Group isomorphisms and bijective maps

  • Thread starter fa2209
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In summary, "preserving the combination law" means that a mapping preserves the group structure in some way, and this is called a homomorphism. It does not necessarily have to be bijective, but if it is, it is called an isomorphism. However, not all bijections are isomorphisms, as shown by examples such as the function f(x) = 2x + 3 on the group of integers. There can be multiple bijections that result in an isomorphism between two groups, and some groups can even be isomorphic to themselves, known as automorphisms. Different ways of defining a group can result in the same set, so groups are often only characterized up to isomorphism.
  • #1
Im taking a group theory course at the moment in my third year of a theoretical physics degree. In my textbook the author says defines an isomorphism by saying that if two groups are isomorphic then their elements can be put in a one-to-one correspondence that preserves the group combination law. My question is: what exactly does "preserving the combination law" mean and would any bijection do that?

My understanding of preserving the combination law is as follows. Consider 2 groups of order k. G1 ={e1, n1,...n(k-1)} & G2 = {e2, m1,...,m(k-1)}

let i be some map between them such that i(n1)=m3, i(n2) = m1, i(n3)=m6.

say the group combination law for G1 gives the following n1*n2=n3

then for i to be an isomorphism would it have to be the case that the combination law for G2 is m3*m1=m6?

and is there then only one bijection for which this is an isomorphism between G1 and G2?
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  • #2
What is meant under the "combination law" is that the mapping "preserves" the group structure in some way, i.e. a map which preserves it is called a homomorphism (that is, if f : G1 --> G2 is a map such that for all a, b in G1 we have f(ab)=f(a)f(b)). It need not be bijective in general, but if it happens to be, it's called an isomorphism.
  • #3
fa2209 said:
would any bijection do that?
No. As an example, consider the set {0,1,2,3} with addition modulo 4 (for example, 3+2=1), and the bijection f defined by


  • #4
Or, for example, the bijection f : Z --> Z defined on the group of integers (with addition as the group operation) with f(x) = 2x + 3.
  • #5
preserving the group law just means

f(xy) = f(x)f(y)

For example the group Z/2Z has two elements 0 and 1 with the group law 1 + 1 = 0

The matrix that rotates the plane 180 degrees generates a group with 2 elements, itself and the rotation of 360 degrees. Map 1 to the 180 degree rotation and zero to the identity map. This is a bijection that preserves the group law.

On the other hand you could have mapped 1 to the reflection about the y-axis to get an isomorphism of Z/2Z with another group of isometries of the plane.
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  • #6
radou said:
Or, for example, the bijection f : Z --> Z defined on the group of integers (with addition as the group operation) with f(x) = 2x + 3.
That function isn't surjective. For example 6 isn't in its range.

However, since the condition f(xy)=f(x)f(y) implies f(e)=e', where e and e' are the identity elements of the groups, a bijection that doesn't satisfy that condition can't be an isomorphism. This means that the f:Z→Z defined by f(x)=x+1 is a bijection that isn't an isomorphism.
  • #7
Fredrik said:
That function isn't surjective. For example 6 isn't in its range.

However, since the condition f(xy)=f(x)f(y) implies f(e)=e', where e and e' are the identity elements of the groups, a bijection that doesn't satisfy that condition can't be an isomorphism. This means that the f:Z→Z defined by f(x)=x+1 is a bijection that isn't an isomorphism.

Ah, stupid me! Yes, to correct the example, it would be a bijection if we were talking about the rationals under addition. Of course, not homomorphic since f(0) = 3.
  • #8
fa2209 said:
and is there then only one bijection for which this is an isomorphism between G1 and G2?

no, usually not. for example, we can take G1 = G2, and have an isomorphism of G1 with itself. such an isomorphism is called an automorphism.

for example, one important automorphism of (C,+) is complex conjugation (which is also an automorphism of the multiplicative group of non-zero complex numbers).

a vector space V is an abelian group, and any linear transformation which is invertible:

T:V-->V gives rise to an automorphism of the underlying abelian group of V.

this is because for some groups, different ways of "building the group" can result in the same set.

it doesn't matter if we create a rotation group by starting with a 90 degree counterclockwise rotation, or a 270 degree counterclockwise rotation, we wind up with the same set of 4 rotations in either scenario.

so if a group is defined by specifying some generators and relations between them, there are often many ways to do this that winds up producing the same group. because of this, groups are usually only characterized "up to isomorphism", isomorphic groups being regarded as "essentially the same". they need not actually BE the same, for example, the set of complex numbers {1,i,-1,-i} under complex multiplication, and the set of integers modulo 4 under addition modulo 4, {0,1,2,3} aren't "the same thing" but they ARE isomorphic, with the isomorphism being:


Related to Group isomorphisms and bijective maps

What is a group isomorphism?

A group isomorphism is a bijective map between two groups that preserves the group structure. In other words, it is a function that maps elements from one group to elements in another group in a way that preserves the group operations (such as addition or multiplication).

What is the difference between a group isomorphism and a bijective map?

A group isomorphism is a specific type of bijective map that is defined between two groups. It not only maps elements from one group to another, but it also preserves the group structure. A bijective map, on the other hand, is simply a function that is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto), without any restrictions on the type of objects being mapped.

Why are group isomorphisms important in mathematics?

Group isomorphisms are important because they allow us to identify and compare different groups. By showing that two groups are isomorphic, we can say that they are essentially the same in terms of their group structure. This can help us understand and solve problems in different areas of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, and topology.

Can two groups be isomorphic if they have different cardinalities?

No, two groups cannot be isomorphic if they have different cardinalities. This is because isomorphisms preserve the number of elements in a group. If two groups have different cardinalities, then there is no way to map the elements in one group to the elements in another group in a way that preserves the group structure.

How do you prove that two groups are isomorphic?

To prove that two groups are isomorphic, you must show that there exists a bijective map (the isomorphism) between the two groups that also preserves the group operations. This can be done by explicitly defining the map and showing that it is both one-to-one and onto, as well as demonstrating that it respects the group operations.

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