Greetings Physics Wizzes: Find New Moon Apex Time Tonight

  • Thread starter skywise
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In summary, a user requested assistance in finding out the time of the new moon's apex tonight. An expert responded by explaining that the apex refers to the highest point of the moon's transit across the night sky, which will occur close to noon for a new moon. They also provided a link to a website that can calculate local sunset/sunrise/transit and moonset/rise/transit based on date and location. The expert also clarified that transit refers to when the object reaches its highest altitude in its path across the sky. The user thanked the expert and the conversation concluded.
  • #1
Greetings physics wizzes!

I am trying to find out what time the new moon reaches it's apex tonight. This is probably the most elementary task but I'm fairly clueless when it comes to this stuff.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
What's an "apex?"

- Warren
  • #3
I'm under the impression that this is the highest point of the moon's transit across the night sky.
  • #4
If it's a new moon then it will be close to the sun and will transit the meridian around noon (local time). Of course, the exact time of the new moon doesn't coincide with everyone's local noon time.

Here's a link to a site which let's you enter the date and your location and will return local sunset/sunrise/transit and moonset/rise/transit.

Transit in this case refers to when the object in question transits the meridian.
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  • #5
I should add that when an object transits the meridian (the line drawn across the sky from north to south), it is at its highest altitude in its path across the sky.
  • #6
Thanks Jimmy,
Okay, so that makes sense.. that being the new moon it would be very near the sun so when the sun is at it's highest it would serve to figure that ...sheesh. That should have occurred to me.
Thanks for the link.. very handy.
  • #7
You're welcome. :smile:

FAQ: Greetings Physics Wizzes: Find New Moon Apex Time Tonight

1. What is a "New Moon Apex Time"?

The "New Moon Apex Time" refers to the moment when the moon reaches its highest point in the sky during its new moon phase. This is the time when the moon is directly above the Earth's equator, and it occurs once every lunar cycle.

2. How is the New Moon Apex Time determined?

The New Moon Apex Time is determined by calculating the exact moment when the moon is at its highest point in the sky using mathematical equations and data from astronomical observations. This time can vary slightly depending on the location and time zone.

3. Why is the New Moon Apex Time important?

The New Moon Apex Time is important to astronomers and scientists because it provides valuable information about the moon's orbit and its relationship to the Earth. It also helps in predicting future lunar events such as eclipses.

4. Can I view the New Moon Apex Time tonight?

Yes, you can view the New Moon Apex Time tonight if it falls within your local time and the weather conditions are clear. However, the exact time may vary slightly depending on your location.

5. What is the best way to view the New Moon Apex Time?

The best way to view the New Moon Apex Time is to find an open, unobstructed area with a clear view of the horizon. It is also recommended to use a telescope or binoculars to get a closer look at the moon during this time.

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