Gravity Deflecting Light and Gravity Lensing

In summary, gravity can deflect light and create a phenomenon known as gravity lensing. This occurs when light from a distant object is bent by the gravitational pull of a massive object, such as a galaxy or black hole, causing the light to bend and appear distorted to an observer. This effect has been observed and studied by scientists, providing insights into the nature of gravity and the behavior of light in the universe. Gravity lensing has also been used as a tool to study and discover new objects in space, such as exoplanets and dark matter.
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I'm interested in the deflection angles of light rays passing by extremely dense gravitational objects, specifically black holes. First, I'd like to find the formula for the deflection angle of an incoming light ray.

My googling (as well as a textbook from college, Hartle's "Gravity") states that the deflection angle = 4GM/(b * c^2) = 2 R/b

where b is the impact parameter of the undeflected light ray and R is the Schwarzschild radius of the object in question.

-However, in Hartle (p. 259), it states that this is true for b >> M.

-Furthermore, this gives a maximum deflection angle of 2 radians (when b = R, as a lesser value of b would mean the light ray enters the object's event horizon). This doesn't jive with my conceptual understanding of light rays being deflected by gravity (it seems as if maximum deflection should equal 2*pi. If the impact parameter is greater, the deflection is less. But if the impact parameter is less than R, than the light ray should spiral inwards - essentially, a "deflection" or more than 2*pi, as the light ray spirals inwards.) Otherwise, why would 2 radians "magically" be the critical angle, which seems a random value?

These two facts lead me to believe that the simple formula above is an approximation and is very wrong in the vicinity of a black hole. Thus, I wonder if anyone has the formula for the deflection angle of light where b ~ R.

Secondly, I'm also interested in the "lensing" effect a black hole can have with an object, particularly when the black hole lies directly between the object and the viewer. I wonder if there is a formula for the magnification an apparent image has, given:

R (Schwarzschild radius, and thus M of the black hole)
dO (distance between object and black hole)
dV (distance between black hole and viewer)
w (width of object being viewed, not sure if this is important).
d (distance between the

The simpler the formulae, the better, but accuracy is more important.

The application is for real-time calculation of optical effects for a game I'm proto-typing. If I need to, I can simplify the formula myself (for quicker processing), but would rather do so given the accurate original formula, rather than an approximation (as above).

Thank you.
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Thank you for your interest in the deflection angles of light rays passing by extremely dense gravitational objects, specifically black holes. The formula you have mentioned, 4GM/(b * c^2) = 2 R/b, is known as the Einstein deflection formula and it is an approximation that is valid for small angles and large impact parameters (b >> M). As you have correctly pointed out, this formula is not accurate for larger angles and smaller impact parameters, which are more relevant for the study of black holes.

In the case of a black hole, the maximum deflection angle is indeed 2 radians, as you have mentioned. This is because the light ray can only be deflected by a maximum of 180 degrees before it crosses the black hole's event horizon. This maximum deflection angle is also known as the critical angle. However, for smaller impact parameters, the light ray will indeed spiral inwards, as you have mentioned. This is known as gravitational lensing and it can produce multiple images of the same object. The exact formula for the deflection angle in this case is more complex and it depends on the specific properties of the black hole, such as its mass and spin.

In terms of the "lensing" effect of a black hole, there is indeed a formula for the magnification of an apparent image. This formula takes into account the same properties as the deflection angle formula, such as the mass and distance of the black hole. However, it also depends on the size and distance of the object being viewed, as well as the wavelength of the light being observed. The formula is quite complex and it is known as the Schwarzschild lens equation. You can find more information about it in research papers or textbooks on black holes and gravitational lensing.

In terms of simplifying the formula for real-time calculation, I would recommend using the Einstein deflection formula as an approximation for small angles and large impact parameters. However, for more accurate results, you would need to use the more complex formulas mentioned above. I hope this helps answer your questions and good luck with your game prototype!

Related to Gravity Deflecting Light and Gravity Lensing

1. How does gravity deflect light?

Gravity deflects light by bending the fabric of space-time. This phenomenon, known as gravitational lensing, occurs when light from a distant object passes near a massive object, such as a galaxy or black hole. The gravity of the massive object causes the space-time around it to curve, diverting the path of the light rays.

2. What is the difference between strong and weak gravitational lensing?

Strong gravitational lensing occurs when the light is significantly deflected, creating multiple images of the distant object. This is often seen in the form of an "Einstein ring" where the light is bent around a massive object, such as a galaxy. Weak gravitational lensing, on the other hand, causes a slight distortion in the shape of the distant object, but does not create multiple images.

3. Can gravity lensing be used to study distant objects?

Yes, gravity lensing can be used as a tool for studying distant objects, such as galaxies, that would otherwise be too faint to observe directly. By analyzing the way the light is bent, scientists can gather information about the mass and distribution of dark matter within the lensing object.

4. Are there any other factors that can contribute to light deflection?

Yes, other factors such as the motion of the observer and the Doppler effect can also contribute to light deflection. However, the effect of gravity is the most significant and is responsible for the majority of light deflection in the universe.

5. Can gravity lensing be seen on a smaller scale, such as in our solar system?

Yes, gravity lensing can occur on a smaller scale, such as in our solar system. This is known as microlensing and is often used to detect extrasolar planets. The gravity of the planet can cause a slight deflection in the light of a distant star, revealing the presence of the planet.

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