: Guass's Law and surface integrals

In summary: I forget whihc is which but it is not hard to find out.In summary, the conversation is about a student in need of help for their final exam tomorrow, specifically with surface integrals and calculating flux enclosed. The student has struggled to understand the concept and is now under pressure. They are looking for the formulas for flux enclosed for an infinite plane, point charge on a spherical surface, and a long thin wire. The conversation also includes some tips and explanations for setting up the integrals, as well as a note about the different notations used in physics for spherical coordinates.
  • #1
I'm in need of help. I need the formulas for total-electric-flux enclosed for a final exam *tommorow. My teacher (nice guy but total slacker) never did any handouts, and I am not the quickest to catch on when he tried to explain in about 20 minutes the concept of surface integrals. I was just out of calc II and had absolutely no experience with cylindrical or spherical coordinates.
Spherical surface:
flux enclosed =∫[0,2π]∫[0,π](sin0)r^2

infinite plane
flux enclosed =∫[]∫[]

Long thin wire
flux enclosed =∫[0,c]∫[0,2π]

I am the only student in calc. physics mixed with a group of non-calc students. Surface intergrals did not come up in calc III until about one week ago, and now I'm under pressure. The physics teacher made it clear 'he would make it easy on me', but I just needed to be able to calculate flux enclosed with E and dA given in the cases of:
1) infinite flat sheet
2) point charge/ spherical surface
3) long thin wire

I just need to be able to set up the integrals. But I can not find the formulas. I'm in desperate need of just the integrals without a lot of extranious information. I tried at the top to fill in what I could.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
you're going to need the metrics of sphereical and cylindrical coordinates.

sphere: dr, r*dtheta, r*sin(theta)*dphi

cylindrical: dr, r*dtheta, dz
  • #3
I am not sure about the infinite plane case, but for the others, the surface integral is really easy. Becuase these are what are known as primary surfaces (cylinder in cylindrical coordinates, sphere is sphereical and a box in cartesian) you will probably not even have to integrate. For every Physics II book I have looked at, it is introduced as a surface integral but is then done more easily.

Recall a surface integral can be thought of as a measure of flux, or the amount of a field going into the surface (perpendicularly). For electric fields, in spherical, find the radial component (probably all you have in Physics II), then multiply it by the area of the sphere. For just a sphere when there is only a radial component,

[tex]\iint_R\vec{E}\cdot\hat{n}dS=\int_{\theta=0}^{2\pi}\int_{\phi=0}^{\pi} E*R^2 \sin \phi d\phi d\theta =E*A=4\pi R^2 E[/tex]

It is the same logic for the wire only now you have what is going through the side of the cylinder in addition to the top and bottom. Usually, the top in the bottom can be either ignored by symmetry or because it is an infinite wire.

I hope this helps
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  • #4
I realized I should have continued. In these problems, you generally do not want to have the parameters of the surface in your answer. This makes sense becuase the charge inside shouldn't depend on the radius of your arbitrary surface. Notice in the euqation i put in my above post, the R cancels. Recall that usually, [tex]E\propto\frac{1}{r^2}[/tex], which when r is not changing, is just [tex]E\propto\frac{1}{R^2}[/tex].

For a wire, you will usually have the total charge. Therefore the charge you are using for the E-field is [tex]\frac{q}{L}[/tex] and the area of the cylinder is [tex]2\pi RL[/tex] so the L cancels.
  • #5
Sorry, one more thing. Note that in physics there is not universal notation for the spherical system. The poster above me called the angle from the Z-axis [tex]\theta[/tex] while I called it [tex]\phi[/tex]. It is different in every book. In Shey's Div, Grad, Curl and All That, it is one way while in Sandri Hassani's Mathematical Methods for Students of Physics and Related Field, it is the other way.

FAQ: : Guass's Law and surface integrals

1. What is Guass's Law?

Guass's Law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism, named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. It relates the electric field at a point on a closed surface to the net charge enclosed by that surface. In simple terms, it states that the total electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the net charge enclosed by that surface divided by the permittivity of free space.

2. How is Guass's Law used in physics and engineering?

Guass's Law is used to calculate the electric field due to a given distribution of charges. It can also be used to determine the total charge enclosed by a given surface, or to calculate the electric potential at a point in space. In engineering, it is used in the design and analysis of electrical circuits, as well as in the study of electromagnetic waves and their behavior.

3. What is a surface integral?

A surface integral is a type of integral in multivariable calculus that is used to calculate the total value of a function over a two-dimensional surface. It involves breaking up the surface into small pieces, approximating the function on each piece, and then summing up the contributions from each piece to get an overall value. In the context of Guass's Law, surface integrals are used to calculate the electric flux through a given surface.

4. How is Guass's Law related to Coulomb's Law?

Coulomb's Law and Guass's Law are both fundamental laws in electromagnetism and are closely related. Coulomb's Law states that the force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Guass's Law, on the other hand, relates the electric field to the total charge enclosed by a surface. It can be derived from Coulomb's Law and is essentially a more general form of it.

5. Can Guass's Law be applied to non-uniform electric fields?

Yes, Guass's Law can be applied to both uniform and non-uniform electric fields. In the case of non-uniform fields, the integration used in the surface integral becomes more complicated, but the fundamental relationship between the electric field and the enclosed charge remains the same. Guass's Law is a powerful tool for solving problems involving electric fields, regardless of their uniformity.

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