Green Pea Discharge: How Much Charge Can It Hold?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the charge that would generate an electric field of 3x106N/C on a green pea with a diameter of 0.75cm. This involves using an equation for the electric field on the surface of a sphere, which is an application of Gauss's Law. Resources for this calculation include and The conversation also mentions the possibility of asking for help with biology equations.
  • #1
I don't have a clue on where to start this as i don't know what other figures to use.

Dry air will break down and generate a spark if the electric field exceeds 3x106N/C. How much charge could be packed onto a green pea (diameter 0.75cm) before the pea spontaneously discharges?
Physics news on
  • #2
This is a quaestion about capacitance. You need to find how the capacitance of a single object (as opposed to parallel plates) is related to its surface area.
  • #3
any further help on this?
  • #4
Do you have a textbook?
  • #5
no i dont,could you possible give me the equation?
  • #6
cky_uk said:
Dry air will break down and generate a spark if the electric field exceeds 3x106N/C. How much charge could be packed onto a green pea (diameter 0.75cm) before the pea spontaneously discharges?
One has to calculate the charge that yields an electric field of 3x106 N/C on a sphere of diameter 0.75 cm.

Then one should know the equation for the electric field at the surface of a sphere. This is an application of Gauss's Law. See - (unfortunately site is down at the moment).

Also - (toward bottom of page),

Worked example 4: Electric field of a uniformly charged sphere
  • #7
thank you for your help,are you any good with biology equations?

FAQ: Green Pea Discharge: How Much Charge Can It Hold?

1. What is green pea discharge?

Green pea discharge refers to the phenomenon of electrically charged particles being emitted from a green pea, usually due to friction or static electricity.

2. How much charge can green pea discharge hold?

The amount of charge that green pea discharge can hold varies depending on factors such as the size of the pea, the type of surface it is rubbed against, and the humidity in the air. However, on average, a green pea discharge can hold a charge of around 1-2 microcoulombs.

3. Is green pea discharge harmful?

No, green pea discharge is not harmful as the amount of charge it can hold is relatively low. It may produce a small shock or spark when discharged, but it is not enough to cause any harm to humans.

4. Can green pea discharge be used as a power source?

While green pea discharge does involve electricity, it is not a reliable or efficient source of power. The amount of charge it can hold is not enough to power any significant devices.

5. Are there any other fruits or vegetables that can produce discharge like green peas?

Yes, there are several other fruits and vegetables that can produce discharge, such as grapes, oranges, and potatoes. This is due to their high water content and ability to conduct electricity.
