Half-face traversal on general polyhedra

In summary, Stella4D can be used to generate polyhedra from a planar graph, but it is cumbersome to input all the faces.
  • #1
I'm developing a data structure to represent 3-D meshes for numeric simulation. I want those meshes to be able to handle any type of polyhedron (not only the classic tetra and hexahedron). The best data structure that I could find was one based on half-edges (or darts), such as this one: https://www.cse.msu.edu/~ytong/papers/halfFace.pdf

The problem is, I want to be able to traverse the faces that compose a given polyhedron, such that this path could be represented as a Hamiltonian cycle on a graph whose nodes are the faces of the polyhedron, and the edges are the face-face connectivity within the polyhedron.

The 2-D counterpart would be a half-edge, which is trivial to traverse as in a Hamiltonian cycle if the graph nodes and edges are the same as the original polygon. All you have to do is follow the half-edges:


But this doesn't seem to be easy when dealing with faces (or half faces). I don't even know if there will be a hamiltonian path of the faces for every possible polyhedron. And determining those is not easy and hard to keep in memory pre-processed. Here's an example for a prism:

The paper presents a common half-edge, half-face structure to store topological information. This structure allows for some operations (combinatorial maps) on each half-edge: ##\beta_1##, ##\beta_2##, and ##\beta_3##. Those maps are depicted below:

Here, ##\beta_1## is red, ##\beta_2## is green, and ##\beta_3## is blue. So, as you can see, if you apply ##\beta_1## you will get the adjacent half-edge within the same half-face, if you apply ##\beta_2## you will get the adjacent half-edge on an adjacent half-face within the same polyhedron, and if you apply ##\beta_3## you will get the adjacent half-edge on the opposite half-face, from a adjacent polyhedron.

In short, my question is, is there a fast (i.e. with linear complexity) algorithm to traverse all the faces of a given polyhedron using those three operations? It would be sufficient to get just one half-edge for each half-face within the polyhedron, since traversing it is trivial by repeatedly using ##\beta_1##.

Until now, it seems my best bet is a graph-search algorithm, which is way too heavy for my needs.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
haruspex said:
Does Grinberg's Theorem help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grinberg's_theorem
It could be interesting to proof if all polyhedra contain a hamiltonian cycle on its faces. This theorem can be applied to planar graphs, I'm not sure also if every possible polyhedron can have its faces connectivities mapped to a planar graph. I couldn't think of a counter example, though.
  • #4
Estanho said:
It could be interesting to proof if all polyhedra contain a hamiltonian cycle on its faces. This theorem can be applied to planar graphs, I'm not sure also if every possible polyhedron can have its faces connectivities mapped to a planar graph. I couldn't think of a counter example, though.
Clearly every polyhedron can be flattened out into a planar graph. Just pick one face to be the exterior.
Every 3-connected planar graph can be formed into a polyhedron.
  • #5
haruspex said:
Clearly every polyhedron can be flattened out into a planar graph. Just pick one face to be the exterior.
Every 3-connected planar graph can be formed into a polyhedron.
Oh, of course. I guess I missed my geometry classes.
I will try to work this out. Thanks.
  • #6
Hi, bit late, but couldn't resist commenting on this. I was interested to see Grinberg's theorem, which I wasn't aware of. The wikipedia page shows an example of a non-Hamiltonian graph, so I wondered what this would look like in 3D as a polyhedron. As it happens I wrote a program called Stella4D which can help with this sort of thing. Here's a picture of the model I came up with.
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Likes Estanho
  • #7
That's cool. If I understand correctly, you wrote a software to convert from a planar graph into a polyhedron? What language did you use?
  • #8
Estanho said:
That's cool. If I understand correctly, you wrote a software to convert from a planar graph into a polyhedron? What language did you use?
I wrote a program called Stella4D (http://www.software3d.com/Stella.php) for investigating polyhedra and 4D polytopes (it's commercial software FYI). It has a little-known feature to build new polyhedra using a spring-relaxation system, from a description of its topology alone. I used it originally to generate many of Stella's built-in polyhedra, such as the Johnson solids and near misses. You specify all the faces, based on vertex indices (which you assign arbitrarily), which can be a bit tedious, but it's good for things that can't easily be made other ways. In fact I just created a better realisation of the above non-Hamiltonian graph. This one has all regular 9-gons and 8-gons. Only the pentagons remain irregular:


Here's the input I used for Stella4D:

h ~6 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
(9 26 41 42 43 44 27 10)
(21 20 35 36 37 38 39 22)
(15 14 29 30 31 32 33 16)
(0 8 25 26 9) (8 7 23 24 25) (7 6 21 22 23)
(6 5 19 20 21) (5 4 17 18 19) (4 3 15 16 17)
(3 2 13 14 15) (2 1 11 12 13) (1 0 9 10 11)
(25 24 40 41 26) (23 22 39 40 24)
(19 18 34 35 20) (17 16 33 34 18)
(13 12 28 29 14) (11 10 27 28 12)
(40 39 38 42 41) (34 33 32 36 35) (28 27 44 30 29)
(45 43 42 38 37) (45 37 36 32 31) (45 31 30 44 43)

The "h" means the model is convex, so an initial parse is done where extra springs are used to expand the graph like a balloon.
The "~6" means that all faces with 6 or less sides are irregular, so in this case the 8- and 9-gons are made regular.
Each face is define inside parentheses. The vertex indices can be seen below:


Stella4D can also print out unfolded nets to cut out and glue together, so I might make one in paper. It's an interesting polyhedron.

Oh, and Stella4D was written in C++ using OpenGL for graphics.
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  • #9
Got it. Nice piece of software, congratulations. I don't have dollars to spare right now since I'm a mere MSc student but I might look forward to buying it in the future.
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Likes Robert Webb
  • #10
Also, your work reminds me of one other from a professor of my local University. He works with these so-called UNIVs, which are sculptures representing seven-dimensional spaces.
You can see his phd thesis here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0305058.pdf


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Related to Half-face traversal on general polyhedra

1. What is half-face traversal on general polyhedra?

Half-face traversal on general polyhedra is a method used to systematically navigate through all the half-faces of a polyhedron. A half-face is a portion of a face that is bounded by an edge. This traversal method is used in computer graphics and geometric algorithms.

2. How does half-face traversal work?

Half-face traversal involves starting at a chosen half-face and then moving to one of its adjacent half-faces. From there, the process is repeated until all half-faces have been visited. The order in which the half-faces are visited can vary depending on the specific algorithm used.

3. What are the applications of half-face traversal?

Half-face traversal is commonly used in computer graphics for tasks such as rendering 3D models and collision detection. It is also used in geometric algorithms for solving problems related to polyhedra, such as finding shortest paths or calculating surface areas.

4. Are there any limitations to half-face traversal?

One limitation of half-face traversal is that it may not be able to visit all the half-faces of a polyhedron in a continuous path. This is because some polyhedra have holes or disconnected regions, which cannot be traversed in a single path. Additionally, the number of possible half-face traversals can be very large for complex polyhedra, making it computationally expensive for certain applications.

5. How does half-face traversal differ from other traversal methods?

Unlike other traversal methods, such as vertex or edge traversal, half-face traversal allows for more efficient navigation through polyhedra with irregular or non-convex shapes. It also guarantees that all half-faces will be visited, regardless of the starting point chosen. However, it may not be as efficient for simple polyhedra with regular shapes.

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