Great Circle Problem: Derive Equation for Route from A to B on Sphere

  • Thread starter usaplasticman
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In summary, the Great Circle Problem is the calculation of the shortest route between two points on a spherical surface, such as the Earth, and is significant in navigation for its efficiency and accuracy. It is typically solved using the Haversine formula, taking into account the Earth's curvature. Factors such as the size and shape of the Earth, starting and ending points, and any obstructions or limitations in the path can affect the Great Circle route. While it is the most efficient and accurate method for long-distance travel, practical limitations may require an alternate route. Other navigation methods, such as rhumb lines or Mercator projections, may be used for shorter distances or ease of navigation, but do not account for the Earth's curvature.
  • #1

Homework Statement

derive/create an equation for a "great circle" route r(t) from a given point A to a given point B along the surface of the sphere with center (0,0,0) and radius = 15

test point 1: A=(2,10,11) to B(14,5,2)
test point 2: A=(10,5,10) to B(0,-12,9)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
The "great circle route" from point A to point B on a sphere is the intersection of the sphere with the plane determined by A, B, and the center of the sphere.

The sphere with center (0,0,0) and radius = 15 has equation [itex]x^2+ y^2+ z^2= 225[/itex].

The plane determined by points (2,10,11), (14,5,2), and (0, 0, 0) has equation 35x- 150y+ 130z= 0. With two equations in three variables, you can solve for two in terms of the third, using that last variable as parameter.
  • #3
Halls has given you one method; here's another. Parameterize the straight line between A and B (very easy) and call that parameterization ##\vec r(t)##. Then use$$
\vec R(t) = \frac {15} {|\vec r(t)|}\vec r(t)$$for the arc of the great circle between the two points.
  • #4
A general expression for the great circle of radius R, passing through points A= R ( ax, ay, az) and B= R (bx, by, bz) (where (ax, ay, az) is the unit vector a along OA and (bx, by, bz) is the unit vector b along OB) is given by

x/R = [Cosψ]. ax + [Sinψ].{(az2+ay2)bx - (azbz+ayby)ax}/sinδ

y/R= [Cosψ].ay + [Sinψ]{(az2+ax2)by - (azbz+axbx)ay}/sinδ

z/R= [Cosψ].az + [Sinψ]{(ay2+ax2)bz - (ayby+axbx)az}/sinδ

Cos δ = axbx + ayby + azbz (δ is the angle between OA and OB vectors)

These are derived by setting up a new, right handed, orthonormal set of basis vectors e1, e2, e3 oriented such that e1 is along OA, and e3 is perpendicular to the great circle. In this basis the equation for any point Q on the gt circle is simply:

Q/R = Cosψ e1 + Sinψ e2

as ψ increases from 0 to δ we sweep along the great circle from A to B. For the complete circle
0≤ψ≤2π radians. To get the equations for the x, y, z components of the circle we just relate the new basis e1 etc to the old basis i,j,k. Explicitly:

e1= a = axi + ayj + azk

e2= e3 X e1

e3= a X b /Sinδ =


(nb remember the sinδ factor: since the unit vectorsa and b are not in general orthogonal a X b= sinδ ≠ 1 so to get a unit vector e3 we must divide by sinδ)

then x/R = i.Q/R etc
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  • #5
So the answer to the original problem:

A(2,10,11) B(14,5,2) both are points on sphere radius 15. So a= (2/15,10/15, 11/15) and b=(14/15,5/15,2/15) are unit vectors which give us the components ax, ay etc.

∴Cosδ = (28+ 50+22)/152 ∴ δ = 1.1102 rad = 63.61 deg

the shortest arc length along surface of sphere from A to B = R.δ =15 x 1.1102 units. this arc is part of the great circle passing through A and B whose equation is:

x/R= [cosψ] 0.13 + [sinψ] 0.97574 ∴ x = [cosψ] 2 + [sinψ] . 14.6361

y/R = [cosψ] 0.6666 + [sinψ] 0.041345 ∴ y = [cosψ] 10 + [sinψ] . 0.620174

z/R =[cosψ] 0.73333 + [sinψ] 0.97574 ∴ z = [cosψ] 11 + [sinψ] . (-3.2249)

ψ=0 corresponds to point A, ψ=δ to point B.

case 2:

A= (10,5,10) B=(0,-12,9) so length of arc Cos δ= (0 - 60 + 90)/152

∴δ= 1.43706 rad i.e 82.34 deg. The arc length A to B is R.δ= 21.55 units

the great circle which passes through these two points is

x= 10[cosψ] - 1.34535[sinψ]

y= 5[cosψ] -12.7808[sinψ]

z = 10[cosψ] + 7.7357[sinψ]


for both sets of equations for all values of ψ; x2+y2+z2 = 152

as they must for points on the surface of the sphere.
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  • #6
Have you noticed that you responded to a thread more than a year old?
  • #7
Yes, I noticed the age of the thread, but I posted because I have been working on the 'ant and honey' problem on a spherical bowl and needed to work out the great circles going through given points on a sphere and couldn't find the information easily on-line so had to derive it. Having done so I thought i'd put it here for reference in case others are looking for the info!

Related to Great Circle Problem: Derive Equation for Route from A to B on Sphere

1. What is the Great Circle Problem and why is it significant in navigation?

The Great Circle Problem is the calculation of the shortest route between two points on a spherical surface, such as the Earth. It is significant in navigation because it allows for the most efficient and accurate route to be determined, particularly for long-distance travel.

2. How is the Great Circle Problem solved?

The Great Circle Problem is typically solved using the Haversine formula, which takes into account the curvature of the Earth's surface. This formula involves calculating the central angle between the two points and using the Earth's radius to determine the distance between them.

3. What factors affect the Great Circle route?

The factors that affect the Great Circle route include the size and shape of the Earth, the starting and ending points, and any obstructions or limitations in the path (such as restricted airspace or land masses).

4. Are there any limitations to using the Great Circle route?

While the Great Circle route is the most efficient and accurate for long-distance travel, it may not always be practical or feasible. Factors such as weather patterns, fuel availability, and airspace restrictions may necessitate a different route.

5. How does the Great Circle route compare to other navigation methods?

The Great Circle route is generally considered to be the most accurate and efficient method for long-distance travel. Other methods, such as rhumb lines or Mercator projections, may be used for shorter distances or for ease of navigation, but they do not take into account the Earth's curvature and may result in longer or less direct routes.

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