Group Axiom Ordering: Proving Associativity First

  • Thread starter bologna121121
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    Axiom Group
In summary, your teacher wants you to prove the axioms of group before you prove that the set is a group. However, it's perfectly fine to show that the set is a group before proving the axioms.
  • #1

In my abstract algebra class, my teacher really stresses that when you show that a set is a group by satisfying the axioms of a group (law of combination, associativity, identity element, inverse elements) these axioms MUST be proved in order.

This makes some amount of sense to me, as some axoims use other axioms in their definitions, but why must associativity be proved before the existence of the identity element or inverses? Thank you.
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  • #2
The proofs for identity and inverse will usually use associative law.
  • #3
bologna121121 said:
This makes some amount of sense to me, as some axoims use other axioms in their definitions, but why must associativity be proved before the existence of the identity element or inverses? Thank you.

You don't need to prove them in order. It's perfectly ok to show the existence of an identity element before associativity (just be sure that you never use associativity anywhere, but that's usually not the case).
It's a mystery to me why your teacher wants you to prove them in order.
  • #4
In the definition, the axiom about the identity element must be stated before the one about inverses, since the latter mentions the identity element.

Let's say that you want to prove that the set of integers with the standard addition operation is a group. It's definitely OK to prove that x+(-x)=-x+x=0 for all x before you prove that x+0=0+x=x for all x. However, if you do it in this order, it's not clear that the first step actually proves that this set and addition operation satisfy the axiom about inverses, until after you have performed the second step, which establishes that 0 is an identity element of this addition operation.

For this reason, I would recommend that you at least do those two in the standard order. Your proof would still be valid if you do these two steps in the "wrong" order, but it would be harder to understand.
  • #5

I understand the importance of following a logical and systematic approach when proving mathematical concepts. In the case of group axioms, it is crucial to prove associativity first because it is the foundation for the other axioms.

Associativity states that the order of operations does not matter when combining elements in a group. This property is essential for proving the existence of an identity element and inverse elements, as it ensures that the operations will always yield the same result.

If we were to prove the existence of an identity element or inverse elements before proving associativity, we would be assuming that the operations are associative, which could lead to errors or inconsistencies in our proof.

By proving associativity first, we establish a solid basis for the other axioms and can confidently proceed with our proof. This approach follows the principle of building from the ground up, ensuring that each step in our proof is sound and valid.

In summary, proving associativity first in group axiom ordering is a crucial step in ensuring the validity and consistency of our proofs. It provides a strong foundation for the other axioms and allows us to confidently establish a set as a group.

FAQ: Group Axiom Ordering: Proving Associativity First

1. What is group axiom ordering?

Group axiom ordering is a method used in mathematical proofs to show that a set with a binary operation (such as addition or multiplication) satisfies the group axioms. This method involves proving associativity first, followed by proving the other group axioms (identity, inverses, and closure) in any order.

2. Why is proving associativity first important?

Proving associativity first is important because it allows for a more efficient and organized approach to proving that a set satisfies the group axioms. This method also helps to avoid redundant or unnecessary steps in the proof.

3. How is group axiom ordering different from other methods of proving group axioms?

Group axiom ordering is different from other methods, such as direct proof or proof by contradiction, because it specifically focuses on proving associativity first. Other methods may require proving the group axioms in a specific order or may not have a specific focus on associativity.

4. Can group axiom ordering be used for any binary operation?

Yes, group axiom ordering can be used for any binary operation, as long as the set and operation satisfy the group axioms. This method is not limited to specific types of operations, such as addition or multiplication.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using group axiom ordering?

One potential disadvantage of using group axiom ordering is that it may not be the most intuitive or natural approach for some proofs. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for more complex or abstract mathematical concepts. However, for simpler cases, group axiom ordering can be a useful tool for proving associativity and other group axioms.

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