Greatest lower bound problem - Rudin POMA Ch1 Exercise 5

In summary, the proof shows that for a nonempty set of real numbers A that is bounded below, the infimum of A is equal to the negative supremum of -A. This is demonstrated by showing that -inf(A) is the least upper bound of -A, which is equivalent to the supremum of -A, proving the desired equality.
  • #1

Homework Statement

5. Let ##A## be a nonempty set of real numbers which is bounded below. Let ##-A## be the set of all numbers ##-x##, where ##x\in A##.Prove that
$$\inf A=-\sup(-A)\text{.}$$

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Does the proof below look OK? I am a bit uneasy about just multiplying through (2) by -1 to get (4). Thanks in advance.

Proof: As ##A## is bounded below ##\inf A## exists, let's call this ##\alpha##. Then we can say
(1) ##\forall x\in A##, ##x\geq\alpha##, and
(2) if ##\gamma>\alpha## then ##\exists y\in A## such that ##\alpha\leq y<\gamma## (in other words ##\gamma## is not a lower bound of A).
To get set ##-A## we must multiply each member of ##A## by ##-1##. So if ##x\geq\alpha## is true then ##-x\leq-\alpha## is true, and as ##-x## is an arbitrary member of ##-A## it must be that
(3) ##\forall-x\in-A##, ##-x\leq-\alpha##,
so ##-\alpha## is an upper bound of ##A##. Similarly, multiplying the inequalities in (2) by ##-1## means that
(4) if ##-\gamma<-\alpha## then ##\exists-y\in-A## such that ##-\alpha\geq-y>-\gamma##,
so that ##-\alpha## is the least upper bound of ##-A##. Thus we can write ##\sup(-A)=-\alpha=-\inf(A)## or ##-\sup(-A)=\inf(A)##, which is what we needed to show. ##\square##
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  • #2
Yes, your proof looks OK. If multiplying (2) by -1 to get (4) makes you uneasy, then try writing it in a bit more detail. For example:

If [itex]\gamma < -\alpha[/itex], then [itex]\alpha < -\gamma[/itex], so by (2), there exists [itex]y \in A[/itex] such that [itex]\alpha \leq y < -\gamma[/itex]. But [itex]y \in A[/itex] iff [itex]-y \in -A[/itex], and [itex]\alpha \leq y < -\gamma[/itex] iff [itex]\gamma < -y \leq -\alpha[/itex], so this shows that there is an element of [itex]-A[/itex], namely [itex]-y[/itex], which is larger than [itex]\gamma[/itex]. Therefore...

FAQ: Greatest lower bound problem - Rudin POMA Ch1 Exercise 5

What is the greatest lower bound problem in mathematics?

The greatest lower bound problem, also known as the infimum problem, is a fundamental concept in mathematical analysis and set theory. It involves finding the greatest lower bound, or infimum, of a set of numbers or mathematical objects. For a set of real numbers, the greatest lower bound is the largest number that is less than or equal to all of the numbers in the set.

Why is the greatest lower bound problem important?

The greatest lower bound problem is important because it allows us to define and understand important concepts such as limits, continuity, and convergence in mathematics. It also has many applications in fields such as economics, engineering, and computer science.

How is the greatest lower bound problem related to the Rudin POMA Exercise 5?

In Exercise 5 of Chapter 1 in Walter Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis (POMA), we are asked to prove that every nonempty subset of real numbers that is bounded below has a greatest lower bound. This exercise directly relates to the concept of the greatest lower bound problem and allows us to practice using it in a proof.

What are some strategies for solving the greatest lower bound problem?

There are several strategies that can be used to solve the greatest lower bound problem. One approach is to use the definition of the greatest lower bound and show that it satisfies all of its properties. Another approach is to use the completeness axiom, which states that every nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded above has a least upper bound. This can be used to prove the existence of a greatest lower bound. You can also use mathematical induction or contradiction to prove the existence of a greatest lower bound.

Can the greatest lower bound problem be applied to sets other than real numbers?

Yes, the greatest lower bound problem can be applied to sets other than real numbers. It can be applied to any ordered set, such as rational numbers, integers, or even sets of functions. The concept of the greatest lower bound is a fundamental part of mathematical analysis and can be used in various contexts.

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