Groups of order 12 whose 3-Sylow subgroups are not normal.

In summary, the conversation discusses a corollary in the textbook that states a group of order 12, with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups, is isomorphic to A_4. The proof of this corollary uses an additional proposition and corollary, which may be confusing. The 2nd last paragraph explains that there are only two possible homomorphisms from Z_3 into S_3, and one can be obtained from the other by pre-composing with an automorphism of Z_3. This leads to the conclusion that there is only one isomorphism class of semi-direct products that is nonabelian, as shown in Proposition 4.6.11.
  • #1
There is a corollary in our textbook that states "Let G be a group of order 12 whose 3-Sylow subgroups are not normal. THen G is isomorphic to [itex]A_4[/itex]."

I attached the proof of this corollary and an additional corollary and proposition that was used for the proof.

The 2nd last paragraph is a bit confusing for me...

"As shown in either Problem 14 of Exercises 4.6.13 or Problem 3 of Exercises 4.7.27,
the automorphism group of [itex]Z_2 × Z_2[/itex] is isomorphic to S3. It’s easy to see that there are only two nontrivial homomorphisms from [itex]Z_3[/itex] into [itex]S_3 \cong D_6[/itex], and that one is obtained from the other by precomposing with an automorphism of [itex]Z_3[/itex]. Thus, Proposition 4.6.11 shows that there is exactly one isomorphism class of semidirect products [itex](Z_2×Z_2) \rtimes_{\alpha} Z_3[/itex] which is nonabelian."

1) I'm not sure how it is "easy to see that there are only two nontrivial homomorphisms"...and I don't understand what the phrase "and that one is obtained from the other by precomposing with an automorphism of [itex]Z_3[/itex]" means. What do "one" and "other" refer to?

2) "Thus, Proposition 4.6.11 shows that there is exactly one isomorphism class of semidirect products [itex](Z_2×Z_2) \rtimes_{\alpha} Z_3[/itex] which is nonabelian." I'm not sure how the proposition allows us to see that.

Thanks in advance


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  • #2
A homomorphism of Z_3 into S_3 must be an injective homomorphism, as Z_3 does not contain any non-trivial subgroups [ suppose f is a homomorphism from Z_3 into S_3, then |im( f )| = | Z_3 / ker(f ) | i.e. the image of f must divide |Z_3| = 3. So it is either injective, or trivial ].
Now, in general for finite groups, any injective homomorphism f from groups G, H can be written as f compose g where g is an automorphism of G. To see this, just note that given any injective homomorphism f, you can produce a new injective homomorphism by pre-composing with an automorphism. Conversely, given 2 distinct injective homomorphisms h , k ( k^-1 compose h ) = T is an automorphism of G such that h = k compose T.
So, in Z_3 , there are only 2 automorphisms, that is z -> z^2 and z -> z ( identity ).
So, there are only 2 possible injective homomorphisms in S_3.
Thus, our two possible homomorphisms from Z_3 into S_3 can be written as phi and phi compose g where g is an automorphism of Z_3. I.e. we can write f for one homomorphism into S_3, then another is f ' = f compose the h: z -> z^2 map. So, we have the relation f = f ' compose g^-1. In particular, f and f ' compose g^-1 are conjugate ( equal ), so you can apply condition 1 in proposition 4.6.11 to say that the resulting semi-direct products are isomorphic

FAQ: Groups of order 12 whose 3-Sylow subgroups are not normal.

1. What is the significance of groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups in mathematics?

Groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups are important in the study of group theory, as they provide examples of non-abelian groups with interesting properties. These groups have applications in various fields, such as algebraic number theory and cryptography.

2. How can groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups be constructed?

There are several ways to construct groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups. One method is to use the semidirect product construction, where the group is formed by combining a normal subgroup of order 4 and a non-normal subgroup of order 3. Another method is to use the wreath product construction, where the group is formed by combining a group of order 4 and a group of order 3 in a specific way.

3. Can every group of order 12 have a non-normal 3-Sylow subgroup?

No, not all groups of order 12 have non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups. For example, the cyclic group of order 12 has only one subgroup of order 3, which is normal. However, there are infinitely many non-isomorphic groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups.

4. How do non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups affect the structure of a group of order 12?

The presence of non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups in a group of order 12 changes its structure significantly. It means that the group is not a direct product of its Sylow subgroups, and it has non-trivial intersections between its subgroups. This can lead to interesting and complex group dynamics, making these groups valuable objects of study in group theory.

5. Are there any real-world applications of groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups?

Yes, there are real-world applications of groups of order 12 with non-normal 3-Sylow subgroups. These groups have been used in cryptography, particularly in the design of cryptographic protocols and algorithms. They also have applications in coding theory, where they are used to construct error-correcting codes with desirable properties.
