Group Isomorphism: Proving f: Us(st)->U(t) is Onto

  • Thread starter mehtamonica
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the proof that the function f: Us(st)→U(t) is an onto map. This function is defined as f(x)= x mod s, where x belongs to Us(st). The conversation also touches on the definition of the sets U(t) and U(st), which are multiplication groups modulo t and st respectively. It is mentioned that s and t are integers that are relatively prime, and that f_s(t)= st is an isomorphism between these groups. The conversation ends with a question about the mapping between these groups and the possibility of using isomorphism to prove the function is onto.
  • #1
To prove that : f : U[itex]_{s}[/itex] (st) [itex]\rightarrow[/itex] U(t) is an onto map.

Note that

Us(st)= {x [itex]\in[/itex] U(st): x= 1 (mod s)}

Let x [itex]\in[/itex]U(t)

then (x, t)=1 and 1<x< t

How to proceed beyond point ?
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  • #2
I don't understand what you're saying. How do you define the sets (groups?) U(t) and U(st) and? Is s an integer? How is the function f defined?
  • #3
Fredrik said:
I don't understand what you're saying. How do you define the sets (groups?) U(t) and U(st) and? Is s an integer? How is the function f defined?

1) U ( n) is a multiplication group modulo n, for any integer n.

( U(n) is group contains all the non zero units of Zn, that is , all the integers belonging to Zn that are relatively prime to n.

2) s and t are integers such that (s, t) =1.( rel prime)

3) f (x) = x mod s, where x belongs to Us(st)
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  • #4
But why are you limiting yourself like that? For any group, G, the function [itex]f_s(t)= st[/itex] (or in "additive" notation, [itex]f_s(t)= s+ t[/itex]) is an isomorphism- and so both one-to-one and onto.

To prove it is onto, suppose y is a given member of the group. You merely need to show that there exist x such that sx= y- and that is easy.
  • #5
This might be a question about a mapping between the multiplicative group of integers mod st to the multiplicative group of integers mod t rather than a question about mapping the multiplicative of integers into itself. In fact, from the definition of [itex] U_s[/itex] in the original post, it might be a question about mapping subsets of the group of integers mod st onto the group of integers mod t.
  • #6
Do you know U(st) is isomorphic to U(s)xU(t) though the map x->(x mod s, x mod t)?

Then Us(st) is a subgroup of U(st). Images of subgroups are subgroups, and in this case the image is {1} x U(t) which is isomorphic to U(t).
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FAQ: Group Isomorphism: Proving f: Us(st)->U(t) is Onto

1. What is group isomorphism?

Group isomorphism refers to a mathematical concept in abstract algebra where two groups are considered isomorphic if there exists a bijective function (also known as a homomorphism) between them that preserves the group operation. In simpler terms, it means that two groups have the same structure and behave in the same way.

2. How do you prove that a function f: Us(st)->U(t) is onto?

To prove that a function is onto, also known as surjective, you need to show that for every element in the target group U(t), there exists at least one element in the domain group Us(st) that maps to it. In other words, every element in the target group has a pre-image in the domain group.

3. What is the importance of isomorphism in group theory?

Isomorphism plays a crucial role in group theory as it allows us to study and compare different groups based on their structure and properties. It also helps in simplifying complex groups by finding isomorphic groups that behave in a similar manner. Isomorphism is also used to prove theorems and solve problems in group theory.

4. What are some common examples of group isomorphism?

Some common examples of group isomorphism include the isomorphism between the group of integers under addition and the group of even integers under addition, the isomorphism between the group of real numbers under multiplication and the group of positive real numbers under multiplication, and the isomorphism between the symmetric group and the dihedral group.

5. Can a function be an isomorphism if it is not onto?

No, a function cannot be an isomorphism if it is not onto. This is because an isomorphism must be bijective, meaning it must be both one-to-one and onto. If a function is not onto, it means there exists an element in the target group that does not have a corresponding element in the domain group, violating the bijective property of an isomorphism.

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