Gravity & Casimir Force: Is There a Link?

  • Thread starter jjalexand
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In summary, it is possible that the mysterious force of gravity is simply a manifestation of the Casimir effect between small fragments of matter, and that the two may be related through higher order effects. The number of interactions between n particles in a spherical set would be proportional to r squared, similar to the relationship between gravity and distance. It is also possible that the information required to predict the course of these interactions is proportional to the system's surface area, echoing the concept of black hole information. There is still debate over whether the Casimir force is always attractive or if there are cases where it may be repulsive.
  • #1
Gravity and the Casimir force are both attractive forces, and likely both follow energy conservation laws.

Therefore it seems possible that the mysterious Gravity is nothing more than the Casimir effect at work between small fragments of matter.

I wondered if this has already been discussed at length, and also if the following had been considered (sorry I'm not enough of a physicist to know):

The force/distance profiles and distance scales involved may be quite different, but is there some way they could be related via 2nd, 3rd or nth order effects after other lower order effects more or less cancel?

Is there some way the energy wavelength profiles between two plates (internal) could vary from the broad spectrum external waves proportional to distance with the r squared relationship followed by Gravity?
Physics news on
  • #2
"Fourier Representation of Fields" thread better?

Sorry, maybe this thread should have gone as a post under the "Fourier Representation of Fields" thread, but I don't know if I can or how to move it there anyway.
  • #3
Reflexive effect of multiple small Casimir plates/particles

Forgive me, this is getting to seem like a personal theory, but I would just like to present a few more questions:

It seems that n particles together would influence each other and the number of influences would be n ^ 2, where each influence equates to the Casimir effect between two of the particles, and the effects would be linerarly combinable at a given time.

In a spherical set of n approximately evenly distributed particles, n (the number of particles) would be proportional to r the radius of the sphere, so the number of separate Casimir interactions would be proportional to r squared, any connection to Gravity's r squared?

Do all the individual Casimir interactions in such a sphere add up in some meaningful way that could emulate the effects of Gravity? Would two Casimir plates act differently inside this sphere to outside?

I think it is true that there is at least some minimal integrated Casimir effect between any two such spheres, as the Casimir effect presumably exerts some effect all distances, like gravity, even though the strength may decline over distance with a very different profile. Of course, the effect may be truly insignificant compared to the force of gravity at most distances, but I think it surely exists nevertheless.

Another aspect, what if the two plates are converted to a box? Are any resonances or any quantum foam virtual particles allowed in the box? Does the box have a compressive force on it? Is it like a kind of vacuum inside? What happens if the box (or sphere) is only the size of a proton? If the box is made of matter then matter must shield from quantum foam?

Inside a hollow body with spherical symmetry, the gravitational field due to the mass of the matter of the shell is uniformly zero. Inside Casimir plates, a box or a sphere, the Casimir effect would be modified for smaller internal plates?
  • #4
jjalexand said:
Gravity and the Casimir force are both attractive forces, and likely both follow energy conservation laws

Whoa! Hold your horses! Are you sure Casimir force is always attractive? If you think so, then you might want to explain these:

V. Hushwater, Am. J. Phys. v.65, p.381 (1997).
O. Kenneth et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. v.89, p.033001 (2002).

  • #5
jjalexand said:
Forgive me, this is getting to seem like a personal theory, but I would just like to present a few more questions:

You are teetering on getting the IR form letter regarding personal theories. Please re-read the guidelines that you have explicitly agreed to, especially on personal theories and the Independent Research forum.

  • #6
Echo of black hole info/area relationship?

One further thought, given n approximately evenly distributed spherical set of interacting particles, the number of interactions is proportional to r squared, which is proportional to the area of the sphere.

The information required to predict or define the course of these particles over time due to their interactions would also presumably be proportional to n squared.

Given a single linearly additive interaction force and a standard particle, and no energy input/output, the only information encoded in this system would be the definition of the predictable course of their (inter)actions over time.

This seems to echo the concept that the quantity of information held inside a black hole is proportional to it's surface area.

FAQ: Gravity & Casimir Force: Is There a Link?

1. What is gravity and how does it work?

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that describes the attraction between two objects with mass. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the sun and for objects falling towards the Earth. According to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, gravity is the curvature of space and time caused by the presence of mass.

2. What is the Casimir force and how does it work?

The Casimir force is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics that describes the attraction between two uncharged, parallel plates in a vacuum. It is caused by the fluctuations of virtual particles that constantly appear and disappear in empty space. These particles create a pressure that pushes the plates together.

3. Is there a link between gravity and the Casimir force?

Currently, there is no proven link between gravity and the Casimir force. However, some theoretical models suggest that the Casimir force could be related to the curvature of space-time, which is the basis of gravity. This is still an area of active research and further studies are needed to fully understand the connection between these two forces.

4. How does the Casimir force affect everyday objects?

The Casimir force is only significant for objects that are extremely close together, on the scale of nanometers. This means that it has no noticeable effect on everyday objects and is only relevant in the study of very small particles and structures.

5. Can the Casimir force be harnessed for practical use?

While the Casimir force has been studied for its potential in nano and micro-scale technology, it is currently not possible to harness it for any practical use. The force is very weak and difficult to control, making it challenging to manipulate for useful applications. However, continued research may lead to advancements in this area in the future.

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