Griffiths Problem 3.35. Harmonic Oscillator, Bra-ket notation

In summary, the coherent state is an eigenstate of the lowering operator with an eigenvalue of beta. The mean value of x can be calculated by using the formula <x> = C(lambda* + lambda), where C is a constant and lambda is the eigenvalue.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Among the stationary states of the harmonic oscillator |n> = ##\phi_{n}(x)## only n = 0 hits the uncertainty limit ##\frac{\hbar}{2}##. But certain linear combinations also minimise the uncertainty product. They are eigenfunctions of the lowering operator. Calculate ##<x>##, ##<x^{2}>##.
Relevant Equations
##x = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}(a_{+} + a_{-})##

##x^{2} = \frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}## (##a_{+}^{2} + 2a_{+}a_{-} +1 + a_{-}^{2}##)

The hermitian conjugate of ##a_{+} = a_{-}##
Firstly, apologies for the latex as the preview option is not working for me. I will fix mistakes after posting.

So for ##<x>## = (##\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}##) ##(< \alpha | a_{+} + a_{-}| \alpha >)## = (##\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}##) ##< a_{-} \alpha | \alpha> + <\alpha | a_{-} \alpha > ##.

The final answer is then (##\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}##) ##(\alpha + \alpha^{*})##. I am unsure as to why this is i.e. why does ##< a_{-} \alpha | = 1##?

Likewise for ##<x^{2}>##:

I can get as far as (##\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}##)(##<a_{-}^{2} \alpha | \alpha> + 2<a_{-} \alpha | a_{-} \alpha > + 1 + <\alpha |a_{-}^{2} \alpha>##

The answer is (##\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}##) (##(\alpha^{*})^{2}) + 2\alpha^{*}\alpha + 1 + (\alpha^{*})^{2})##).

Again, I am unsure as to why the lowering operator squared leads to ##(\alpha^{*})^{2}## and ##(\alpha)^{2}##?

Can I have some help please.
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  • #2
Presumably ##|\alpha \rangle## is a normalised eigenstate of the lowering operator ##a_{-}## with eigenvalue ##\alpha##. All follows from that:
$$a_{-} |\alpha \rangle = \alpha |\alpha \rangle$$
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Likes Irishdoug
  • #3
Hi, a coherent state is an eigenstate of the lowering operator as you said, so you have to work with:

Now, I use a slightly different notation (mean value do not change as long as you keep the canonical commutation relations ok), so i write x as:
(your notation, which is more conventional, should work the same), so:
##\langle x \rangle = \langle \beta|x|\beta\rangle=-i\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}\langle \beta| (\eta^{\dagger}-\eta) |\beta\rangle=-i\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}\left(\langle \beta| \eta^{\dagger} |\beta\rangle-\langle \beta| \eta|\beta\rangle\right)##
Now you are supposed to apply ##\eta^{\dagger}## to the bra and ##\eta## to the ket, getting:

(notice that once you apply the operator to the bra or ket, you are left with the eigenvalue and the braket ##\langle\beta|\beta\rangle=1##).

You can easily check that with your definition of x you get the result you want (and with mine as well of course, a mean value is the result of a measurement and cannot depend on such choices).

You should be able to easily evaluate ##\langle x^2\rangle## in the same way, you just have to calculate it's value in terms of the rasing and lowering operator and then do the count, keep in mind that the two operator do not commute, so you have to treat them with care.

Tell me if everything is understandable.
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Likes Irishdoug
  • #4
Thankyou for the response. SO am I correct in saying the following:

for clarity, I am going to call the eigenvalue ##\beta## and the eigenfunction ##\alpha## whilst the constant square root term C

(C)(##<a_{-} \alpha | \alpha> + <\alpha | a_{-} \alpha> = \beta^{*} | \alpha > + <\alpha | \beta##)

This then equals (C)##(\beta^{*} + \beta) (<\alpha|\alpha> = (C)(\beta^{*} + \beta) (1) = <x>##

I feel that the jump from ##|\alpha> + <\alpha|## to ##(<\alpha|\alpha>)## is not correct but I am unsure.
  • #5
Irishdoug said:
(C)(##<a_{-} \alpha | \alpha> + <\alpha | a_{-} \alpha> = \beta^{*} | \alpha > + <\alpha | \beta##)
The last equality doesn't hold. The first bra and the last ket cannot be replaced by scalars.
  • #6
It is not correct, you are never left with single bras or ket, you get, step by step (for clarity, ##\eta## is the lowering operator, it's hermitiane conjugate ##\eta^{\dagger}## is the raising operator and ##\gamma## is the eigeinvalue associated to the coherent state ##|\beta\rangle##):
So to keep track of everything:
1) realize that ##\eta|\beta\rangle=\gamma|\beta\rangle\leftrightarrow(\eta|\beta\rangle)^*=(\gamma|\beta\rangle)^*\leftrightarrow\langle\beta|\eta^{\dagger}=\langle\beta|\gamma^*##
2) understand that by applying the operator to an eigenstate you are left with the eigenvalue and the eigenstate, what you did is ##\eta|\beta\rangle=\gamma##, which is clearly wrong, by applying an operator (that you can picture as a matrix) on a vector, you must get a vector back, and with eigenvectors you just have the added property of getting the exact same vector (multiplied by a constant, the eigenvalue)
3) exploit orthonormality ##\langle\beta_n|\beta_m\rangle=\delta_{mn}##, so in this case ##\langle\beta|\beta\rangle=1##
4) just to be clear, you are not supposed to sum ket and bras, giving a detailed explanaion of why not would be cumbersome, but just assume you will never have to do ##|A\rangle+\langle B|##
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Likes Irishdoug
  • #7
Ah right ok! That makes perfect sense. Thankyou both for your replies.
  • #8
Irishdoug said:
Thankyou for the response. SO am I correct in saying the following:

for clarity, I am going to call the eigenvalue ##\beta## and the eigenfunction ##\alpha## whilst the constant square root term C

(C)(##<a_{-} \alpha | \alpha> + <\alpha | a_{-} \alpha> = \beta^{*} | \alpha > + <\alpha | \beta##)

This then equals (C)##(\beta^{*} + \beta) (<\alpha|\alpha> = (C)(\beta^{*} + \beta) (1) = <x>##

I feel that the jump from ##|\alpha> + <\alpha|## to ##(<\alpha|\alpha>)## is not correct but I am unsure.

You need to decide whether you are using Dirac notation or not. This is a mixture of Dirac notation and more standard linear algebra. In Dirac notation we have (let's put hats on operators and use ##\lambda## for the eigenvalue):
$$\hat x = C(\hat a_+ + \hat a_-)$$
$$\langle x \rangle = \langle \alpha | \hat x | \alpha \rangle = \langle \alpha |C(\hat a_+ + \hat a_-) | \alpha \rangle = C(\langle \alpha |\hat a_+ | \alpha \rangle + \langle \alpha |\hat a_- | \alpha \rangle)$$
Now, in general, we have (this is an important result):
$$\langle \alpha | \hat A | \beta \rangle = \langle \beta | \hat A^{\dagger} | \alpha \rangle^*$$
Applying this and using ##\hat a_+^{\dagger} = \hat a_-## we have:
$$\langle x \rangle = C(\langle \alpha |\hat a_- | \alpha \rangle^* + \langle \alpha |\hat a_- | \alpha \rangle) = C(\langle \alpha |\lambda | \alpha \rangle^* + \langle \alpha |\lambda | \alpha \rangle) = C(\lambda^*\langle \alpha |\alpha \rangle^* + \lambda \langle \alpha |\alpha \rangle) = C(\lambda^* + \lambda)$$
You ought to check that you can justify every step. Then move on to the second case.
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Likes Irishdoug, nrqed and vanhees71
  • #9
Thankyou very much.

FAQ: Griffiths Problem 3.35. Harmonic Oscillator, Bra-ket notation

1. What is the Griffiths Problem 3.35?

The Griffiths Problem 3.35 is a problem in the field of quantum mechanics that deals with the harmonic oscillator and its representation using bra-ket notation.

2. What is a harmonic oscillator?

A harmonic oscillator is a system that exhibits periodic motion around an equilibrium point. It is characterized by a restoring force that is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium point.

3. What is bra-ket notation?

Bra-ket notation, also known as Dirac notation, is a mathematical notation used in quantum mechanics to represent quantum states and operators. It uses the symbols ⟨ and ⟩, called bra and ket, respectively, to represent the inner product between two quantum states.

4. How is the harmonic oscillator represented using bra-ket notation?

In bra-ket notation, the harmonic oscillator is represented by the quantum state |n⟩, where n is the quantum number that corresponds to the energy level of the oscillator. The energy eigenvalues of the oscillator are given by En = (n+1/2)ℏω, where ω is the angular frequency of the oscillator.

5. What is the significance of Griffiths Problem 3.35?

Griffiths Problem 3.35 is significant as it helps students understand the concept of the harmonic oscillator and its representation using bra-ket notation. It also allows them to practice using this notation, which is an essential tool in quantum mechanics.
