Gravitational Waves: Difficulty Level of Study?

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  • Thread starter kent davidge
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    Study Waves
In summary: It has a lot of nice derivations and examples.In summary, @vanhees71 said that the study of gravitational waves is more difficult than the study of electromagnetic waves, but that there are ways to make a mini-LIGO.
  • #1
kent davidge
I just want to know, is the study (say, at an elementary - to intermediate level) of gravitational waves much more difficult than the electromagnetic waves?
Physics news on
  • #2
I know I asked a similar question back on april, but this time I would like to have a comparison between electromagnetic and gravitational waves...
  • #3
kent davidge said:
I just want to know, is the study (say, at an elementary - to intermediate level) of gravitational waves much more difficult than the electromagnetic waves?
kent davidge said:
I know I asked a similar question back on april, but this time I would like to have a comparison between electromagnetic and gravitational waves...
What can you tell us about how LIGO works? Can you think of a way of making a mini-LIGO? What might be some of the issues with doing that? :smile:
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  • #4
It is unclear to me if you are asking about the difficulties of studying to understand gravitational waves from a theoretical perspective or about the practical difficulties of experimentally studying the gravitational wave phenomenon.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
about the difficulties of studying to understand gravitational waves from a theoretical perspective
that ⬆
  • #6
The starting point are the linearized Einstein equations for the free gravitational field. It's only a bit more complicated than Maxwell's equations, because the gravitational field is a massless rank-2 tensor field while the em. field is a massless vector (rank-1 tensor) field.

The treatment is analogous in both cases, using gauge invariance to fix the gauge to make life as easy as possible. In the em. case the four-vector potential ##A_{\mu}## is only determined up to a gradient, i.e., ##A_{\mu}## and ##A_{\mu}'=A_{\mu}+\partial_{\mu} \chi## with an arbitrary scalar field ##\chi## are physically equivalent. To fix the gauge completely for free fields you can impose the gauge conditions ##\partial_{\mu} A^{\mu}=0## and also ##A^0=0## (radiation gauge). That leaves you with two independent field-degrees of freedom, which physically have the meaning of the two independent polarization states (e.g., you can choose the helicity basis, i.e., left- and right-circular polarized modes of the em. field to describe all possible polarization states of em. waves as superposition of those).

For the linearlized Einstein equations the gauge invariance is nothing else than the general covariance under all transformations of the coordinates. The symmetric 2nd-rank tensor field has 10 components, and one can show that fixing the gauge completely also in this case leaves you with only two independent "polarization degrees of freedom", which you can again choose as the helicity eigenmodes.

This follows also from the general representation theory of the Poincare group: Massless irreducible fields have only two indepenent "polarization degrees of freedom", with a convenient basis being given by the helicity eigenstates. The helicity can only be ##0## (scalar fields), ##\pm 1## (vector field like the em. field), ##\pm 2## (rank-2 tensor field like the gravitational field), etc.
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Likes Orodruin and kent davidge
  • #7
Thanks, @vanhees71 . That was a good overview. I wonder if you wrote some manuscript containing this subject?
  • #8
Not yet ;-)). I think the best source to start with GR is Landau&Lifshitz Vol. 2.
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Likes kent davidge

FAQ: Gravitational Waves: Difficulty Level of Study?

1. What are gravitational waves and why are they important to study?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects. They were first predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity and were recently detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). Studying gravitational waves allows us to understand more about the universe and its origins, as well as test the predictions of general relativity.

2. How difficult is it to study gravitational waves?

Studying gravitational waves is a complex and challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of advanced mathematics, physics, and engineering principles. It also involves sophisticated technologies and instruments, such as the LIGO detectors, which are highly sensitive and require precise calibration and data analysis techniques. Therefore, studying gravitational waves can be considered a difficult and demanding field of study.

3. What are the main challenges in studying gravitational waves?

One of the main challenges in studying gravitational waves is their extremely small amplitude, making them difficult to detect and measure. Additionally, gravitational waves can be distorted by various sources of noise, such as seismic activity and vibrations from nearby objects. This requires advanced techniques and technologies to filter out the noise and extract the signal from the gravitational waves. Moreover, the study of gravitational waves also requires collaboration and coordination among scientists from different disciplines.

4. What are some possible applications of studying gravitational waves?

Studying gravitational waves has many potential applications in various fields. For example, it can help us gain a better understanding of the behavior of matter and energy in extreme conditions, such as black holes and neutron stars. It can also improve our understanding of the origins and evolution of the universe. Additionally, the detection and measurement of gravitational waves can also have practical applications, such as in the development of more accurate navigation systems and technologies for detecting and monitoring earthquakes.

5. Is studying gravitational waves only for physicists?

No, studying gravitational waves involves collaboration among scientists from different fields, including physics, astronomy, mathematics, and engineering. Therefore, it is not limited to physicists only. In fact, the study of gravitational waves requires a multidisciplinary approach, where each field brings its expertise and knowledge to contribute to the overall understanding of these phenomena.
