[group theory] Finite presentations and relations <S|R>

Your name]In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove that a finitely presented group G can be described by a finite set of relations R and a finite set of generators S. The attempt at a solution involves using a free group and properties of finitely presented groups, and the solution is to show that there exists a finite set of relations R' and a finite set of generators S' that can also describe G.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let G be a finitely presented group. Suppose we have a finite generating set S. Prove that there is a finite set of relations [itex]R \subset F_S[/itex] such that <S|R> is a presentation of G.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know how to do this.

I think I can prove it for the case of G a free group:

So suppose S is a finite generating set of [itex]F_{T}[/itex] with the latter a finitely presented group (i.e. [itex]T[/itex] finite). Write [itex]S=\{ s_1, \cdots, s_m \}[/itex] and [itex]T= \{t_1, \cdots, t_n \}[/itex]. Now every element in S is in effect a combination of elements in T, this we indicate with e.g. [itex]s_1(t_1,\cdots,t_n)[/itex]. However, since S is a generating set, every element in T can also be written as a combination of elements in S, so we can write [itex]s_1(t_1(s_1,\cdots,s_m),t_2(\cdots),\cdots,t_n(s_1,\cdots,s_m))[/itex]. It is clear that in [itex]F_T[/itex] we have [itex]s_1^{-1} \cdot s_1(t_1(s_1,\cdots,s_m),t_2(\cdots),\cdots,t_n(s_1,\cdots,s_m)) = 1[/itex]. Analogously for [itex]s_2,\cdots, s_m[/itex]. We define the set of relations R as these m words in [itex]F_S[/itex].

If [itex]N_R[/itex] is the normal closure of R in [itex]F_S[/itex], we need to prove that [itex]F_T \cong \langle S | R \rangle[/itex] or in other words that the kernel of [itex]\pi: F_S \to F_T[/itex] is [itex]\textrm{Ker}(\pi) = N_R[/itex]. By the method of construction it is rather clear that [itex]N_R \subset \textrm{Ker}(\pi)[/itex]. I'm not sure how to prove the other inclusion.

Also I've tried to use this result for the case of a free group for the case of a general group G, but I can't seem to make it work...
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. Your attempt at a solution for the case of a free group is a good start. To prove the general case, we need to use some properties of finitely presented groups.

First, we know that a finitely presented group G can be defined by a presentation <S|R>, where S is a finite generating set and R is a finite set of relations. This means that any element in G can be expressed as a word in the generators S, subject to the relations R. In other words, G is isomorphic to the quotient group F_S/N_R, where N_R is the normal closure of R in F_S.

Now, since S is a finite generating set for G, we can choose a finite set of elements s_1, s_2, ..., s_n \in S that generate G. This means that every element in G can be expressed as a word in these generators. Let's call this set of generators S'.

Next, we need to show that there exists a finite set of relations R' \subset F_{S'} such that <S'|R'> is a presentation of G. To do this, we can use the fact that G is isomorphic to F_S/N_R. This means that any element in G can be expressed as a word in the generators S, subject to the relations R. But since we have chosen a finite set of generators S', we can write any element in G as a word in S', subject to some set of relations R'. This is because any element in G can be expressed as a word in S, and we can always choose a subset of S that generates G.

Therefore, we have shown that there exists a finite set of relations R' \subset F_{S'} such that <S'|R'> is a presentation of G. This completes the proof.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Related to [group theory] Finite presentations and relations <S|R>

What is group theory?

Group theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of groups, which are mathematical structures consisting of a set of elements and a binary operation that combines any two elements to form a third element. It has applications in many areas of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

What are finite presentations and relations?

In group theory, a finite presentation refers to a way of representing a group using a finite set of generators and relations. The generators are elements that can be combined using the binary operation to form all other elements in the group, while the relations are equations that must hold true for the elements in the group. This method is useful for studying and understanding the properties of groups.

What is the significance of finite presentations and relations?

Finite presentations and relations allow us to understand the structure and properties of groups in a more manageable way. They help us identify important elements and relationships within a group, and can also provide insights into the underlying structure of more complex groups.

How are finite presentations and relations used in group theory?

Finite presentations and relations are used to describe and classify groups based on their properties. They can also be used to prove theorems and solve problems related to groups, such as determining the order of a group or finding the identity element.

What are some examples of groups that can be represented using finite presentations and relations?

Some examples include the symmetric group, the dihedral group, and the free group. These groups have been extensively studied and their properties are well understood using the methods of finite presentations and relations.

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