Group Theory: Is A a Left Coset of G?

In summary, there is a question about whether a finite subset A of a group G, with the condition that |A²|=|A|², is a left coset of G. Some people have provided solutions and counterexamples, while others have discussed the relationship between A and cosets in a group. The key insight is to consider the set K = \{g \in G \,|\, gA = A\}, which is a subgroup of G. It is shown that |A| \geq |K|, leading to a contradiction and proving the proposition to be true.
  • #1
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This is not a homework problem. I was just wondering.

Let G be a group and let A be a finite subset of G. If |A²|=|A|² (where [tex]A^2=\{a_1a_2~\vert~a_1,a_2\in A\} [/tex] ). Is it true that A is a left coset of G?

If A has two elements, then I have proven that this is true. But for greater elements, it soon becomes very complicated. I do think this is true...

Anybody got a proof/counterexample or maybe some hints?
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  • #2
I thought A would have to be a subgroup rather than just a subset?

whereas a coset is a subset of the group G.
  • #3
It is true for Abelian groups where |A| > 1. Cause

|A2| ≤ Choose(|A|, 2) < |A|2 (so unequal)

So your assumption will always be false so the proposition will always be true.

When the group is not Abelian the key is to look at elements which do not commute (I would say).
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  • #4
Uh, no. Take G an abelian group, then |G|²=|G²|. The assumption can certainly be satisfied, even in abelian groups...
  • #5
micromass said:
Uh, no. Take G an abelian group, then |G|²=|G²|.

If [itex]G[/itex] is a group, then [itex]G^2 = G[/itex], so

[tex]|G^2| = |G| < |G|^2[/tex]

assuming [itex]G[/itex] is nontrivial.
  • #6
Damn... It appears that I have posted the wrong problem. Never mind this thread...
  • #7
Huh the problem statement seems fine. It can be found on page 5 of this" (under Question: (1)), as my teacher received this problem from the author of that particular paper at a conference in India.

I do think I have a solution, thanks to some comments from my TA, and some good ideas from micromass.

As micromass suggested, the first step is to show [itex]xA = A^2[/itex], which we can of course write as [itex]A = x^{-1} A^2[/itex]. The key insight is to consider the set [itex]K = \{g \in G \,|\, gA = A\}[/itex]. It is straightforward to show that this is a subgroup of G. Unraveling the definition of K, we see that [itex]x^{-1} A \subset K[/itex], so [itex]|x^{-1} A| \leq |K|[/itex] . If we can show [itex]|x^{-1} A|\geq |K|,[/itex] we're done. Now [itex]|x^{-1} A| = |A|[/itex] (exhibit a bijection), so it remains to prove [itex]|A| \geq |K|.[/itex] Contradiction seemed to be the easiest route here.

And that's really it.

*EDIT* Obviously I left out a lot of details, mainly to allow those who might have been interested in the problem in the first place to figure out various individual arguments. I'll be happy to clarify any particular part of the proof, and please point out any oversights I might have made.
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  • #8
thanks snipez. I was really breaking my head at this one :smile: Now I can be at rest...
  • #9
snipez, the problem you are solving is not the one posed in the OP.
  • #10
Ah yes, finally I notice the |A| term is squared, but in fact the problem I posted (with the condition |A^2| = |A|) is the one micromass meant to refer to. That thread is somewhere lost in the homework help forums. Thanks.

Related to Group Theory: Is A a Left Coset of G?

1. What is a left coset in group theory?

A left coset of a group G is a subset of G that is obtained by multiplying a fixed element, denoted by a, on the left with all the elements of G. This can be represented as aH = {ah | h ∈ H}. Here, H is a subgroup of G and a is an element of G.

2. What is the difference between a left coset and a subgroup?

A subgroup is a subset of a group that is itself a group under the same operation. On the other hand, a left coset is a subset of a group that is obtained by multiplying a fixed element on the left with all the elements of the group. While a subgroup is a group in its own right, a left coset is not necessarily a group.

3. How do you determine if A is a left coset of G?

To determine if A is a left coset of G, you need to check if A satisfies the definition of a left coset, which is a subset of G obtained by multiplying a fixed element on the left with all the elements of G. Additionally, you must also verify if A is a subgroup of G. If both conditions are met, then A is a left coset of G.

4. Can a group have more than one left coset?

Yes, a group can have multiple left cosets. In fact, the number of left cosets of a subgroup H in a group G is equal to the index of H in G, denoted as [G : H]. This means that if the order of G is finite, the number of left cosets will also be finite.

5. What are the applications of left cosets in group theory?

Left cosets are useful in studying the structure and properties of groups. They can be used to prove the Lagrange's theorem, which states that the order of a subgroup divides the order of its parent group. Left cosets also have applications in constructing new groups and in cryptography, specifically in public key encryption systems like RSA.

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