Hall resistance coefficient vs Seebeck coefficient signs for n-p type

In summary: I'm not the only one!).In summary, there is no clear consensus on whether the majority of charge carriers in a material are electrons or holes. Some sources say that the Seebeck coefficient tells us this, while others claim that the Hall resistance does. Neither of these methods is infallible, and there is evidence that the two methods may not be correct.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am totally confused about whether it even makes sense to speak of n and p-types materials, when referring to whether the majority of charge carriers are electrons or holes.

We can read all over the place that the Hall effect can tell us whether a material is p or n-type, just by checking the sign of the Hall resistance $R_H$. We hear the same story regarding the Seebeck effect and the Seebeck coefficient sign. If it's positive then electrons are the majority, while if it's positive, holes are the majority.

However, what these sources do not say, is that in reality there is no reason whatsoever for $R_H$ and $S$ signs to match. Even in the simplest metal one can think of: lithium. Li displays a positive $S$ indicating a p-type material while the Hall resistance is negative, indicating an n-type material, for the same temperature. What gives? What's going on?

Some highly cited sources claim that the Seebeck coefficient yields the correct answer while the Hall resistance coefficient doesn't:
Highly cited paper 1 said:
In contrast to the Hall effect, the sign of the Seebeck effect unambiguously corresponds to the prevailing type of charge carriers, irrespective of the mechanism of their transport
("Reliable measurement of Seebeck coefficient in semiconductors").

But then, other highly cited papers claim the very opposite:
Highly cited paper 2 said:
Lithium is one of the simplest metals, with negative charge carriers and a close reproduction of free electron dispersion. Experimentally, however, Li is one of a handful of elemental solids (along with Cu, Ag, Au etc.) where the sign of the Seebeck coefficient (S) is opposite to that of the carrier.

I do not understand anything. I do understand that $R_H$ and $S$ can be calculated from first principles and yield different signs, but I do not understand how this relates to the charge carriers majority. Something is very fishy here.

On another book (Fundamentals of thermoelectricity by Behnia), they mention that the Hall effect and the Seebeck effects probe different electrons, i.e. electrons that aren't in the same places in the Fermi surface. Maybe that's a hint towards reaching some understanding of what's going on. But I do not understand the picture of that chapter, the y-axis is not labelled and there is no description in the text to fill in the conceptual gap.

So what is going on? How on Earth can we fix this contradiction? Who is right, if anyone? Are the claim both wrong? Incomplete (as I suspect)? Does it even make sense to speak of an n and p-type material?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In a semiconductor at high enough temperature electrons will have high enough energy to excite across the band gap. When that happens there will be both n-type carriers in the conduction band and p-type carriers in the valence band such that the resultant thermopower (absolute value of Seebeck coefficient) will be compensated (reduced) because the two contributions subtract. In a heavily doped semiconductor, where the dopants produce many majority carriers (could be either n-type or p-type) the thermopower will be reduced at high temperature due to the excitation of minority carriers of opposite sign. Although there are fewer minority carriers than majority carriers, they have a larger thermopower.
  • #3
Fred Wright said:
In a semiconductor at high enough temperature electrons will have high enough energy to excite across the band gap. When that happens there will be both n-type carriers in the conduction band and p-type carriers in the valence band such that the resultant thermopower (absolute value of Seebeck coefficient) will be compensated (reduced) because the two contributions subtract. In a heavily doped semiconductor, where the dopants produce many majority carriers (could be either n-type or p-type) the thermopower will be reduced at high temperature due to the excitation of minority carriers of opposite sign. Although there are fewer minority carriers than majority carriers, they have a larger thermopower.
I appreciate your insight, but I fail to see how this helps to answer my questions in any way.
In short, you are saying that in semiconductors, S(T) goes to 0 when T increases.
While in heavily-doped semiconductors, S(T) will decrease (or increase) when T increases, depending on the minority carriers (either holes or electrons).

But I feel this completely misses the point of my questions. It seems that you are assuming a direct link between the Seebeck coefficient sign and the charge carrier type (like Datta and Lundstrom do) exists. Many authors claim that the sign of the Hall coefficient of resistance is the one that indicates whether the material is of n or p-type, etc. I do not want to repeat what I wrote in my first post.
  • #5
Fred Wright said:
I have seen that, I am actually the asker of that question on that website! I thought the question was answered until I found out that many authors had a different take on it, as I detail here on PF (and as I mention to Jon Custer who took a look at the references I suppose, but I have had no feedback).

FAQ: Hall resistance coefficient vs Seebeck coefficient signs for n-p type

What is the difference between Hall resistance coefficient and Seebeck coefficient?

The Hall resistance coefficient (RH) is a measure of the strength of the Hall effect, which is the generation of a voltage perpendicular to both an applied current and an external magnetic field. The Seebeck coefficient (α) is a measure of the thermoelectric effect, which is the generation of a voltage due to a temperature difference across a material. While both coefficients involve the generation of a voltage, they are caused by different physical phenomena.

How do the signs of Hall resistance coefficient and Seebeck coefficient differ for n-type and p-type semiconductors?

In n-type semiconductors, the majority carriers are negatively charged electrons, while in p-type semiconductors, the majority carriers are positively charged holes. As a result, the Hall resistance coefficient will be negative for n-type and positive for p-type, while the Seebeck coefficient will be positive for both types of semiconductors.

What does a positive Hall resistance coefficient indicate?

A positive Hall resistance coefficient indicates that the direction of the induced voltage due to the Hall effect is opposite to the direction of the applied magnetic field. This means that the majority carriers in the material are negatively charged electrons.

How are the Hall resistance coefficient and Seebeck coefficient related?

The Hall resistance coefficient and Seebeck coefficient are both related to the charge carriers and their mobility in a material. The Hall resistance coefficient is directly proportional to the charge carrier density, while the Seebeck coefficient is directly proportional to the charge carrier mobility. Therefore, changes in one coefficient can affect the other.

How are the signs of the Hall resistance coefficient and Seebeck coefficient determined experimentally?

The signs of the Hall resistance coefficient and Seebeck coefficient can be determined by measuring the voltage and current in the presence of an external magnetic field and a temperature gradient, respectively. The direction of the induced voltage or current will indicate the sign of the coefficients. Additionally, the sign of the Seebeck coefficient can also be determined by measuring the direction of the temperature gradient and the direction of the induced voltage.
