Gravitational Waves: Exploring the Validity of the Theory with Advanced LIGO

In summary, theories do not die, they just get remodeled. If the advanced LIGO experiment fails to detect gravitational waves, it could mean a few things: either LIGO detects something and everyone believes it, LIGO is a bust but another mission like LISA detects gravitational waves, LISA is also a bust and we have to wait for a new generation of detectors, or LISA registers a non-detection down to the threshold where theory predicts gravitational waves. This last option would likely excite the scientific community. If both LIGO and LISA fail, we may have to wait for a future mission like Constellation-X to try again. However, there are also theories that postulate we may never detect gravitational waves. If L
  • #1
If the advanced LIGO will not detect gravitational waves then is the theory dead?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Theories don't die. They just get remodeled.
  • #3
ohwilleke said:
Theories don't die. They just get remodeled.

Do you have any idea what could be remodeled?
  • #4
X-43D said:
If the advanced LIGO will not detect gravitational waves then is the theory dead?

We haven't confidently reached the threshold where we can be sure we should have detected gravitational waves. One of several things could happen:

1) LIGO detects something and everybody believes it. This is looking less and less likely with time.
2) LIGO is a bust, but LISA (a planned space interferometry mission) detects gravitational waves. This is where my money is at the moment.
3) LISA is a bust because of some failed instrumentation and we have to wait for the next generation.
4) LISA registers a non-detection of gravitational waves down to the threshold where theory definitely predicts them.

Rather than "killing" anything, that last option would likely excite the community. The least interesting result would be a complete verification of current theory.
  • #5
SpaceTiger said:
We haven't confidently reached the threshold where we can be sure we should have detected gravitational waves. One of several things could happen:

1) LIGO detects something and everybody believes it. This is looking less and less likely with time.
2) LIGO is a bust, but LISA (a planned space interferometry mission) detects gravitational waves. This is where my money is at the moment.
3) LISA is a bust because of some failed instrumentation and we have to wait for the next generation.
4) LISA registers a non-detection of gravitational waves down to the threshold where theory definitely predicts them.

Rather than "killing" anything, that last option would likely excite the community. The least interesting result would be a complete verification of current theory.

In a chance when both LIGO and LISA will fail, we would have to wait for Constellation-X (after 2016) i guess. If they don't exist this would be a big lesson.

Of course there are some theories which postulate that we'll never detect gravitational waves, such as MLET.
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  • #6
X-43D said:
In a chance when both LIGO and LISA will fail, we would have to wait for Constellation-X (after 2016) i guess.

Constellation-X is an X-ray mission...
  • #7
SpaceTiger said:
Constellation-X is an X-ray mission...

But isn't it part of the 'Beyond Einstein project'? The project has nothing to do with gravitational waves though...
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  • #8
X-43D said:
Do you have any idea what could be remodeled?

Well, and to be clear, I'm talking about a situation where the experiment disproves with undisputed accuracy the presence of gravity waves which theory predicts, you have a number of options:

(1) The wave length of gravity waves is different, probably longer, than expected.
(2) Gravity waves are slower than expected.
(3) Contrary to theory, gravity is particle-like and not wave-like.
(4) Contrary to theory, gravity is instananeous.
(5) The instrument is part of the system in an unexpected way which makes it incapable of detecting gravity ways.
(6) It's all the Dolphins' fault.
  • #9
ohwilleke said:
Well, and to be clear, I'm talking about a situation where the experiment disproves with undisputed accuracy the presence of gravity waves which theory predicts, you have a number of options:

(1) The wave length of gravity waves is different, probably longer, than expected.
(2) Gravity waves are slower than expected.
(3) Contrary to theory, gravity is particle-like and not wave-like.
(4) Contrary to theory, gravity is instananeous.
(5) The instrument is part of the system in an unexpected way which makes it incapable of detecting gravity ways.
(6) It's all the Dolphins' fault.

I think that if all matter has a wave structre than GR is probably correct about gravitational waves.
  • #10
As ohwilleke notes, it may be that the system is not sensitive enough to detect gravitational waves (i.e., the experiment produces a "false negative" result). I don't know the details of the experiment, but presumably it was designed to detect gravity waves as they are best understood via the current theory of general relativity. If gravity waves are weaker than we expected, then we may need to tweak the theory accordingly and a more sensitive detector would need to be built. Any detector has a "detection limit" below which it cannot see, so it's hard/impossible to prove that there are zero gravity waves (an experiment may say there are no gravity waves detectable at X meters...and we can keep lowering X with better detectors).

In order to totally scrap general relativity, we would first need to develop a new theory that explains everything GR can and more (GR has already been shown to be very accurate on a broad range of tests). A scientific "theory" has already passed experimental tests. It's a hypothesis that you can keep/drop based on (essentially) one experimental result.
  • #11
Of course, I think that either an inconclusive result or a LIGO confirmation of gravity waves is much more likely, than a definitive contraindication of gravity waves from LIGO.

FAQ: Gravitational Waves: Exploring the Validity of the Theory with Advanced LIGO

1. What are gravitational waves?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time, caused by the acceleration of massive objects. They were first predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity in 1915.

2. How are gravitational waves detected?

Gravitational waves are detected using highly sensitive instruments called interferometers, such as the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). These instruments measure tiny changes in the distance between two points caused by passing gravitational waves.

3. What is the significance of detecting gravitational waves?

Detecting gravitational waves provides evidence for the validity of Einstein's theory of general relativity and opens up a new window for studying the universe. Gravitational waves can also provide insights into the nature of black holes, the early universe, and other astrophysical phenomena.

4. How does Advanced LIGO work?

Advanced LIGO consists of two L-shaped interferometers with arms that are 4 kilometers long. Laser beams are sent down each arm of the interferometer and are reflected back to a central point. When a gravitational wave passes through, it causes the length of the arms to change, which is detected by the interference of the laser beams.

5. What have we learned from gravitational wave detections so far?

Since its first detection in 2015, gravitational waves have been detected multiple times, providing further evidence for the theory of general relativity. These detections have also confirmed the existence of black holes and neutron stars, and have provided new insights into the properties of these objects. Additionally, gravitational wave detections have allowed us to study the universe in a new way, providing a new avenue for future discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the cosmos.

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