Gravity between the Earth and the Moon

In summary, the gravity from the moon affects humans because they are too small to be affected by it, and the difference in the strength of the gravity between the near and far sides of the Earth creates tides.
  • #1
I'm just reading a book and it says:

'' Humans are too small to be affected noticeably by the tides. The Earth has tides because its big, thousands of kilometres across. This gives the gravity from the Moon room to weaken.''

Why is it that the more massive an object is, the more it is susceptible to the gravity of the moon? Because if the Moon's gravity weakens over the Earths body, that would mean that there is a reduced pull towards the moon, reducing the height of the tides. And so, since humans are so small.. wouldn't the force not weaken as much, and so there is a greater pull towards the moon, making humans susceptible to tides?
I know I'm wrong, but i don't quite understand..

Please help! thank you :)
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  • #2
mynameistessa said:
I'm just reading a book and it says:

'' Humans are too small to be affected noticeably by the tides. The Earth has tides because its big, thousands of kilometres across. This gives the gravity from the Moon room to weaken.''

Why is it that the more massive an object is, the more it is susceptible to the gravity of the moon? Because if the Moon's gravity weakens over the Earths body, that would mean that there is a reduced pull towards the moon, reducing the height of the tides. And so, since humans are so small.. wouldn't the force not weaken as much, and so there is a greater pull towards the moon, making humans susceptible to tides?
I know I'm wrong, but i don't quite understand..

Please help! thank you :)

They could have just as well said "strengthen". The near side of the Earth feels the moon's gravity more strongly than average, and the far side more weakly than average. Because the Earth is quite large compared with the distance to the moon, the difference is enough to cause significant tides.
  • #3
What you are asking about is called a "Gradient". The Moons gravity weakens as you get further from it, and since the Earth is several thousand miles across the field has weakened between the near side and the far side. People are much smaller and while a gradient does exist between the side of our bodies closer to the Moon and the side further away, the difference is much too small to be noticeable.

mynameistessa said:
Why is it that the more massive an object is, the more it is susceptible to the gravity of the moon?

It isn't that more massive objects are more susceptible, it is that larger objects have a larger difference in the strength of gravity between the near and far sides. Something being more "massive" refers to the amount of mass an object has, which is kind of like it's weight, not the physical size.

Because if the Moon's gravity weakens over the Earths body, that would mean that there is a reduced pull towards the moon, reducing the height of the tides.

One thing to understand is that the reason the tides bulge up like they do is that the Moon is pulling the water near it away from the Earth, and it is pulling the Earth away from the water on the far side. Because water is a fluid it easily flows and is able to build up on each side.

And so, since humans are so small.. wouldn't the force not weaken as much, and so there is a greater pull towards the moon, making humans susceptible to tides?
I know I'm wrong, but i don't quite understand..

Please help! thank you :)

Nope. The difference in strength is very small for a person, while for the Earth it is much larger. When the difference is larger you get larger tidal effects. If I pull the front of your body with X amount of force, and the back of your body with 99.9% of that force, it has much small tidal effects than if I pulled the back of your body with only 75% of the force. In such a case your body would stretch slightly since the front is being pulled more strongly than the back.
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  • #4
Thank you so much for the replies, i now understand! I think i was reading the passage wrong because i somehow didn't think he was talking about the difference on each side but thank you! :) :)
  • #5

I can explain that the strength of gravity between two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. The larger the mass of an object, the more it will be affected by the gravitational pull of another object. In this case, the Earth is much larger and more massive than humans, so it is affected more by the Moon's gravity.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon also plays a role in the strength of the gravitational pull. The farther the two objects are, the weaker the gravitational force between them. This is why the Moon's gravity has a weaker effect on the Earth's tides compared to its effect on smaller objects like humans. The Earth's large mass and the distance between the Earth and the Moon allow for the Moon's gravity to weaken, resulting in smaller tides compared to the tides on smaller objects.

In summary, the mass and distance between two objects determine the strength of gravity between them. The Earth's large mass and distance from the Moon allow for the Moon's gravity to weaken, resulting in smaller tides compared to its effect on smaller objects like humans. I hope this helps clarify your understanding.

FAQ: Gravity between the Earth and the Moon

1. What is the force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon?

The force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 1.98 x 10^20 newtons. This is calculated using Newton's law of universal gravitation, which takes into account the masses of both objects and the distance between them.

2. How does the distance between the Earth and the Moon affect the force of gravity?

The force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance increases, the force decreases. Therefore, the closer the Earth and the Moon are, the stronger the force of gravity between them.

3. What would happen if the Earth and the Moon were closer together?

If the Earth and the Moon were closer together, the force of gravity between them would increase. This could potentially cause changes in the Earth's tides, as well as the Moon's orbit around the Earth.

4. How does the mass of the Earth and the Moon affect the force of gravity between them?

The force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon is directly proportional to the product of their masses. This means that the more massive the Earth and the Moon are, the stronger the force of gravity between them will be.

5. Is there gravity between the Earth and the Moon even though they are not touching?

Yes, there is still a force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon even though they are not touching. This force is known as a non-contact force and it acts over a distance. It is the force that keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth.
