Green's Function for Spherical Problem(Jackson)

In summary: You need to be comfortable with the material before you can do the derivations. In summary, the book managed to solve this boundary value problem by applying boundary conditions.
  • #1

Hello guys, here's my question is how the book managed to solve this boundary value problem?? can anyone explain it to me in detail?
thanks in advance.
Physics news on
  • #2
How fare have you gotten?
  • #3
I couldn't apply the boundary conditions normally, there is something more about this problem that i just don't see there, could you help me?
  • #4
Is this going to be one of those threads where we have to drag it out of you to figure out what you've done?

More generally, this is showing where your plan of getting through a graduate program in physics on your own, in an order of magnitude faster time than physics graduate students breaks down. It's not enough to have seen the prerequisites - you need to know it. On July 24th you were complaining about the first chapter in Boas. On November 12th, you were saying you were nearly done with it. That's very fast, You also said you weren't working through all the problems, and now you are faced with a problem you can't solve because you don't have the math background. Whizzing through a text at lightning speed avoiding the problems isn't going to get you the math.
  • #5
Well, this isn't a exercise of the book, but a section of the book trying to explain the method, i didn't anything, and my question is HOW he managed to apply these boundary conditions to the radial green function and get these equations below, and other thing, i was complaining about Boas book because the first chapter is REALLY boring, but i managed to understand almost everything in this chapter, the other chapters are VERY fluid and i was having fun with it,and i make a pause in chapter 10 of the book, and another thing, this is a community, where everyone help the others, if you don't want to help just don't post, if you want to indicate a problem in my study plan or even advise a book to reinforce my knowledge, great, i would love this, but come here in a public post and talk like that..., it's ok if you don't want to help, but there's no reason to humiliate me that way.
  • #6
Humiliate? Then report me to the mentors. Pretending that a strategy that is doomed to fail will succeed does you no favors.

You don't read a textbook like a novel. You need to work out the derivations. If you don't want to do that, you're not going to learn. Having us do the derivations won't help you.

FAQ: Green's Function for Spherical Problem(Jackson)

What is Green's function for spherical problems?

Green's function for spherical problems is a mathematical tool used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) in spherical coordinate systems. It is a function that represents the response of a physical system to a point source located at a specific position in space.

How is Green's function for spherical problems derived?

Green's function for spherical problems is derived by solving the differential equation for a point source located at the origin in spherical coordinates. This results in a function that satisfies the differential equation and has the property that it is zero everywhere except at the origin, where it is infinite.

What are the properties of Green's function for spherical problems?

Green's function for spherical problems has several important properties, including the symmetry property (G(r,r')=G(r',r)), the isotropy property (G(r,r')=G(|r-r'|)), and the inverse square property (G(r,r')∝1/r^2). These properties allow the function to accurately represent the response of a physical system to a point source in spherical coordinates.

How is Green's function for spherical problems used in practice?

Green's function for spherical problems is used in practice by first solving the differential equation for the specific physical system of interest. Then, the Green's function is used to represent the response of the system to a point source, which can be used to find the solution for any source distribution using convolution integrals or other mathematical techniques.

What are some applications of Green's function for spherical problems?

Green's function for spherical problems has many applications in physics and engineering, including in electrostatics, magnetostatics, and fluid dynamics. It is also used in acoustics and seismology to model the response of sound and seismic waves in spherical systems. Additionally, Green's function for spherical problems has applications in signal processing and image reconstruction.

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