Gravitational Waves: Time, Synchronization, Speed

In summary, the conversation is about gravitational waves and their relationship to space and time. The speaker wants to make a video explaining how gravitational waves are also waves in time, and how they demonstrate the connection between space and time in the theory of relativity. They also mention the idea of using clocks at the end of LIGO arms to show the effects of gravitational waves on time. The speaker also references a previous successful video on the topic of gravity.
  • #1
Karl Coryat
Hi folks. I see there is a similar thread on grav waves and time, but I have a few specific questions.

Everyone talks about grav waves "in space" -- even Brian Greene was saying this on Colbert, whereas Colbert was saying spacetime. I would like to make a video on how GWs are indeed "waves in time" as well, (a) to shed additional light on GWs for lay people and (b) connect it back to relativity.

Ignoring the obvious technological limitations, if there were clocks at the end of the LIGO arms, we would see their rates fluctuate as the GW passes, yes? If they were centrally synchronized and each sending signals, the signals would go out of phase momentarily...I assume they would return to phase and be re-synchronized once the GW has passed?

Also, is it true that the signal would seem to speed up on an arm that's otherwise seen to "lengthen," and slow down when "shortening"?

It strikes me that this would be a nice way to demonstrate how space and time are intimately linked in spacetime, and the invariance of c. Incidentally I had a lot of success with my last physics video, "How Gravity Makes Things Fall," which also began as a question right here. Thanks!
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  • #2
Sorry, I am past the editing time limit. I meant to say, "is it true that the rate of the signal would seem to speed up on an arm that's otherwise seen to lengthen" -- which, when phrased this way, makes me think the rate of the ticks would actually be slower or redshifted on the arm that would be observed as having lengthened. Is that right?

FAQ: Gravitational Waves: Time, Synchronization, Speed

What are gravitational waves?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects. They were predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity and have been observed by scientists.

How are gravitational waves detected?

Gravitational waves are detected using specialized instruments called interferometers. These use lasers and mirrors to measure tiny changes in the distance between them, caused by passing gravitational waves.

What is the relationship between gravitational waves and time?

Gravitational waves can cause distortions in space-time, which affects the passage of time. This effect is known as gravitational time dilation. It means that time can appear to move slower or faster depending on the strength of the gravitational wave.

What is synchronization in the context of gravitational waves?

Synchronization refers to the process of aligning clocks and timekeeping devices to a common standard. In the context of gravitational waves, synchronization is important in order to accurately measure the timing of the waves and their effects on time.

What is the speed of gravitational waves?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. This means that they move at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum.

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