Generation

In summary: However, there are some issues with it that have yet to be solved. One is the efficiency of the system--generating electricity from a weight falling in water is not as efficient as using an engine to do the same thing. Additionally, one would need to create a large system with many weights to generate a significant amount of power. Additionally, the displaced water would need to be disposed of in some way.
  • #1
After walking along the Thames every day on the way to work, I noticed that the water lever difference is between low and high tide is about 7-8m. Thoughts soon turned to how to harness this for power generation.

The idea I had is to have a large weight buoyed so that it would rise with the tide (for example a large container with two compartments; the top compartment filled with water, and the bottom (larger?) compartment filled with air or a vacuum). The weight lifts with the incoming tide, and on full tide it is secured into place effectively storing the gravitational potential energy gained from the lifting tide. The weight would be attached to some sort of gear system so that when it is released electricity is generated.

This seems simple enough.. but would it work? I have many questions, hopefully one or two can be answered:

1) Is it possible to generate electricity from a falling weight (via gears or whatever)? If attached to such a system, how fast would the weight fall? How efficient would it be?

2) How many of these weights would be needed to generate a significant amount of energy? One big weight? An array of smaller weights?

3) Where would the displaced water go? (The bottom container would be fully submerged.)

4) Has this been thought of before (probably!), and if so, what's wrong with the idea for no one to have implemented it?

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  • #2
This idea has been considered in many forms.

Hydroelectric plants use falling water to turn tubrines, which turn generators. One needs a time varying magetic field to generate an force or potential to drive a current. Hydroplants use rotating generators which produce AC at 50 Hz or 60 Hz depending on the country.

For a falling mass m, the amount of potential energy = mgh, where h is the distance from reference to maximum height through which the mass falls. In free fall, the mass would accelerate at g, or slightly less if there is resistance. If one is attempting to extract energy from the mass while it falls, then there would be an opposing resistance, and if the opposing resistance = mg, then the mass would fall at constant velocity.

Tidal generation simply makes use of the change in elevation of the water due to natural tidal forces and the flow of water. There really wouldn't be a benefit to supplementing tidal flow or a reservoir with weights.

In a closed system, one needs upper and lower storage reservoirs. In an open system, one simply needs pools or ponds. In the case of the Thames, it's one large reservoir, in addition to being an estuary. The Thames, of course, is connected to an even larger reservoir which is the English Channel, and the world's oceans.
  • #3
Welcome to PF, Stathi.
Most tidal generating systems involve using the up and down motion of floats to compress air which is then transmitted to auxiliary equipment. Hydraulics could also be used.
  • #4
This has been studied specifically for the Thames, back in the 1950s or 1960s as I recall.

Related to Gravitational Potential Enery and Tidal Power Generation

1. What is gravitational potential energy and how does it relate to tidal power generation?

Gravitational potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. In the context of tidal power generation, this refers to the energy that is stored in the Earth's oceans due to their position in relation to the Moon's gravitational pull. This energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity through the use of tidal power turbines.

2. How is tidal power generation different from other forms of renewable energy?

Tidal power generation is different from other forms of renewable energy, such as wind or solar, because it relies on the gravitational potential energy of the Earth's oceans rather than the direct conversion of sunlight or wind into electricity. It is also more predictable and consistent, as tides occur on a regular and predictable schedule.

3. What are the advantages of using tidal power as a renewable energy source?

One of the main advantages of using tidal power is that it is a clean and renewable energy source, meaning it does not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants. It is also more reliable and consistent than other renewable energy sources, as tides occur on a predictable schedule. Tidal power also has a low visual and environmental impact, as it does not require the construction of large dams or the use of large amounts of land.

4. What are the potential drawbacks of tidal power generation?

One potential drawback of tidal power generation is its high upfront costs. Building and installing tidal power turbines can be expensive, and it may take several years for the investment to be recouped. Additionally, tidal power is limited to coastal areas with strong tidal currents, making it less accessible than other forms of renewable energy.

5. How can the use of tidal power be expanded in the future?

In order to expand the use of tidal power in the future, further research and development is needed to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of tidal power technologies. This could include advancements in turbine design and placement, as well as the development of new technologies that can harness tidal energy in different ways. Additionally, government support and incentives may also help to promote the growth of tidal power generation.

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