Hadron Mass Spectrum: Can We Calculate It?

In summary, the reason why equations for the masses of hadrons as functions of other constants, like masses of quarks and coupling constants, have not been seen is because QCD is a strongly coupled theory and perturbation theory cannot be applied. This is due to the large coupling constant in QCD, making it difficult to calculate hadron spectra. There are some relationships among mesons, but they are not well-known. Some people are trying to calculate hadron masses with large computers, but it is a challenging task. String theory has also been proposed as a potential solution, but the AdS/CFT duality does not directly apply to the topic of meson masses. The Clay mathematical institute has classified the mass-gap problem as one of
  • #1
Why have I not seen equations that would tell the masses of hadrons as functions of other constants, like masses of quarks, and some coupling constants? After all, aren't the different hadrons merely different excitation states of some bound systems, and in principle it should be possible to calculate the excitation energies (particle masses) like the energies of the hydrogen atom?

Is it because the equations are too difficult, or because physicists don't know what kind of equation to write down? The standard model is supposed to be the theory of particle interactions, so it sounds like we should know what equation to use for the hadron masses, but is that really the case?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The answer is (I think) that QCD is strongly coupled, which means that we don't really know how to do calculations with it. The problem is that we don't know how to deal with strongly coupled theories, except numerically. So some people ARE trying to calculate hadron spectra, but they have to use large computers and they can only calculate simple things.

The situation is analagous to using a Taylor series to approximate a function. If you terminate the Taylor series at some finite order, you introduce SOME error, but you generally can be assured that that error is small because the thing you were expanding in is small as well. If the thing that you are expanding in ISN'T small, then you have to keep more and more terms to get a small error. The case with QCD is that the thing you are expanding in is large, so each term is larger than the previous one.

This is called perturbation theory, and it cannot be applied when the theory is strongly coupled, like QCD. It cannot be applied because the coupling constant (the thing that you're expanding in) is larger than 1.

That being said, there are some loose relationships among mesons, I think, but I can't remember them. I couldn't find them on google either. I will try to look them up later when I get to my office.
  • #3
BenTheMan said:
That being said, there are some loose relationships among mesons, I think, but I can't remember them. I couldn't find them on google either. I will try to look them up later when I get to my office.

Well, basically all you get to link mesons are Gell-Mann-Okubo formulae and then some chiral perturbation theory.

In the empirical side, the thread "All the lepton masses..." also lists some suggestions for mesons. I took care to upload the more amusing ones to the arxiv, as footnotes or as part of other papers.

Of course, a hot issue is if string theory can be useful to overrun some of the non-perturbative barriers of QCD, but the AdS/CFT duality does not apply directly to the topic of meson masses.
  • #4
The perturbation theory is supposed to approximate some precise theory. So there exists a precise theory which in principle should tell the hadron masses, but the perturbation theory remains as the only way to deal with it? It sounds strange... I see that perturbation theory could be the only way to do some calculations, but one might think that if the precise theory exists, we could just make some big computer solve things with it?
  • #5
jostpuur said:
The perturbation theory is supposed to approximate some precise theory. So there exists a precise theory which in principle should tell the hadron masses, but the perturbation theory remains as the only way to deal with it? It sounds strange... I see that perturbation theory could be the only way to do some calculations, but one might think that if the precise theory exists, we could just make some big computer solve things with it?

In this case the precise theory is an aproximate one :-(

I happen to have in the night table, over the last Harry Potter, the red book of Donoghue et al "Dynamics of the Standard Model". It has some hints towards the so-called "chiral perturbation theory". Also, there is a Russian topcited paper about the topic. Ugh, my memory is as bad as BenTheMan's
  • #6
arivero said:
Of course, a hot issue is if string theory can be useful to overrun some of the non-perturbative barriers of QCD, but the AdS/CFT duality does not apply directly to the topic of meson masses.
Those people making AdS/QCD models actually compute the energy-momentum tensor of partons in mesons. This is also possible in principle for hadrons just more difficult and has not made it to the publication level so far.

What is this doing in BTSM ? :smile:
  • #7
humanino said:
What is this doing in BTSM ? :smile:

The original question was about that does the standard model give the principles that determine hadron masses, or does it not give them. Since I did not know the answer, I could not know where the question belongs! (Actually I still don't know, because the answers were technical, and I didn't understand their content.) Fortunately this is probably not a very serious matter :rolleyes:
  • #8
jostpuur said:
The original question was about that does the standard model give the principles that determine hadron masses, or does it not give them.
I think Ben gave a satifactory answer. We do have the right equations (QCD) within the SM, but we do not know how to calculate the solutions.

This rigorously posed problem, commonly referred to as the mass-gap problem, is so important and has so many ramifications that the Clay mathematical institute has classified it among the "Millenium problems" awarding it $1M. But of course, it is merely an "engineering calculation problem"... :rolleyes:
  • #9
humanino said:
Those people making AdS/QCD models actually compute the energy-momentum tensor of partons in mesons. This is also possible in principle for hadrons just more difficult and has not made it to the publication level so far.

What is this doing in BTSM ? :smile:

I should be reporting this :smile::smile::smile:
(Indeed I expect that at some moment the mods will move it to Nuclear, SM &c)

Now, to keep answering the question. The OP poster could enjoy to check spires for
QCD and Resonance Physics. Sum Rules.
by Mikhail A. Shifman, A.I. Vainshtein, Valentin I. Zakharov (Moscow, ITEP) .
and then click "Cited 3340 times" to peek what the bussiness of mass formulae is about.

Also, we should reminder that for charmed and bottomed mesons the masses of the constituent quarks become a relevant component of the mass of the particle.

As for Gell-Mann-Okubo for the octet of mesons, I explained them / referred to them in the post
but the reader should be alerted that this is one of the borderline threads in PF. It has a lot of references to published literature, but also a lot of speculation.
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  • #10
I'm jumping on. I heard Skyrmions are used to explain hadrons in the standard model. How does this work, in theory.
  • #11
Jim Kata said:
I'm jumping on. I heard Skyrmions are used to explain hadrons in the standard model. How does this work, in theory.
I was hoping someone more competent than me would provide an answer. The idea has a long history, and relies on topological charges of "knotted" configurations of a mesonic "fluid". Skyrme held the idea that bosonic fields are no less fundamental than fermionic ones, and that they should in some sens be interchangeable, not in a supersymmetric scheme (not written at that time) but in a "bootstrap" model (a sort of "nuclear democracy"). Skyrme modified the non-linear sigma model and proposed a model for the nucleon (called topological skyrmion), and Witten & Co computed static properties of the nucleon with this lagrangian.

Basically, when you hold the quarks together in a MIT-bag, chiral symmetry breaking occurs rather inelegantly right at the surface of the bag where quarks are "reflected". In the non-linear sigma model, the Goldstone boson nature of the pion occurs naturally.
  • #12
  • #13
And are these skyrmions topologically related to Solid State skyrmions (spin excitations of a Fermi liquid/gas)?

FAQ: Hadron Mass Spectrum: Can We Calculate It?

1. What is the Hadron Mass Spectrum?

The Hadron Mass Spectrum is a graphical representation of the masses of different types of hadrons, which are composite particles made up of quarks and gluons. It shows the distribution of hadron masses and helps us understand the fundamental particles and their interactions.

2. Why is it important to calculate the Hadron Mass Spectrum?

The Hadron Mass Spectrum is crucial for understanding the structure of matter and the fundamental forces that govern the universe. By calculating the mass spectrum, we can better understand the properties of hadrons and their role in shaping our world.

3. How do scientists calculate the Hadron Mass Spectrum?

The Hadron Mass Spectrum is calculated using a combination of theoretical models and experimental data. Scientists use mathematical equations, such as quantum chromodynamics (QCD), to predict the masses of different hadrons. These predictions are then compared to experimental data from particle accelerators to refine and improve the models.

4. Can we accurately calculate the Hadron Mass Spectrum?

While we have made significant progress in calculating the Hadron Mass Spectrum, it is still a challenging task. The calculations involve complex mathematical equations and require a thorough understanding of the strong nuclear force. However, with advancements in technology and theoretical models, we are continually improving our ability to accurately calculate the Hadron Mass Spectrum.

5. What are the potential implications of accurately calculating the Hadron Mass Spectrum?

Accurately calculating the Hadron Mass Spectrum can have significant implications in the fields of particle physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. It can help us better understand the origins of the universe, the structure of matter, and the forces that govern it. This knowledge can lead to advancements in technology and a deeper understanding of our world.
