Gravitational Waves & Energy: Is There a Consensus?

In summary, gravitational waves do carry energy, even though they are perturbations in spacetime rather than a physical field. This used to be a source of controversy, but there is now a consensus that they do carry energy. The idea that spacetime is not a physical field has been reconciled in Einstein's theory of general relativity.
  • #1
I understand that any source of gravitational waves loses energy, which is carried away by the waves. But since the waves are perturbations in spacetime rather than a physical field, they cannot carry energy the way photons do. I have read that this used to be a source of considerable controversy in the past. Is there any consensus these days and what would the answer be?
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  • #3
No, not really. I am aware of the sticky bead thought experiment. I want to reconcile that in my mind with the fact that spacetime is not a physical field.
  • #4
epovo said:
spacetime is not a physical field

What do you mean by "a physical field"?
  • #5
epovo said:
No, not really. I am aware of the sticky bead thought experiment. I want to reconcile that in my mind with the fact that spacetime is not a physical field.
In GR, spacetime is a manifold plus a metric on it (not just the metric, which was the source of great confusion for Einstein, see 'the hole argument'). But the metric is as "physical" as e.g. the el.magn. gauge field A. At least, in GR it is.
  • #6
What I mean is that ##T_{\alpha\beta}=0## away from the source. If the wave contains energy then ##T_{\alpha\beta}\neq0## at that point, leading to a contradiction.
  • #7
epovo said:
What I mean is that ##T_{\alpha\beta}=0## away from the source.
About that ...

Note to the Fifteenth Edition
In this edition I have added, as a fifth appendix, a presentation of my views on the problem of space in general and the gradual modifications of our ideas on space resulting from the influence of the relativistic view-point. I wished to show that space-time is not necessarily something to which one can ascribe a separate existence, independently of the actual objects of physical reality. Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept "empty space" loses its meaning.
June 9th, 1952, A. Einstein, Relativity - The Special and The General Theory


A complete field theory knows fields and not the concepts of particle and motion. For these must not exist independently of the field but are to be treated as part of it.
July 1935, A.Einstein, N.Rosen - The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity

  • #8
Well, it's still true that that ##T_{\alpha\beta}=0## is the starting point from which we derive the gravitational wave equation.
  • #9
epovo said:
If the wave contains energy then ##T_{\alpha\beta}\neq0## at that point,

This is not correct. Please take some time to learn what GR actually says about gravitational waves. The fact that they do carry energy even though they can propagate through regions where ##T_{\alpha \beta} = 0## was established in the 1960s and has been part of standard GR ever since. All of the major GR textbooks written since then cover this (for example, MTW has a good discussion of it).
  • #10
The OP's question has been answered. Thread closed.

FAQ: Gravitational Waves & Energy: Is There a Consensus?

1. What are gravitational waves?

Gravitational waves are disturbances in the fabric of space-time that travel at the speed of light. They are produced by the acceleration of massive objects, such as black holes or neutron stars, and were first predicted by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity.

2. How do we detect gravitational waves?

The most common way to detect gravitational waves is through the use of interferometers, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). These instruments use lasers to measure tiny changes in the distance between two points caused by passing gravitational waves.

3. Is there a consensus on the existence of gravitational waves?

Yes, there is a strong consensus among scientists that gravitational waves do exist. The first direct detection of gravitational waves was announced by LIGO in 2016, and since then, multiple detections have been made by various observatories around the world.

4. Can gravitational waves be used as a source of energy?

No, gravitational waves are incredibly weak and would require a massive amount of energy to produce a detectable signal. Additionally, the technology to harness gravitational waves for energy is currently not feasible.

5. How do gravitational waves affect our daily lives?

Gravitational waves do not directly affect our daily lives in any significant way. However, their detection has provided a new way to study the universe and has the potential to reveal more about the nature of gravity and the origins of the universe.

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