How Do You Draw Correct Resonance Structures for H3CHCHC=NH?

  • Thread starter rmiller70015
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In summary, the student attempted to fix the Lewis structure and drew a resonance that was not correct according to the software.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is a problem with Sappling involved. I was given a Lewis Structure, told it was an anion (no charges were given just that it was one) and told to fix the structure and draw a resonance.

Homework Equations

No Equations.

The Attempt at a Solution

The problem starts out with the basic structure, there is a double bond between the carbon and the nitrogen, no charges and no lone pairs on the structure.

I counted up the number of valance electrons for this structure and got 23e-, since it's an anion, I added 1 extra electron (note they did not say the charge on the anion just that it was one). Now I have a total of 24 valence electrons in the molecule. The bonds take up 20 e- and that leaves 4 e- left over. I distributed a pair to the Carbon with 3 bonds (the first CH, or Carbon-2) and to the Nitrogen. This makes the Nitrogen neutral and gives the 2 carbon a -1 charge and the entire molecule has a -1 charge, an anion. But this is incorrect according to Sappling and I can't figure out another way to arrange the electrons so that the molecule makes sense.

As for the Resonance I pushed the electrons I had placed on the first model into different positions, putting a double bond between carbons 2 and 3 and a single bond between carbon 3 and the nitrogen. Also I gave the nitrogen 2 sets of lone pairs and a -1 charge. This resonance is correct according to sappling, but the initial model I amended is not.

I know it's not recommended to post a picture on here, but I'm drawing models and I don't see any other way to accurately describe what I have done, than to post a picture of my drawing so here it is:
Physics news on
  • #2
The 'original' drawing is missing a hydrogen atom, of course, which you added later.
"Resonance" is the character of having TWO significant resonance forms - forms in which the atoms are in the same place, but the charges are not. The actual structure has the charge distribution as a mixture of the two forms with their localized charges.
The major (most stable) resonance form is the one you show as "resonance" in your drawing; a less stable resonance form is the one labeled "my changes".
The proper way to show this (my opinion as practicing chemist) is to write the two forms with a double-headed arrow between them, showing that both contribute. In this case, most of the charge will be on the Nitrogen atom, much less on the Carbon atom
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Related to How Do You Draw Correct Resonance Structures for H3CHCHC=NH?

What is "H3CHCHC=NH Resonance in Sappling"?

"H3CHCHC=NH Resonance in Sappling" is a term used in organic chemistry to describe the phenomenon of resonance in a molecule with a triple bond between a carbon and nitrogen atom.

How does resonance affect the stability of "H3CHCHC=NH"?

Resonance in "H3CHCHC=NH" results in the delocalization of electrons, making the molecule more stable than if it only had a single bond between the carbon and nitrogen atoms.

What is the significance of "H3CHCHC=NH Resonance in Sappling" in chemical reactions?

The presence of resonance in "H3CHCHC=NH" can greatly influence the reactivity of the molecule, as the delocalization of electrons can impact the distribution of charges and affect the strength of bonds.

How is "H3CHCHC=NH Resonance in Sappling" represented in structural formulas?

In structural formulas, "H3CHCHC=NH Resonance in Sappling" is typically depicted with a double-headed arrow between the carbon and nitrogen atoms, indicating the delocalization of electrons.

Can "H3CHCHC=NH Resonance in Sappling" be observed experimentally?

No, resonance is a theoretical concept used to explain the behavior of molecules. While we can predict the presence of resonance in "H3CHCHC=NH", it cannot be observed directly through experiments.

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