Green's function at boundaries

In summary, the derivative of the Green's function, denoted as G_{A,B}(t), is equal to i times the delta function times the commutator of A and B, plus the Green's function of the commutator of A and H with B. The Fourier transform of the Green's function is equal to the commutator of A and B, plus the Green's function of the commutator of A and H with B, multiplied by the angular frequency. However, this requires the Green's function to be equal to 0 as t approaches infinity. It is evident that the Green's function must also be equal to 0 as t approaches negative infinity due to the presence of the Heaviside function
  • #1
The derivative of the Green's function is:
i \dfrac{dG_{A,B}(t)}{dt} =\delta(t) \left< {[A,B]}\right>+G_{[A,H],B}(t)
the Fourier transform is:
\omega G_{A,B}(t)=\left< {[A,B]}\right>+G_{[A,H],B}(\omega)
but this would require that the Green's function is 0 for t->inf. Why is that the case? It is clear that it must vanish at t->-inf because of the heaviside function but not at inf.
  • #3
Can you mention the source of these equations. I have never seen such form of the Green's function and would love to know more about it.
Anyways, second equation seems wrong. Instead of
\omega G_{A,B}(t)=\left< {[A,B]}\right>+G_{[A,H],B}(\omega)
you should have
\omega \tilde{G}_{A,B}(\omega)=\left< {[A,B]}\right>+G_{[A,H],B}(\omega)
\tilde{G}_{A,B}(\omega)=\int dt G_{A,B}(t)e^{+i\omega t}

FAQ: Green's function at boundaries

1. What is the definition of Green's function at boundaries?

Green's function at boundaries is a mathematical tool used in boundary value problems to find solutions for partial differential equations. It represents the response of a system to a delta function input at a specific boundary condition.

2. How is Green's function at boundaries used in physics?

In physics, Green's function at boundaries is used to solve problems involving heat conduction, electromagnetic fields, and wave propagation. It is also commonly used in quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.

3. What are the applications of Green's function at boundaries in engineering?

Green's function at boundaries has several applications in engineering, including solving problems in structural analysis, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. It is also used in the design of electronic circuits and in signal processing.

4. How is Green's function at boundaries related to boundary value problems?

Green's function at boundaries is closely related to boundary value problems, as it provides a way to find solutions for these types of problems. It is particularly useful for problems with complicated boundary conditions or non-homogeneous boundary conditions.

5. Are there any limitations to using Green's function at boundaries?

While Green's function at boundaries is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It is only applicable to linear systems, and it may not always provide a physical solution in cases where the boundary conditions are not physically realistic. Additionally, it can be challenging to find the Green's function for complex systems with multiple boundaries.
