Hamas could accept long-term truce with Israel

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In summary, a senior Hamas leader has stated that the movement would potentially accept a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel. However, there are doubts that Hamas will be recognized by Israel as a legitimate representative of the Palestinian majority. The conversation also discusses the history and ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine, as well as potential solutions such as a one democratic state for all people or two separate states. The recent death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat has added to the complexity of the situation.
  • #1
A senior Hamas leader said on Friday that the movement could accept the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as well as a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel.


Sounds good to me.
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  • #2
All fine and dandy, but I doubt Hamas will be recognized by Israel as a legitimate representative of the Palestinian majority. Even so, if they would not oppose it and stop their attacks were a state to be established, I'm sure that would go a long way.
  • #3
If Palestine (according to 1967 borders or UN resolutions) is recognized by Israel, then I will blame Hamas for not recognizing Israel.

The problem that many people look at the empty part of the cup and ignore the rest!

loseyourname said:
All fine and dandy, but I doubt Hamas will be recognized by Israel as a legitimate representative of the Palestinian majority. Even so, if they would not oppose it and stop their attacks were a state to be established, I'm sure that would go a long way.
  • #4
There is no way that Palestine wil l be recongnized. The united Nations itself refuses to recognize Palistine. This is because of a lack of a real government, and also there is no way that Isreal will ever give land to Palestine, these two have been fighting for hundreds of years. Also if you notice Hamas stated that they would not mind them returning to the 1967 borders. Palestine does not want to accpet those borders and has been declining everyones offers, for these borders, for years. Now with the recent death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat, everyone is trying to keep things from falling apart, and from falling into the wrong hands, and also to keep from any armed conflict.
  • #5
Hundreds of years!

The problem started by British occupation of Palestine after 1WW. Again , the situation became more serious after many European Jews immigrated to Palestine in 2WW. After the Holocaust , the Zionist got support of most world countries to create (Jews State) in Palestine …Great countries decided to compensate the Jews by creating Jews State (of course they ignored the pains of Palestinian!) . They gave all the compensation for Holocaust (from Germany and Austria) to Israel to build strong army and to murder the native people of Palestine. Just recently Germany gave 3 nuclear submarines to Israel as part of this compensation!
The UN resolutions 181:

((United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. It was approved on November 29, 1947 with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent .))
You can read the full text here:

Also here is the partition map:
UN resolution 194:

If Israel does not want to give the land to Plaetsinian , they should accept to create one democratic State for all people (Jews, Muslims, Christain, Atheists ...) in all Plaestine. The only two possibilities:

- One democratic State for all people.

- Two Sates: Jews State and democratic Palestinian State for (Muslims, Jews, Christian , non religious ..etc)

Do you have another proposal?

Kacper said:
There is no way that Palestine wil l be recongnized. The united Nations itself refuses to recognize Palistine. This is because of a lack of a real government, and also there is no way that Isreal will ever give land to Palestine, these two have been fighting for hundreds of years. Also if you notice Hamas stated that they would not mind them returning to the 1967 borders. Palestine does not want to accpet those borders and has been declining everyones offers, for these borders, for years. Now with the recent death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat, everyone is trying to keep things from falling apart, and from falling into the wrong hands, and also to keep from any armed conflict.
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  • #6
Kacper said:
There is no way that Palestine wil l be recongnized. The united Nations itself refuses to recognize Palistine. This is because of a lack of a real government, and also there is no way that Isreal will ever give land to Palestine, these two have been fighting for hundreds of years.
More than being recognized, Palestine was created by the UN. The UN has made no indication that it would change its mind about that.
Also if you notice Hamas stated that they would not mind them returning to the 1967 borders. Palestine does not want to accpet those borders and has been declining everyones offers, for these borders, for years. Now with the recent death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat, everyone is trying to keep things from falling apart, and from falling into the wrong hands, and also to keep from any armed conflict.
Its my admittedly limited perspective that its mostly just the terrorists that don't want to accept the 1967 borders. This flip by Hamas may indicate they realize that with Arafat's death, the choice is moderate or get left behind.

FAQ: Hamas could accept long-term truce with Israel

What is Hamas?

Hamas is a Palestinian militant organization and political party that has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007. It was founded in 1987 and its main goal is to establish an Islamic state in the region of Palestine.

Why is there conflict between Hamas and Israel?

The conflict between Hamas and Israel is rooted in their differing perspectives on the control of the land of Palestine. Hamas believes that all of Palestine should be under Palestinian control, while Israel maintains that they have a right to exist as a Jewish state in the region.

What is a long-term truce?

A long-term truce, also known as a ceasefire, is an agreement between two conflicting parties to stop all hostilities for an extended period of time. In this case, it would refer to an agreement between Hamas and Israel to stop fighting and live peacefully for a set amount of time.

Has Hamas accepted a long-term truce with Israel before?

Hamas has agreed to temporary ceasefires with Israel in the past, but has never officially accepted a long-term truce. The closest they have come to accepting a truce was in 2014, when they agreed to a 50-day ceasefire during the Israel-Gaza conflict.

What would it take for Hamas to accept a long-term truce with Israel?

Hamas has stated that they would accept a long-term truce with Israel if certain conditions are met, including lifting the Israeli blockade on Gaza, allowing for the return of Palestinian refugees, and the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. However, these conditions have not been met and negotiations for a long-term truce have not been successful so far.

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