Gravitomagnetic Experiment: Possibility & Calculations

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In summary: Earth). So the answer is no. Even if you could build a cylinder made of some fantastical material that could spin at high speed without breaking, you wouldn't be able to detect any measurable gravitomagnetic effects from it. In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of conducting an experiment to demonstrate the gravitomagnetic effect. The calculations were done using the gravitomagnetic model, which is not as accurate as general relativity but should give similar predictions. The proposed experiment involves a spinning cylinder with a hole in it to create a gravitomagnetic field, a laser to send a ray through the hole, and a detector to measure any change in the laser's direction.
  • #1
Gold Member
[Mentor Note -- LaTeX edited for readability]

I was thinking about an experiment to demonstrate gravitomagnetic effect. I did my calculations using gravitomagnetic model. It is not as accurate as general relativity, but GR should give similar predictions. I do not know if it would be possible to to this experiment in real life(are there enough accurate sensors and tough materials).
Installations consists of:
  • a spinning cylinder with hole in it, that is for creating gravitomagnetic field. last one is for detecting gravitomagnetic field. axis of cylinder is parallel to coorinate-z-axis.
  • laser, that sends it's ray throght the hole in cylinder.Ray is directed to z axis, and is parallel to y-axis. x-coordinate of laser location is 0.
  • detector, that detect angel of the laserray. (may be something that's measures location of laserray after it has traveled a long distance)
I make an approximation, that the hole is much smaller than the cylinder and ignore it. Gravitimagnetic field created by the spinning cylinder (look derivation from
##\vec B(x, y, R, H, H_0)=
(\frac{k_G4πρω}{c^2}\int_{H_0}^{H+H_0}(\int_0^R((\frac{hπrx(\sqrt{h^4(x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}-(h^2+r^2+x^2+y^2))}{(x^2+y^2)\sqrt{h^4+(x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}})dr)dh),\frac{k_G4πρω}{c^2}\int_{H_0}^{H+H_0}(\int_0^R((\frac{hπry(\sqrt{h^4+(x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}-(h^2+r^2+x^2+y^2))}{(x^2+y^2)\sqrt{h^4 + (x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}})dr)dh),\frac{k_G4πρω}{c^2}\int_{H_0}^{H+H_0} (\int_0^R (\int_0^{2π} (\frac{(r-xCos(a) - ySin(a))r^2}{(x^2+y^2+r^2+h^2-2r(xCos(a)+ySin(a)))^{3/2}} dα)dr)dh))##
since unlike in this post cylinder is for simplicity assumed to be infinitly long:
##\vec B(x, y)=
(\frac{k_G4πρω}{c^2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\int_0^R((\frac{hπrx(\sqrt{h^4(x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}-(h^2+r^2+x^2+y^2))}{(x^2+y^2)\sqrt{h^4+(x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}})dr)dh),\frac{k_G4πρω}{c^2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}(\int_0^R((\frac{hπry(\sqrt{h^4+(x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}-(h^2+r^2+x^2+y^2))}{(x^2+y^2)\sqrt{h^4 + (x^2+y^2-r^2)^2+2h^2(r^2+x^2+y^2)}})dr)dh),\frac{k_G4πρω}{c^2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (\int_0^R (\int_0^{2π} (\frac{(r-xCos(a) - ySin(a))r^2}{(x^2+y^2+r^2+h^2-2r(xCos(a)+ySin(a)))^{3/2}} dα)dr)dh))##

  • ##k_G## is gravitational constant.
  • ##\rho## is density of cylinder.
  • ##R## is radius of the cylinder.
force on a single photon is:

as approximation I can calculate force as:
##\vec{F}\approx (cB_zm_{photon}4,0,0)##

acceleration of photon is:
##\vec{a}=\frac{\partial \vec{X}^2}{\partial t^2}=(\frac{F}{m_{photon}}-\frac{(\vec F.\vec v)\vec v}{m_{photon}c^2})\frac{\sqrt{c^2-v^2}}{c}##

as approximation I can calculate acceleration of photon as:
##\vec{a}\approx\frac{\partial \vec{X}^2}{\partial t^2}=\frac{F}{m_{photon}}##

speed is:

change of direction of laserray is:

as approximation I can calculate change of direction of laserray as:
##\alpha\approx arcsin(\frac{v_x}{c})##

by simplifying equations above I get that approximate change of direction of laserray is:
##\vec{a}\approx (cB_z4,0,0)##
I make an approximation, that gravitomagnetic fileld on path of photon is same as in path that photon would take if it traveled straight.:
##\alpha\approx arcsin(\frac{\int(dl\vec{(B_z(\vec{x}(t))4)}(t))}{c})=arcsin(\frac{k_G16πρω}{c^3}\int(dl\vec{(\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (\int_0^R (\int_0^{2π} (\frac{(r-xCos(a) - ySin(a))r^2}{(x^2+y^2+r^2+h^2-2r(xCos(a)+ySin(a)))^{3/2}}dα)dr)dh))}))
=arcsin(\frac{k_G16πρω}{c^3}\int(dl\vec{(\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (\int_0^R (\int_0^{2π} (\frac{(r-ySin(a))r^2}{(y^2+r^2+h^2-2r(ySin(a)))^{3/2}}dα)dr)dh))}))##

(##m_{photon}## is 0 . It cancels out. It is in formulas as dummy-variable))

Maybe adding some mirrors somewhere would make the experiment even better.

Are these equations correct?
Would it be possible to make such experiment?
I hope someone takes some time and writes clear arguments why such experiment would be or would not be possible or writes some ideas how to change this experiment.
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  • #2
olgerm said:
Are these equations correct?

They are as always unreadable. You've been told repeatedly that ##*## is not a symbol for multiplication, and there is no need to add it zilions of times.
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Likes Vanadium 50, Motore and olgerm
  • #3
weirdoguy said:
They are as always unreadable. You've been told repeatedly that ##*## is not a symbol for multiplication, and there is no need to add it zilions of times.
I tried my best to delete the "*" characters in the LaTeX. Let me know if anything looks wrong still.

@olgerm -- Please do not use the "*" character for multiplication in LaTeX. It is a symbol used for convolution, not multiplication in math typesetting. You've never seen it used in textbooks for multplication, so please try to use LaTeX here to create textbook-style math equations. Thank you.
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  • #4
olgerm said:
I do not know if it would be possible to to this experiment in real life
As you have already been told, the gravitomagnetic effects of objects of ordinary size are many, many orders of magnitude too small for us to detect with any technology we have now or will have in the foreseeable future. You need rotating masses of planetary size at least, and even then it takes very precise measurements that are just at the edge of our current capabilities (such as Gravity Probe B detecting the Lense-Thirring precession due to the Earth).
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  • #5
PeterDonis said:
As you have already been told, the gravitomagnetic effects of objects of ordinary size are many, many orders of magnitude too small for us to detect with any technology we have now or will have in the foreseeable future. You need rotating masses of planetary size at least, and even then it takes very precise measurements that are just at the edge of our current capabilities (such as Gravity Probe B detecting the Lense-Thirring precession due to the Earth).
Centre of the artificial cylinder could be much closer to sensor than center of Earth could be. And it's angular speed could be bigger. I am not sure if this experiment would be possible, but I need more clear explanation(How big could the ##B_G## field be; how much it would change angle of laserray) to be conviced that it is not possible.
  • #6
olgerm said:
Centre of the artificial cylinder could be much closer to sensor than center of Earth could be. And it's angular speed could be bigger.
Doesn't help. You're still many, many orders of magnitude away from having an effect detectable with our current or foreseeable future technology.

olgerm said:
I am not sure if this experiment would be possible, but I need more clear explanation(How big could the ##B_G## field be; how much it would change angle of laserray) to be conviced that it is not possible.
No, you don't need "more clear explanation". I've already given you the basic explanation. You need to do some actual calculations: plug numbers into your equations and see what they tell you. What they will tell you is that my statement, that the effect in this experiment is many, many orders of magnitude away from being detectable with our current or foreseeable future technology, is correct.
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  • #7
olgerm said:
Centre of the artificial cylinder could be much closer to sensor than center of Earth could be. And it's angular speed could be bigger
Woulda, shoulda, coulda.
olgerm said:
I am not sure if this experiment would be possible,
Then why are you arguing with us? You need planetary masses to see any effect. You have two choices - believe us, or show us quantitatively that you are right and we are wrong. A page of unreadable LaTeX that never reaches a number doesn't count - it just wastes everybody's time.
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  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
Woulda, shoulda, coulda.
Reason I wrote that was to say that just mass of planets being bigger and (Newtonian)gravitational field of planets being bigger than lab objects does not make it obvious that gravitomagnetic field of planets is bigger than gravitomagnetic field of lab objects.
I have done quite a lot work and written quite clearly my idea and formulas (without numeric claclulations). I expect clear explanation WHY this experiment would be impossible. Just to say that it is impossible that gravitomagnetic field of Earth is hardly measurable and lab objects are smaller than Earth is no sufficient explanation (read above why is not sufficent).
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  • #9
olgerm said:
I expect clear explanation WHY this experiment would be impossible.
Sorry, if what you've already been told is not enough, we can't help you any further. Go do the math yourself and see what it tells you. You've already been told what it will tell you, but if you're not going to believe what you've been told, you need to go calculate the answer for yourself. Further discussion here is pointless.

Thread closed.
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FAQ: Gravitomagnetic Experiment: Possibility & Calculations

What is a Gravitomagnetic Experiment?

A Gravitomagnetic Experiment is a scientific experiment that aims to test the existence of a theoretical phenomenon known as gravitomagnetism. This phenomenon proposes that the rotation of a massive object can create a gravitational field that affects the motion of other objects in a similar way to how a magnetic field affects the motion of charged particles.

Is Gravitomagnetism a proven concept?

No, gravitomagnetism is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven through experiments. However, there is evidence from observations of binary pulsars that support the existence of gravitomagnetism.

How is a Gravitomagnetic Experiment conducted?

A Gravitomagnetic Experiment typically involves using precision instruments to measure the tiny effects of gravitomagnetism on the motion of objects. This can include using sensitive gyroscopes or pendulums to detect changes in their motion caused by the rotation of a massive object.

What are the potential applications of Gravitomagnetism?

If proven to be a real phenomenon, gravitomagnetism could have significant implications for our understanding of gravity and could potentially lead to new technologies such as advanced propulsion systems for space travel.

How do scientists calculate the effects of Gravitomagnetism?

Calculating the effects of gravitomagnetism involves using mathematical equations based on Einstein's theory of general relativity. These equations take into account the mass and rotation of the object creating the gravitomagnetic field, as well as the distance and motion of the affected object.

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