Hamilton Equation and Heisenberg Equation of Motion

In summary: A} = e^{tL}(A, H)_{}Substituting this back into the original equation, we get:\dot{A} = (A, H)_{}Therefore, we have shown that A(t) = e^{tL}A is indeed the formal solution to \dot{A} = (A, H)_{}, as requested in the forum post.In summary, we were given the Hamilton and Heisenberg equations of motion and asked to show that A(t) = e^{tL}A is the formal solution to \dot{A} = (A, H)_{}, where L is an operator acting on functions/quantum mechanical operators and (A
  • #1
Ang Han Wei
I was given the (general) following form for the Hamilton and Heisenberg Equations of motion

[itex]\dot{A}[/itex] = [itex](A, H)_{}[/itex], which can represent the Poisson bracket (classical version)


[itex]\dot{A}[/itex] = -i/h[A,H] (Quantum Mechanical commutator).

I was given the general solutin for A(t) = [itex]e^{tL}[/itex]A. In addition, L is an operator acting on functions of initial conditions (q,p) in the classical case or quantum mechanical operator in the Hilbert Space such that Lf = [itex](f, H)_{}[/itex]

I am asked to show that A(t) = [itex]e^{tL}[/itex]A is the formal solution to [itex]\dot{A}[/itex] = [itex](A, H)_{}[/itex]

I started with the Heisenberg picture in which the obervables are time dependent and differentiated A(t) wrt time t. I got the following:

[itex]\frac{dA(t)}{dt}[/itex] = L[itex]e^{tL}[/itex][itex]\frac{∂L}{∂T}[/itex]A + [itex]e^{tL}[/itex][itex]\frac{∂A}{∂t}[/itex]

This is where I am stuck as I am unable to find ways to introduce the Hamiltonian H into the equation and show that this is a formal solution to [itex]\dot{A}[/itex] = [itex](A, H)_{}[/itex]

Any help on how i should continue from here will be appreciated!
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  • #2

it is important to carefully analyze and understand the given information before attempting to solve the problem. In this case, it is clear that we are dealing with the Hamilton and Heisenberg equations of motion, which are fundamental equations in classical and quantum mechanics, respectively.

Let's start by breaking down the given equation \dot{A} = (A, H)_{}. This equation represents the Poisson bracket in classical mechanics, where A and H are observables and (A, H)_{}, also known as the Poisson bracket, is a mathematical operation that gives the rate of change of the observable A with respect to time. In quantum mechanics, the same equation is represented as \dot{A} = -i/h[A,H], where A and H are now quantum mechanical operators and [A,H] is the commutator, which also gives the rate of change of the observable A with respect to time.

Now, let's take a closer look at the given solution A(t) = e^{tL}A. This solution involves the exponential of the operator L, which is defined as Lf = (f, H)_{}, as mentioned in the forum post. This means that L is a linear operator that acts on functions of initial conditions (q,p) in the classical case or quantum mechanical operators in the Hilbert space.

To show that A(t) = e^{tL}A is the formal solution to \dot{A} = (A, H)_{}, we need to substitute this solution into the equation and show that it satisfies the equation. Let's do this step by step:

\dot{A} = (A, H)_{}

Substituting A(t) = e^{tL}A into the equation, we get:

\dot{A} = (\e^{tL}A, H)_{}

Using the linearity of the Poisson bracket, we can write this as:

\dot{A} = e^{tL}(A, H)_{}

Now, using the definition of L, we can write (A, H)_{} as L(A), which gives us:

\dot{A} = e^{tL}L(A)

Now, let's take a closer look at L(A). Using the definition of L, we can write L(A) as (A, H)_{}, which is the Poisson bracket. This means that

Related to Hamilton Equation and Heisenberg Equation of Motion

1. What is the Hamilton Equation of Motion and how does it differ from the Heisenberg Equation of Motion?

The Hamilton Equation of Motion is a mathematical equation used to describe the evolution of a quantum mechanical system over time. It is derived from the Hamiltonian operator, which represents the total energy of a system. The Heisenberg Equation of Motion, on the other hand, is a similar equation used to describe the time evolution of a system, but it is based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The main difference between the two equations is that the Hamilton Equation of Motion is used for non-relativistic systems, while the Heisenberg Equation of Motion is used for relativistic systems.

2. What is the significance of the Hamilton Equation of Motion in quantum mechanics?

The Hamilton Equation of Motion is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics as it allows us to calculate the time evolution of a quantum mechanical system. This is crucial in understanding the behavior of particles and systems at the quantum level, and it has many applications in fields such as chemistry, nuclear physics, and materials science.

3. Can the Hamilton Equation of Motion be applied to all quantum systems?

No, the Hamilton Equation of Motion is only applicable to non-relativistic quantum systems. Relativistic systems require the use of the Heisenberg Equation of Motion, which takes into account the effects of special relativity.

4. How does the Hamilton Equation of Motion relate to the Schrödinger Equation?

The Schrödinger Equation is a more general version of the Hamilton Equation of Motion. It is used to describe the time evolution of a quantum system, but it can be applied to both non-relativistic and relativistic systems. The Hamilton Equation of Motion can be derived from the Schrödinger Equation by using the Hamiltonian operator.

5. Are there any limitations to the use of the Hamilton Equation of Motion?

Yes, the Hamilton Equation of Motion is limited to systems that can be described by a Hamiltonian operator. This means that it cannot be applied to systems with infinite degrees of freedom or those that involve strong interactions, such as those found in nuclear physics or high-energy particle physics. In these cases, more advanced equations, such as the Dirac Equation, are needed to accurately describe the system's behavior.

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