Is Gravity Really a Pushing Force?

In summary, Michio Kaku said that gravity does not pull objects, but rather pushes them. He also said that Special Relativity does not apply to accelerating objects.
  • #1
I've always thought about gravity as a pulling force but perhaps it isn't. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with thinking about gravity as a pushing force attenuated by matter?
Physics news on
  • #2
Physics isn't just "what comes up must come down". Physics must also say when and where it comes down.

When you are considering something like this, you simply cannot do it via hand waving argument. You need to produce accurate, mathematical description that matches all our current observations on gravity. It is only after you can present that will something like this be considered and taken seriously. Otherwise, you will be another one of the people who come here with some vague idea and wanting the rest of us to do the dirty work of falsifying something that is half baked. This is not something we do in this forum, because there are in infinite number of such scenarios that anyone can come up with.

  • #4
jkg0 said:
I've always thought about gravity as a pulling force but perhaps it isn't. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with thinking about gravity as a pushing force attenuated by matter?
Are you referring to what Michio Kaku said in the TV documentary on Einstein?

  • #5
Chestermiller said:
Are you referring to what Michio Kaku said in the TV documentary on Einstein?


When Michio Kaku made that statement... my mind exploded...:eek:
  • #6
Chestermiller said:
Are you referring to what Michio Kaku said in the TV documentary on Einstein?


What was his comment?
  • #7
dauto said:
What was his comment?
Believe it or not, he said that gravity doesn't pull you. The relativistic explanation of gravity is that it pushes you. Here is a link to the documentary, now available from youtube:

This is one of the shows that got me interested in studying Relativity. I wanted to find out whether what they were saying was correct or not. In this case, Yiiiiiiiiiii!

I don't know how he could say something like this in a medium where it would be preserved forever for people to see.

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  • #8
dauto said:
What was his comment?

He talks about "space pushing" objects towards the mass after 2:00:

I guess it is his way to describe inertia: As an interaction with space, which opposes deviations from free fall. Not my favorite way to put it.
  • #9
Yes. He also mis-states in no uncertain terms that Special Relativity does not apply to accelerating objects. Many of the things said in this video are a PF "worst nightmare."

On the other hand, I love this video because of the historical perspective and the personal stories, including Einstein's "soap opera" personal life, his relationship to Planck and Haber, and the stories about the attempts to prove GR using solar eclipses.

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  • #10
Man, that was a terrible video. Why do they even try...
  • #11
The story about push seemed strange to me too at first. There is this curved 2D surface which pushes the marble to make it move in circles. Perhaps they just wanted to communicate the idea that gravity in Einstein's theory is similar to the curved surface. Instead of "curvature determines the trajectory" they said gravity pushes the body to make it similar to the curved surface where the marble indeed moves in circles due to push (contact forces of constraint cannot pull)...

...I rather would not be too harsh on them. This is probably close to where one can go without using mathematics...
  • #12
Jano L. said:
There is this curved 2D surface which pushes the marble to make it move in circles.
That is an even worse analogy. Discussed many time here.

Jano L. said:
This is probably close to where one can go without using mathematics...
One can do much better without using mathematics:

FAQ: Is Gravity Really a Pushing Force?

What is gravity as a pushing force?

Gravity as a pushing force is the idea that gravity is not a pulling force, but rather a force that pushes objects together. This concept challenges the traditional understanding of gravity as a pulling force between objects with mass.

How does the theory of gravity as a pushing force explain the behavior of objects in space?

The theory of gravity as a pushing force explains the behavior of objects in space by proposing that the force of gravity is actually a result of the pressure of space pushing objects together. This pressure is caused by the presence of mass in the universe.

What evidence supports the idea of gravity as a pushing force?

Some evidence that supports the idea of gravity as a pushing force includes the observed expansion of the universe, the behavior of galaxies, and the bending of light in the presence of massive objects. Additionally, some alternative theories of gravity, such as modified Newtonian dynamics, also suggest that gravity may be a pushing force.

How does the concept of gravity as a pushing force differ from traditional ideas about gravity?

The concept of gravity as a pushing force differs from traditional ideas about gravity by proposing that gravity is not a fundamental force, but rather an emergent force resulting from the properties of space. It also challenges the traditional understanding of gravity as a pulling force between objects with mass.

What are the potential implications of gravity as a pushing force for our understanding of the universe?

If gravity is indeed a pushing force, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe, including our understanding of the laws of physics and the behavior of celestial bodies. It could also lead to new theories and models of gravity that could potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

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