Gravitational Waves: Cosmic Inflation Equation

In summary, the equation governing the evolution of tensor perturbations (gravitational waves) generated during inflation is h'' + 2(a'/a)h' + k^2 h = 0, derived from the FRW metric which is valid at all length scales. The scale factor for de Sitter space is a(t) = exp(Ht) and it is inflationary since H = const. De Sitter spacetime has non-zero spacetime curvature and is not equivalent to Minkowski spacetime.
  • #1
Hi not sure if this is GR or cosmology,
does anyone know what the gravitational wave equation is for GW's produced during cosmic inflation is it just [itex] \ddot{h}+2H\dot{h} +k^{2}h=0 [/itex] because this is derivable using the FRW metric which isn't valid during inflastion, does this govern the dynamics as the waves re-enter the horizon?
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  • #2
The equation governing the evolution of tensor perturbations (gravitational waves) generated during inflation is
[tex]h'' + 2\frac{a'}{a}h' + k^2 h = 0[/tex]
where the primes denote derivatives wrt conformal time, [itex]d\tau = dt/a[/itex] (note that [itex]a'/a[/itex] is not the Hubble parameter, which is defined this way in terms of coordinate time: [itex]H = \dot{a}/a[/itex].)

I'm not clear on your claim about the FRW metric not being valid during inflation -- what do you mean by this? The above EOM is derived assuming FRW expansion, and it is valid at all length scales (including after the mode re-enters the horizon).
  • #3
It is also unclear to me why you say
pleasehelpmeno said:
the FRW metric which isn't valid during inflation
  • #4
well surely inflation is quasi de sitter, so the metric is [itex] dt^2-d\underline{X}^2 [/itex], whereas after infltaion in is FRLW so[itex] dt^2-a^{2}d\underline{X}^2 [/itex].

Isn't that tensor perturbation eqn derived from the action [itex] S^{(2)}=\frac{a^{2}(t)}{2}d^{4}x [/itex] which surely can't occur during inflation.
  • #5
de Sitter is a vacuum FRLW spacetime.
  • #6
Yeah but it doesn't have the scale factor so why in here for example does it derive that equation using an action that contains an a(t)?
  • #7
pleasehelpmeno said:
Yeah but it doesn't have the scale factor so why in here for example does it derive that equation using an action that contains an a(t)?
The scale factor for de Sitter is [itex]a(t) \propto \exp(Ht)[/itex]. Why do you think there is no scale factor? (Keep in mind that while the full topological de Sitter space is static, inflationary spacetimes are described by only half of this space).
  • #8
yeah but the metric describing de-sitter space is dt^2 - dx^2 isn't it?

Or during inflation is it dt^2 - a^2 dx^2 ?
  • #9
The same spacetime can look very different in two different coordinate systems. I don't think that I am familiar with a coordinate system for which de Sitter looks like dt^2 - dx^2. Can you give a reference?
  • #10
pleasehelpmeno said:
yeah but the metric describing de-sitter space is dt^2 - dx^2 isn't it?

Or during inflation is it dt^2 - a^2 dx^2 ?
de Sitter space looks like [itex]ds^2 = dt^2 - \exp(2Ht)dx^2[/itex], with [itex]H = {\rm const}[/itex]. It has the FRW form with [itex]a(t) = \exp(Ht)[/itex], and is inflationary since [itex]H = {\rm const} \rightarrow \ddot{a}>0[/itex].
  • #12
pleasehelpmeno said:
Isn't it equivalent to minkowski space


Minkowski spacetime has zero spacetime curvature; de Sitter spacetime has non-zero spacetime curvature.

de Sitter spacetime can be considered to be a curved 4-dimensional hypersurface of a 5-dimensional space that has zero curvature.

Related to Gravitational Waves: Cosmic Inflation Equation

1. What are gravitational waves?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime that are caused by the acceleration of massive objects, such as black holes or neutron stars. These waves were first predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity and were recently detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015.

2. What is cosmic inflation?

Cosmic inflation is a theory that explains the rapid expansion of the universe in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. It suggests that the universe underwent a period of exponential growth, causing it to expand faster than the speed of light. This theory helps to explain the uniformity of the universe and the abundance of matter and energy in the universe today.

3. How are gravitational waves related to cosmic inflation?

The detection of gravitational waves provides evidence for the theory of cosmic inflation. According to the theory, the rapid expansion of the universe would have created gravitational waves, which would leave a distinct pattern in the cosmic microwave background radiation. The recent detection of these waves by LIGO provides strong support for the theory of cosmic inflation.

4. What is the equation for cosmic inflation?

The equation for cosmic inflation is known as the Friedmann equations, which are a set of equations that describe the expansion of the universe in terms of its density and energy. These equations were first proposed by Alexander Friedmann in the 1920s and have been refined and expanded upon by many scientists since then.

5. How does the detection of gravitational waves impact our understanding of the universe?

The detection of gravitational waves has had a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. It has provided evidence for the theory of cosmic inflation, which helps to explain the origins of the universe and its current state. Additionally, it has opened up a new field of study in astrophysics and has allowed scientists to explore the universe in a completely new way, providing insights into some of the most mysterious and extreme phenomena in the universe, such as black holes and neutron stars.

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