Gravity on Earth: Does Height Change It?

In summary: This is because the mass of the Earth is not evenly distributed, so the force of gravity is stronger at the Earth's center than on its surface.
  • #1
Does gravity on Earth stays constant regardless of height?. For instance, if a person standing at a mountain would he experiences the same gravity as the person standing on the ground?
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  • #2
yakin said:
Does gravity on Earth stays constant regardless of height?. For instance, if a person standing at a mountain would he experiences the same gravity as the person standing on the ground?

Not quite, but almost. For instance, astronauts on the ISS still feel gravity (otherwise they would be flung into outer space) but at only about $8.76 \mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2$, compared to the $9.81 \mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2$ surface gravity. The reason they are weightless is because the rest of the station is also moving with them, so they have (near) zero acceleration in the station's reference frame, and the reason they don't crash into the Earth is because they are in orbit.

The formula to calculate gravity at an arbitrary height $h > 0$ can be obtained from the Earth's surface gravity ($g_0 = 9.81 \mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2$) and its radius $r = 6371 \mathrm{km}$, and is as follows:
$$g_h = g_0 \left ( \frac{r}{r + h} \right )^2$$
This can be obtained from Newton's law of gravitation, basically since gravity is inversely proportional to distance squared, you can take the squared ratio of the distances to get a ratio of gravity at different heights. This is assuming the Earth is a perfect sphere, which is not quite true, but anyway, plugging in some numbers, say $h = 9 \mathrm{km}$ (Mount Everest):
$$g_{9 \mathrm{km}} = 9.78$$
So, even standing on the highest mountain, the Earth's gravity is still very strong.

However, because the Earth is actually not a perfect sphere, but is elongated at the equator, people living at the poles weigh more than people on the equator (by a small but measurable amount). As a less extreme example, take your average person who weighs $60 \mathrm{kg}$ and lives in, say, southern Australia, where gravity is approximately $9.8 \mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2$. If he were to travel to central Africa (the equator), he would feel slightly lighter, as if he only weighed $59.88 \mathrm{kg}$. Of course his mass didn't change, but gravity has, and so his scale (unless calibrated to the new gravity somehow) will show that he weighs a couple hundred grams less :D

Of course this isn't quite true because there's more than gravity at work here, there are also centrifugal effects from the Earth's rotation, and the fact that gravity does not depend strictly on distance from the Earth's center (it also depends on the mass distribution of the Earth, which is actually quite complicated), etc... but to answer your question, yes, gravity does get weaker as you go further away from the Earth, but it isn't noticeable unless you go a few hundred kilometres high.
  • #3
yakin said:
Does gravity on Earth stays constant regardless of height?. For instance, if a person standing at a mountain would he experiences the same gravity as the person standing on the ground?

I presume that the question is really more intending to ask if a person suspended from a balloon at a given height above a smoothly round Earth would experience the same or less gravity as a person standing on the surface of said earth. The answer then is that the person suspended above the surface would experience less gravity.

OTOH, a person standing on a mountain at the given height would experience a greater gravity than when suspended from a balloon but probably less than when standing on the surface.

FAQ: Gravity on Earth: Does Height Change It?

How does gravity change as you increase in height?

As you increase in height, the force of gravity decreases. This is because the further away you are from the Earth's center, the weaker the force of gravity becomes. Therefore, people at higher altitudes experience slightly less gravitational pull compared to those at lower altitudes.

Is the force of gravity the same at all points on Earth's surface?

No, the force of gravity varies slightly at different points on Earth's surface. This is because the Earth is not a perfect sphere and has irregularities in its mass distribution. These irregularities can cause slight variations in the gravitational pull at different locations.

How does altitude affect the weight of an object?

An object's weight is directly affected by altitude. As you move higher up in altitude, the object will weigh slightly less due to the decrease in the force of gravity. However, the change in weight is very small and may not be noticeable for everyday objects.

Does gravity change at different latitudes?

Yes, gravity is slightly different at different latitudes due to the Earth's rotation. The equator experiences a slightly stronger gravitational pull compared to the poles, as the centrifugal force from the Earth's rotation is greatest at the equator and decreases towards the poles.

Can you feel a difference in gravity at different heights?

Yes, although the change in gravity may be very small, it can still be felt. For example, astronauts in space experience weightlessness due to the lack of gravity, while those on Earth's surface can feel a slight increase in weight when going up a tall building or mountain.

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