Half power frequency divides by sqrt(2) instead of 2 why?

In summary: At half power, ##Z = \sqrt{2}R## <-- what? So if that is true... then at half power, ##Z = \sqrt{2}R## which would mean the resonance frequency would be a bit lower or higher? I am not sure how to relate this... I know the resonance frequency is when R = Z... (I am sorry, I am still a beginner, but I am trying to get the hang of this).The resonance is at frequency 1/√(LC) where XL = XC. At that frequency the current is maximum and the power in the resistor is maximum.R is the resistor in series with the capacitor and inductor. Let V be the
  • #1
Member advised to use the homework template for posts in the homework sections of PF.

Homework Statement

Problem is to find the half power frequencies of a RLC circuit.
Z = √(R2 + (WL-1/WC)2)

2. Homework Equations

Power(P) = V2/Z
Pmax = V2/R <---because Z min = R

The Attempt at a Solution

P/2 = V2/2R = V2/Z
(R2 + (WL-1/WC)2) = 4R2
(WL-1/WC)2 - 3R2 = 0
W2-3WR/L-1/LC = 0
Solve for w to get half power frequencies.

Book gets : W2+-WR/L -1/LC = 0

Cant figure out why Pmax is divided by sqrt(2) instead of 2
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  • #2
Did you make sure to convert from amplitudes to RMS values of voltage and/or current?
  • #3
To convert V2/R to VRMS2/R you divide V by 1/√2
It would square, and become power = V2/2R
P/2 = V2/4R
Trying to get P/2 = V2/R√2
I dunno... interesting tip though. 10 min messing with it and I am still not seeing it though.
  • #4
The issue isn't RMS/peak conversions, sorry for the confusion. I missed this the first time I read your post, but ##P \neq \frac{V^{2}}{Z}##. The correct relationship is ##P = RI^{2} = R\frac{V^{2}}{Z^{2}} = R\frac{V^{2}}{R^{2} + (X_{L} - X_{C})^{2}}##. I can't tell what the book is doing from the information given though. Can you show their steps and refer us to the book and page?
  • #5
fahraynk said:
Problem is to find the half power frequencies of a RLC circuit.
Z = √(R2 + (WL-1/WC)2)

Is there resonance involved? Is that the complete problem statement? Check out this thread if it is any help.
  • #6
fahraynk said:

The Attempt at a Solution

P/2 = V2/2R = V2/Z
Only if Z is a pure resistance AND the full voltage V is across that pure resistance Z.

For your series RLC circuit, at resonance, Z is purely real, and equal to R Ohms.
Power = power in the resistance = I2⋅R

Off resonance, at a frequency where X = R, the value of Z has increased to magnitude ##\sqrt{2}{R}## so current is reduced by a factor ##\frac 1 {\sqrt2}##
At this reduced current, what now is the power in the circuit's series resistance?
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  • #7
Schaums outlines Electric Circuits 5th edition Q12.5

Twigg said:
The issue isn't RMS/peak conversions, sorry for the confusion. I missed this the first time I read your post, but ##P \neq \frac{V^{2}}{Z}##. The correct relationship is ##P = RI^{2} = R\frac{V^{2}}{Z^{2}} = R\frac{V^{2}}{R^{2} + (X_{L} - X_{C})^{2}}##. I can't tell what the book is doing from the information given though. Can you show their steps and refer us to the book and page?

Here is the complete information :
For the series RLC circuit shown in fig. 12-36, find the resonant frequency ##W_{0}=2πf_{0}##. Also obtain the half power frequencies and the bandwidth β. V(w), R=100, L = .5H, C=0.4u (V(w) is a variable. I don't care about the numbers I only care about the derivation because I want to understand this...)

At resonance, ##Z_{in}(w)=R## and ##w_{0} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}##
##w_{0} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{0.5(0.4x10^-6)}}=2236.1rads## ##f_{0}=\frac{w_{0}}{2π}=355.9 Hz##

The power formula ##P = I_{eff}^{2}R = \frac{V_{eff}R}{|Z_{in}^{2}|}## shows that ##P_{max} = \frac{V_{eff}^{2}}{R}##, which is achieved at ##w=w_{0}##, and that ##P= \frac{1}{2}P_{max}## when ##|Z_{in}|^{2}=2R^{2}##; that is, when ##wL - \frac{1}{WC} = +-R## or ##w^{2} +- \frac{R}{L}w - \frac{1}{LC} = 0##

corresponding to the upper sign, there is a single real positive root ##w_{h} = \frac{R}{2L} + \sqrt{\frac{R}{2L}^{2} + \frac{1}{LC}} = 2338.3## rad/s or ##f_{h} = 372.1Hz##

and corresponding to the lower sign, the single real positive root ##w_{l} = -\frac{R}{2L} + \sqrt{\frac{R}{2L}^{2} + \frac{1}{LC}} = 2138.3## rad/s or ##f_{l}=340.3## Hz

Another thing I don't get is why the +- in the quadratic formula is ##+-B+\frac{\sqrt{B^{2}-4AC}}{2A}## instead of ##B+-\frac{\sqrt{B^{2}-4AC}}{2A}## I know it has to do with that +- R but I guess it just becomes arbitrary when you have a +- B term? even though doesn't it change the answers? Still, my main question is figuring out once and for all that blasted ##\sqrt{2}## ! This took like 25 minutes to type up! So ill read the other replys after a break!
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  • #8
Quiet in this thread ...

Re: "why the +- in the quadratic formula is ##\ \ \displaystyle \frac {\pm B+\sqrt{B^{2}-4AC}}{2A}##."

You were looking at ##
|Z_{in}|^{2}=2R^{2} ## which is satisfied if ##
w^{2} +\frac{R}{L}w - \frac{1}{LC} = 0## and also if ##
w^{2} - \frac{R}{L}w - \frac{1}{LC} = 0##.

That's two quadratic equations. If there is a resonance, each has two real solutions, one positive ##\omega## and one negative. You only want the positive.
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  • #9
BvU said:
Quiet in this thread ...

Re: "why the +- in the quadratic formula is ##\ \ \displaystyle \frac {\pm B+\sqrt{B^{2}-4AC}}{2A}##."

You were looking at ##
|Z_{in}|^{2}=2R^{2} ## which is satisfied if ##
w^{2} +\frac{R}{L}w - \frac{1}{LC} = 0## and also if ##
w^{2} - \frac{R}{L}w - \frac{1}{LC} = 0##.

That's two quadratic equations. If there is a resonance, each has two real solutions, one positive ##\omega## and one negative. You only want the positive.

Interesting. Is there a theory behind why to only take the positive roots that I can google?
  • #10
NascentOxygen said:
Only if Z is a pure resistance AND the full voltage V is across that pure resistance Z.

For your series RLC circuit, at resonance, Z is purely real, and equal to R Ohms.
Power = power in the resistance = I2⋅R

Off resonance, at a frequency where X = R, the value of Z has increased to magnitude ##\sqrt{2}{R}## so current is reduced by a factor ##\frac 1 {\sqrt2}##
At this reduced current, what now is the power in the circuit's series resistance?

When you say "Only if Z is a pure resistance AND the full voltage V is across that pure resistance Z.", Can you elaborate a bit... I am trying to find the Z where ##P=\frac{1}{2}Pmax##. Max power is where the impedance is pure resistance and the frequency is resonance. So if power = ##\frac{V^2}{R}## at resonance, there should be a answer for Z where that power is 1/2. So voltage, resistance, everything is known but Z in the equation ##\frac{V^2}{2R} = \frac{V^2}{Z}##. So if I am trying to find the value for Z where it would be equal to half of pure resistance. Can you elaborate a bit on why that's wrong because I am staring blankly lol

Then you said : "Off resonance, at a frequency where X = R" <--- (do you mean AT resonance, X = R ?), "the value of Z has increased to magnitude ##\sqrt{2}R##"

At resonance, ##Z=\sqrt{R^2 + (WL-\frac{1}{WC})^2} = R^2##. So, how does ##Z=R^2## become ##\sqrt{2}R## ?

I see though if I take for face value and plug ##P=IV = \frac{I}{\sqrt{2}}V = \frac{V^2}{\sqrt{2}R}## it works out...
But at Vmax P=ImaxVmax, Z=R. Why does ##I = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}Imax##? One of my assumptions is probably wrong I know, since I am getting the problem wrong.
  • #11
fahraynk said:
Is there a theory behind why to only take the positive roots that I can google
No. Your driving frequency is positive, so the response frequency is positive as well.
  • #12
fahraynk said:
Then you said : "Off resonance, at a frequency where X = R" <--- (do you mean AT resonance, X = R ?), "the value of Z has increased to magnitude √2R2R\sqrt{2}R"
I mean move away from resonance until you find a frequency where reactance X equals resistance R, in magnitude. As you know, precisely at resonance, in a series circuit the total reactance = 0 ohms.

The equation ##\require{enclose}\enclose{box}[mathcolor="white",mathbackground="yellow"]{\color{black}{power=\frac{V^2}Z}}## is correct only where Z is resistance (no part of Z can be reactance in that equation), and V must be the voltage measured across that resistance (and not across the whole RLC circuit).
  • #13
fahraynk said:

Homework Statement

Problem is to find the half power frequencies of a RLC circuit.
Z = √(R2 + (WL-1/WC)2)

2. Homework Equations

Power(P) = V2/Z
Your power formula is wrong. Z is the magnitude of the impedance. The power is P=V I cos(θ), where V and I mean the rms values of voltage and current, and θ is the phase lag of the current behind the voltage. Now, you know that I=V/Z, and the resistance is the real part of the impedance, R=Zcos(θ). Therefore ##P=\left(\frac{V^2}{Z}\right)\left(\frac{R}{Z}\right)=\frac{V^2R}{Z^2}##
You get the same formula by using the fact that AC power is dissipated only on resistors. The power is P=I2R, and I=V/Z, so ##P=\frac {V^2R}{Z^2}##. At resonance, Z=R, so Pres=V2/R.
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  • #14
ehild said:
Your power formula is wrong. Z is the magnitude of the impedance. The power is P=V I cos(θ), where V and I mean the rms values of voltage and current, and θ is the phase lag of the current behind the voltage. Now, you know that I=V/Z, and the resistance is the real part of the impedance, R=Zcos(θ). Therefore ##P=\left(\frac{V^2}{Z}\right)\left(\frac{R}{Z}\right)=\frac{V^2R}{Z^2}##
You get the same formula by using the fact that AC power is dissipated only on resistors. The power is P=I2R, and I=V/Z, so ##P=\frac {V^2R}{Z^2}##. At resonance, Z=R, so Pres=V2/R.
God thanks dood I am finally seeing it now.

FAQ: Half power frequency divides by sqrt(2) instead of 2 why?

1. Why does the half power frequency divide by sqrt(2) instead of 2?

The half power frequency, also known as the -3dB frequency, is a measure of the bandwidth of a system. It represents the frequency at which the output power of a system is half of its maximum power. This value is calculated by dividing the maximum power by the square root of 2 because of the way power is measured in a logarithmic scale.

2. What is the significance of dividing by sqrt(2) instead of 2?

Dividing by sqrt(2) instead of 2 is significant because it represents the relationship between power and voltage in a system. Since power is proportional to the square of voltage, and voltage is measured in a linear scale, the -3dB frequency is calculated using the square root of 2 to account for this difference in scales.

3. Can you explain the concept of half power frequency in simpler terms?

The half power frequency is the frequency at which the power output of a system is half of its maximum power. It is an important measure for understanding the bandwidth of a system and is calculated by dividing the maximum power by the square root of 2.

4. Why is the half power frequency important in signal processing?

The half power frequency is important in signal processing because it indicates the range of frequencies that a system can accurately process. It represents the cutoff point where the system starts to attenuate the signal, and any frequencies above this point will not be accurately represented in the output signal.

5. Are there any exceptions to the rule of dividing by sqrt(2) for the half power frequency?

There are some cases where the -3dB frequency may not divide by sqrt(2), such as in systems with non-linear responses or in situations where the output power is not measured in the same units as the input power. However, for most linear systems, dividing by sqrt(2) is the standard method for calculating the half power frequency.

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