Green's Functions: Solving Sturm-Liouville Problems

  • Thread starter the_dialogue
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In summary: Refer to the bottom of the 1st page: "Since the eigenfunctions of the homogeneous equation satisfy the same boundary conditions, y(x) can be expressed in terms of the eigenfunctions as a generalized Fourier series."
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm learning Sturm-Liouville theory and currently studying Green's function.

In the following image, the author states that [tex]y_n(x)[/tex] satisfy the "same" boundary conditions as [tex]y(x)[/tex].

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

How can I prove this? This is strictly for pedagogical purposes.

The closest I can get to solving this problem is considering the boundary conditions for Regular Sturm-Liouville problems, which is:

Any help appreciated!
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  • #2
How can you prove what? I don't see anything to prove. It looks to me like the author is simply saying he wants to solve the NH differential equation having the same form as the SL problem satisfying the same boundary conditions. k may or may not be an eigenvalue of the associated homogeneous equation.
  • #3
I apologize.

The author states that we may express equation 3.21 with the equation that follows, since the y_n and y satisfy the same boundary conditions. To me, however, it seems like they are 2 different equations. How can we say that they satisfy the same boundary conditions, in order to justify expressing 3.21 in the different form?

  • #4
the_dialogue said:
I apologize.

The author states that we may express equation 3.21 with the equation that follows, since the y_n and y satisfy the same boundary conditions. To me, however, it seems like they are 2 different equations. How can we say that they satisfy the same boundary conditions, in order to justify expressing 3.21 in the different form?


I think you are correct; they are two different equations. In the latter equation he is just re-iterating the equation that the eigenfunctions of the homogeneous equation satisfy. If I were you I would just read on. The author is probably going to show how to come to the solution of the NH equation.
  • #5
Well all the author does is solve for 'y_n' (or rather a normalized form of y_n) and then use that term to substitute into 3.21.

In other words the author is basing his future derivation on the presumption that the 2nd differential equation and the 1st (original) have as their base y or y_n that both satisfy some kind of boundary condition.

Can someone shed some light on this?

Here are the pages:
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  • #6
What the author is doing is using the Sturm-Liouville theory that tells you the normalized eigenfunctions form a complete orthonormal set. Because of that, the solution y(x), which is given to satisfy the boundary conditions, can be expressed in terms of the eigenfunctions as a generalized Fourier series

[tex]y(x) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty c_n\phi_n(x)[/tex]

He then goes on to plug this into the equation and use the orthogonality properties to solve for the cn in terms of the eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, and f(x).

This gives a formula for the solution of the NH equation. The summation in that final integral is what he is going to introduce to you as Green's function. It has important properties you are about to learn.
  • #7
Thanks LCKurtz.

Refer to the bottom of the 1st page ("Since..."). How can we use an expression and plug it into the problem, when that expression is taken from an equation (2nd expression on 1st page) that is not equivalent to the original differential equation? The author says this is justified because both expressions satisfy the same boundary conditions, but how do we prove this?

Sorry if I'm missing something.
  • #8
the_dialogue said:
Thanks LCKurtz.

Refer to the bottom of the 1st page ("Since..."). How can we use an expression and plug it into the problem, when that expression is taken from an equation (2nd expression on 1st page) that is not equivalent to the original differential equation? The author says this is justified because both expressions satisfy the same boundary conditions, but how do we prove this?

Sorry if I'm missing something.

You are missing the fact that the normalized eigenfunctions to a S_L problem form a complete orthonormal set. This means that any [continuous, I think, I don't have it right in front of me] function which satisfies the S_L boundary conditions can be expressed in terms of the eigenfunctions. In particular, the y(x) that satisfies the NH equation is such a function. That is how you know y can be expressed as the generalized FS. He then puts that expression back in the NH equation and uses properties the eigenfunctions must have given where they came from.

It's like when you have the {sin(nx),cos(nx}} solutions to y''+ n2y=0 with periodic boundary conditions, you can express other periodic functions in terms of them, wherever they came from.

Hope that helps -- got to run for now.

[Edit] Corrected typos.
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FAQ: Green's Functions: Solving Sturm-Liouville Problems

1. What are Green's Functions?

Green's Functions are mathematical tools used to solve differential equations, specifically Sturm-Liouville problems. They represent the solution to a differential equation with a specific set of boundary conditions.

2. How are Green's Functions used to solve Sturm-Liouville problems?

Green's Functions are used by taking the differential equation and converting it into an integral form. The Green's Function is then used to solve the integral, providing the solution to the original differential equation. This process is known as the Green's Function method.

3. Can Green's Functions be used for all types of Sturm-Liouville problems?

Yes, Green's Functions can be used for all types of Sturm-Liouville problems, as long as the problem satisfies certain conditions. These conditions include the problem being linear, self-adjoint, and having separable boundary conditions.

4. Are there any limitations to using Green's Functions to solve Sturm-Liouville problems?

One limitation is that Green's Functions can only be used to solve problems with constant coefficients. Additionally, the method can become complicated when dealing with higher order differential equations.

5. How are Green's Functions related to eigenvalues and eigenfunctions?

Green's Functions are closely related to eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in Sturm-Liouville problems. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the differential equation are used to construct the Green's Function, making it an integral part of the solution process.
