Guidance for preparing for Physics I

In summary, the person is a first-time poster on a forum and is thanking the members for their services. They are seeking help in preparing for their first Physics course and are looking for book recommendations and advice to expand their knowledge in the field. They mention the topics covered in the syllabus and their background in math and reading about relativity. They also mention they have 1.5 months to prepare and are looking for books that are not too thick.
  • #1
Hi all, this is my first post here and I would like to congratulate and thank you for your priceless services!

I need help in preparing for Physics I course, any books I should refer to or any lecture notes online. The syllabus is roughly this:

1) Frames of Reference - Inertial Frames, Galilean Transformations, Non-inertial Frames, Rotating Frames, Accelerated Frames.
2) Equilibrium and Forces - Various Forces of Nature, Conservative Forces, Inertial and Non-inertial Forces, Frictional Forces, Central Forces.
3) Inertia and Motion - Newton's laws of motion, Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Inverse Square Law; Conservation Laws: Energy, Linear and Angular Momentum, Collisions.
4) Elementary Dynamics of Rigid Bodies.
5) Newtonian Gravitation.
6) Basic Special Relativity - Lorentz Transformations, Relativistic Dynamics, Momentum and Energy.
7) The Principle of Equivalence.
8) Generalised Coordinates, Principle of Least Action, An Elementary Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics.

The texts used are:
1) Mechanics: Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 1, by C. Kittel, W. D. Knight, M. A. Ruderman, C. A. Helmholz, and B. J. Moyer.
2) Newtonian Mechanics: MIT Introductory Physics Series, by A. P. French.

A little about my background: This is my first Physics course (Physics I, apparently), I have no idea whatsoever about Physics, but my math is good and I picked up easily even Abstract Algebra course. I have read this book Relativity Simply Explained by Martin Gardner and that made me curious to learn more Physics, hence I am taking it.

I am looking for a book(s) that prepares me well enough for the Physics I course and the courses to come, basically I need to expand my ideas and knowledge about this field and also I want to prepare for this course.

Kindly suggest me some books and advice to prepare myself better, thanks so much!
Physics news on
  • #2
One more thing, I have 1.5 months to prepare for Physics I, so I would like some books that prepares me well at the same time are not too thick. Thanks!

FAQ: Guidance for preparing for Physics I

1. What topics should I focus on when preparing for Physics I?

When preparing for Physics I, it is important to focus on the fundamental concepts of mechanics, such as kinematics, forces, and energy. You should also have a good understanding of algebra, trigonometry, and basic calculus.

2. Is it necessary to have prior knowledge of physics before taking Physics I?

No, prior knowledge of physics is not necessary for Physics I. However, having a strong foundation in math and a basic understanding of scientific principles can be helpful.

3. How can I practice and improve my problem-solving skills for Physics I?

The best way to practice and improve your problem-solving skills for Physics I is to work on as many practice problems as possible. You can also review and redo homework assignments, quizzes, and exams to identify areas where you need to improve.

4. Are there any online resources or study materials that can help me prepare for Physics I?

Yes, there are many online resources and study materials available to help you prepare for Physics I. Some popular options include online tutorials, practice problems, and study guides. You can also join online study groups or attend review sessions offered by your school or instructor.

5. What are some common mistakes students make when preparing for Physics I?

Common mistakes students make when preparing for Physics I include not starting early enough, not practicing enough problems, and not seeking help when needed. It is also important to avoid relying too heavily on memorization and instead focus on understanding the underlying concepts and principles.

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