Gravitational Time Dilation - Is my head older than my feet?

In summary, according to general relativity, objects in a strong uniform gravitational field experience time slower that objects in a weak uniform gravitational field. This means that objects close to the Earth, such as your feet, experience more time dilation than objects further away from the Earth, such as your head.
  • #1
According to general relativity, objects in a strong uniform gravitational field experience time slower that objects in a weak uniform gravitational field.

Does this mean that my feet, being closer to the Earth that my head, are younger than my head when I die?

If this is correct could someone oblige me in showing me the maths involved should it not be to complicated. Or at least link a source to be where I can learn these calculations for myself.

Kindest Regards,
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  • #2
Awol_01010001 said:
Does this mean that my feet, being closer to the Earth that my head, are younger than my head when I die?

Yes, that's right. They experience stronger acceleration, and so are more time-dilated.
  • #3
inottoe said:
Yes, that's right. They experience stronger acceleration, and so are more time-dilated.

Is the maths involved complicated to a lay person? i would like to be able to demonstrate this to others.
  • #4
You could try this:" . The maths isn't too complicated.
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  • #5
That's very useful. One more question if you don't mind.

Once I have a value for Td how do I put this in context?

For example after my feet are 1 second old my head is y seconds old?
  • #6
Yes you are correct. But remember, Earth's gravity is very weak (and gravity is already the weakest of the 4 forces) compared to most cosmic bodies. So its not like your head is years older than your feet, but by a very tiny amount of time. Great observation though.
  • #7
abaio said:
Using the equation on Td = e^(gh/c^2) how would I express the difference in time after obtaining a value for Td?

This equation gives the ratio of the two times.
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  • #8
Awol_01010001 said:
This equation gives the ratio of the two times.

Fantastic. Thanks for your help.

So I tried to calculate this. I took my height and approximate age (of my feet) in seconds to the nearest day.
And i used the linear "weak field" approximation Td = 1 + gh / c2 of the equation.

I calcualted that my head is 180ns older than my feet, assuming of course i have been standing upright since birth :smile:
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  • #9
Looks fine, but don't you feel silly copying down 8 sig figs at intermediate steps in a 2-sig-fig calculation?
  • #10
How do you justify the asusmption that your head and feet die at the "same time"?

Couldn't you equally argue that your head would die first, since time runs faster for it?


FAQ: Gravitational Time Dilation - Is my head older than my feet?

1. What is gravitational time dilation?

Gravitational time dilation is a phenomenon in which time moves slower in a region with a stronger gravitational field. This means that an observer in a stronger gravitational field will experience time passing at a slower rate compared to someone in a weaker gravitational field.

2. How does gravitational time dilation affect aging?

The effects of gravitational time dilation on aging are relatively small in everyday life. However, in extreme cases, such as near a black hole, the difference in time experienced by an observer can be significant. This means that someone closer to a strong gravitational field will age slower compared to someone further away.

3. Is it true that my head can age slower than my feet?

Yes, this is possible due to gravitational time dilation. The closer you are to a strong gravitational field, the slower time will pass for you. This means that your head, which is closer to Earth's center of gravity, will experience time moving slower compared to your feet.

4. Can gravitational time dilation be observed on Earth?

Yes, gravitational time dilation can be observed on Earth, although the effects are very small. For example, someone living at a higher altitude will experience time moving slightly faster compared to someone living at sea level due to the difference in gravitational pull.

5. How is gravitational time dilation related to Einstein's theory of relativity?

Gravitational time dilation is a predicted consequence of Einstein's theory of general relativity. It is based on the idea that gravity is not a force but rather a curvature of space and time caused by massive objects. This theory has been experimentally confirmed and is widely accepted in the scientific community.
