Half filling? Free electron gas? 2D tight binding lattice?

In summary, half filling is a state where the number of electrons in a system is equal to half of the total number of energy levels, often observed in systems with strong electron-electron interactions. A free electron gas is a theoretical model used to describe the behavior of electrons in a solid, assuming they are not bound to specific atoms. A 2D tight binding lattice is a simplified model for describing electrons in a 2D material. At half filling, a free electron gas exhibits unique properties, such as a Fermi surface and collective behavior. Real-life examples of systems with half filling or a free electron gas include transition metal oxides, organic materials, metals, and semiconductors.
  • #1
It is well known that the 2D free electron gas fermi momentum can be expressed as follows,

[tex] k_F=\left(2\pi n\right)^{1/2} [/tex]
where [tex] n [/tex] is the electron surface density.
Assuming this 2D electron system can be considered as 2-D tight-binding square lattice whose eigenergy can be written as,
[tex]E(k_x,k_y)=t[(\cos(k_xa))+\cos(k_ya) [/tex]
Then the electron surface density is [tex] \frac{N_e}{S}[/tex], where [tex]N_e[/tex] is the
total number of electron and [tex]S=a^2*m*n[/tex] is the total surface area (m,n is the lattice number along x and y direction respectively).

Then [tex] k_F=\left(2\pi n\right)^{1/2} =\left(2\pi \frac{N_e}{S}\right)^{1/2}= \left(2\pi \frac{N_e}{m\cdot n\cdot a^2}\right)^{1/2} [/tex]
Since [tex]N_e=m\cdot n[/tex], then
[tex] k_F= \left(2\pi \frac{N_e}{m\cdot n\cdot a^2}\right)^{1/2} =\left(2\pi \frac{1}{a^2}\right)^{1/2}[/tex]
where we have neglected spin freedom.
That is to say [tex] k_F\cdot a=\sqrt{2\pi}\approx 2.5 [/tex]
my question is why the following article (the paragraph in the third page, before section III, see attachment) said that
[tex] k_s a_s=\frac{\pi}{3} [/tex] corresponds to half filling?

OF course, in this article, the two dimensional square lattice has been simplified as an effective one-dimensional lattice due to the conservation of the [tex]k_y [/tex], and [tex] k_s [/tex] is the [tex]k_x[/tex].
The wavefunction along the y directionc an be expressed as [tex]e^{ik_y y}[/tex], and the effective one -dimensional Hamiltonian can be written as
[tex] \sum\limits _i\bigg( t[|i\rangle \langle i+1|+h.c.] +2t\cos(k_s a_s)|i\rangle \langle i|\bigg) [/tex]



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  • #2

Thank you for bringing this article to my attention. After reading the paragraph in question, I believe I can provide an explanation for why the author states that k_s a_s = π/3 corresponds to half filling.

First, it is important to understand that half filling refers to the number of electrons in a system being equal to half the total number of available energy states. In a one-dimensional tight-binding model, this would correspond to having one electron per lattice site. However, in a two-dimensional system, the concept of half filling is a bit more complicated. Due to the conservation of the k_y quantum number, the system can be treated as an effective one-dimensional lattice with a reduced number of available energy states.

In the article, the authors use an effective one-dimensional Hamiltonian to describe the system, which includes a hopping term and an on-site potential term. The on-site potential term is proportional to cos(k_s a_s), where k_s is the momentum along the x-direction and a_s is the lattice spacing. When k_s a_s = π/3, the on-site potential term becomes equal to 2t, which is twice the value of the hopping term. This means that the energy of the on-site potential term is equal to the energy of the hopping term, resulting in half filling of the energy states.

In summary, the authors state that k_s a_s = π/3 corresponds to half filling because it is the value at which the on-site potential term in the effective one-dimensional Hamiltonian is equal to the hopping term, resulting in half filling of the energy states.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify the concept. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.[Your Title/Position]

[Your Institution]

Related to Half filling? Free electron gas? 2D tight binding lattice?

1. What is half filling in a system of particles?

Half filling refers to a situation where the number of particles in a system is equal to half the number of available energy levels. This is often seen in systems with a half-filled valence band, such as in semiconductors.

2. What is a free electron gas?

A free electron gas is a theoretical model used to describe the behavior of electrons in a solid. It assumes that the electrons are not bound to any specific atom and are free to move throughout the material. This model is often used in the study of metals and semiconductors.

3. What is a 2D tight binding lattice?

A 2D tight binding lattice is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of electrons in a 2-dimensional material, such as a thin film or a surface. It takes into account the energy levels of individual atoms and how they interact with each other, allowing for the prediction of electronic properties of the material.

4. How does half filling affect the properties of a material?

Half filling can have a significant impact on the properties of a material. In systems with a half-filled valence band, such as semiconductors, it can lead to unique electronic properties, such as low electrical conductivity and the presence of a band gap. In other systems, it can affect the magnetic properties and stability of the material.

5. What are some real-world applications of the 2D tight binding lattice model?

The 2D tight binding lattice model has been used in a variety of real-world applications, including the study of graphene and other 2D materials, the design of electronic devices like transistors and solar cells, and the prediction of novel electronic and magnetic properties in thin films and surfaces.

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